Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Epistemology of East and west combined medicine

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All my work implies a definite epistemology that defines evidence and truth. One must have a reasonably consistent epistemology that is shared, both to indicate joint acceptance, as well as differences derived from the epistemology. My father dismisses doctor opinions not relevant to his acute care based on the fact of contradictory changing advice. It helps to label disclosed facts with a year, which indicates that the subject believed it as fact and generalized shared opinion, called common sense of that time. Most facts are assumed believed from common-sense, differences from doctor opinion, friend, more believable etc. of the period, even though distinct from prevailing common-sense.


One very important contribution to derived facts is from common-sense prevailing. The prevailing common sense is greatly affected by opinions of the celebrities of the period. So important that is that it is the advertisement target. But that ignores hidden persuaders of the period, in politics and law. It is utterly shameful that the real culprit behind diabetes and heart problems was wrongly and knowingly considered to saturated fat, instead of sugary substances. Even more shameful is the legal action on stevia that delayed it by forty years (Japan admitted it in 1970’s versus Europe and US in 2010’s). That excess of calories, in whatever form, is bad was never stressed. Obesity epidemic in US is a fact. Even worse is India, where obesity is a fundamental vice of all that escape poverty and get delivered to doctors instead! Here, obesity is neither non-vegetarian nor fat-based, but from excess of carbohydrate calories from breads and sweets.


In other words, best that can be done is exercise. But above 60, it is silly to even walk long, for you get tired and discover all kinds of internal excuses for a very stupid behavior, including why it is not sane to exercise! Having faced the decline in motivation and suppressing ALL the stupid excuses, I belived four things a few years back.


1.       Assume that physicians are narrow experts, hence read up extensively, never take their word blindly. A doctor I wonderful in acute care, but just normal guesser in chronic management.
2.       Consider old age a magnifying disease very much like diabetes is – perhaps even causing the new disease processes.
3.       Decide on exercise as the solution and investigate what was causing my un-motivation and how to re-motivate using supplements. Supplements don’t give me life, just motivation for exercise.
4.       Physicians do not understand all the cycles effected by chemicals or old useful natural body chemicals. Glucose becomes an enemy in old age. Metformin causes cell densification apart from just reducing sugar release.
I can report on personal success, controlling diabetes caused (but NEVER convinced of, small vessel blood flow problems) eye cataract pair, sugars, loss of upper jaw teeth, heart bypasses, liver and kidney, legs and soles. I still control them by diet and exercise except the heart.

Even in the nineties, I will be lifting weights and be on the tread-mill. Walking or tread-mill, both fast, are aerobic. But you start progressive loss of muscle strength and some weight lifting anaerobic exercise is a must! I do 30 min morning, 30 min night six days a week and fast the skip day. Starting sixty makes me feel BETTER than 40! I will be fit when Singularity comes. Even my mind has improved some. No matter if I distrust everyone but the very close, or think sometimes of ending it all. I extrapolate that I will have many centuries to work on my brain!

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