Sunday, October 8, 2017

NR or NMN – Robust Life Extension choices

Robust Life Extension has CSM (commonsense semantics) not discussed here. Both violate EBM (evidence based medicine), my epistemology, but are still discussed here. My belief is in EBM proof (CDA does), except when deviating for explicit zed discussable reason, like this, by all EBM believers, extrapolating from known science. Tomes, respected opinions, experience etc. are ignored.
My simplified Model break cellular energy Krebs cycle into three sub cycles – citric acid, ADP-ATP, and NAD+-NADH. ADP-ATP is catalyzed by a coenzyme which is assisted by Q10. Hence exists the coQ10 with known non-toxicity.  NAD+ also declines with age. There is no way to directly increase NADH known. NAD+ increment is the game. If not incremented directly, then do by precursors. There are many including NR, NAM,  NAN, NMN etc. One expensive way is Chromadex monopoly NR. Another way, mildly less expensive is NMN. Chromadex NP averages $1.5-$3.0 per day for 250-500 mg. NMN route is $0.87 for 479 mg/day. It is good to have competition. Of course company{alivebynature} implies but avoids stating superiority over NR. NMN is available starting middle October 2017.
My theory is availability for sane experimentation by extrapolation, strong belief in cutting edge supplementation for father, accept only EBM or experiments are sane if sane  researchers have started human tests.
This is the sales-write-up (like a paper hence at least respectful) I want readers to comment on. Looks safe to try, (recommended by Sinclaire, MIT-PhD, HARVARD-MD/discovered SIRT-1/Reservetrol/sold for 750M$/Can’t be hungry). Also it is said to have anti-diabetes side-effects.
Not recommended or disapproved by FDA. But at worst: a waste of money; at best: robust life extension towards singularity; neutral: expensive anti-diabetic. Note that anti-oxidants reduce the anti-aging properties of metformin in worms due to mitohormosis. But
The administration of metformin (MET), glibenclamide (GLI), and repaglinide (REP) exhibited significant reduction in the malondialdehyde (MDA) concentration and considerable improvement in the altered activities of antioxidant enzymes. This establishes the fact that they provide additional antioxidant protection as antidiabetic drugs, thereby protecting the pancreas from oxidative stress-induced damage during diabetic complications.
Moral is when top-level doctors disagree, it may make sense to shoot blindly if safe!

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