Tuesday, May 16, 2017

A gas station in space


When enough fuel [on moon] is being produced, and the shuttle delivery system is tested and reliable, our plan calls for building a gas station in space. The shuttles would deliver ice directly to the orbiting fuel depot, where it would be processed into fuel and where rockets heading to Mars or elsewhere could dock to top up.

The depot would have large solar arrays powering an electrolysis module for melting the ice and then turning the water into fuel, and large fuel tanks to store what's made. NASA is already working on most of the technology needed for a depot like this, including docking and fuel transfer. We anticipate a working depot could be ready in the early 2030s, just in time for the first human missions to Mars.

To be most useful and efficient, the depot should be located in a stable orbit relatively near both the Earth and the moon. The Earth-moon Lagrangian Point 1 (L1) is a point in space about 85 percent of the way from Earth to the moon, where the force of Earth's gravity would exactly equal the force of the moon's gravity pulling in the other direction. It's the perfect pit stop for a spacecraft on its way to Mars or the outer planets.

Dr. Arya anti-aging plan for self

Mind you, while goal is immortality, I refuse to take risks to equally satisfactory amortality (diseased only at ends). Diabetes Drug Metformin Could Slow Down Aging Process, Let Us Live 120+ Years! BTW 99.99% religious and 75% doctors indifferent to bio-chemist living in wolkencuckosheim.

In general, I ignore the legal system as easily bamboozled morons when it comes to medicine and science, particularly which doesn’t self-recognize lawyers bullshit and take corrective steps! Quintessential example is allowing fats to be blamed in diabetes and 40 year legal delay in stevia. There is nothing stupider  than a judge trying to synthesize conflicting expert testimonies without an imposed external philosophy of science, proficiency required! At least, the imposition will improve on errors!

                Calcium and iron deficiencies are not uncommon in diets in developing countries where less meat is eaten and there is high consumption of phytic acid from beans and unleavened whole grain bread. Calcium-deficiency  causes osteoporosis while Fe-deficiency is anemia, both widely prevalent in india hence guilty-unless-innocent! Both reduce age also bad symptoms on aging ie anti-amortality in my neologism.

Mitochondria have 3 energy cycles, replenished by monosacchrides from food – citric acid, atp-adp, nadh-nad+;  increasing importance, energy-reduced order.

Anti-oxidant class:  for NAD+ and NADH: The energy storage in body uses Mitochrondia as chargeable cells. Electrons move from NADH to discharge as NAD+. Food recharges again. There is no direct path to NADH. NAD+ can be generated two ways – de novo - fresh new by amino acid synthesis and by salvage cycle. Nad+ increase is desired. Precursor are fastings, exercise, calorie-restriction and chemicals.  Each has a sweet spot, utility falls after. Too much fasting, calorie-restriction, exercise or chemical-precursor are harmful. Easiest and 99% thuggery of partial morons is in chemical-precursor where bio-availability matters and a thug-criminal can truthfully claim precursor-ness. You can do do better two ways – increase nad+ or decrease the oxidation junk.

Nad+ can be increased in many ways – (its salt). This list is NOT ordered by percentage or importance or free of BAD effects (like FAT). Its value-free scientific list. Needed for understanding exceptions. – indicates self-adopted. ? is may.
o    - 7) Fructose

Possibly dangerous Supplement chemicals

Supplements to Increase NAD+

  1. Nicotinamide Riboside
  2. Oxaloacetate
  3. Malic acid (R)
  4. Resveratrol (R)
  5. Apigenin (R)
  6. Leucine (R)
  7. Niacinamide – low doses (R).
  8. Lithium inhibits mir-34a, which inhibits NAMPT, the enzyme that makes NAD+ (R)  So lithium should technically increase NAMPT and NAD+ by taking the breaks away from its production.
  9. Succinic acid – to a lower degree than malate (R)
Next what to avoid, if possible, that increase ageing rates.
·         Factors that Decrease NAD+
o    2) Disrupted Circadian Rhythm (sleep-wake)
o    3) Overeating
o    5) Alcohol

Anti-oxidants reduce the wastage from oxidation in the cycle. An antioxidant is a molecule that inhibits the oxidation of other molecules. Oxidation is a chemical reaction that can produce free radicals, leading to chain reactions that may damage cells. Antioxidants such as thiols or ascorbic acid (vitamin C) terminate these chain reactions. The term "antioxidant" is mainly used for two different groups of substances: industrial chemicals which are added to products to prevent oxidation, and natural chemicals found in foods and body tissue which are said to have beneficial health effects.
The oxidation junk produced accumulates – that is what aging is. Key preventions are anti-oxidants like resveratrol, glutathione

Drug class: For ATP-ADP cycle, best is metformin.
I am scared of new ones, accepting ONLY with century use ( i.e. GRAS and beyond), hence stevia is ok, Atkin’s diet is ok despite expert noises. The legal system has no techniques in importance management beyond the dumb dice-roll of higher court allowance to listen! Fortunate to me, enough hard work has been done to distil to three chemicals and organise methods around them.
                A miracle drug is metformin used for 1st line diabetes-2 drug, safe enough to be used in non-diabetic. Available as plant product from Goat's rue, French lilac, Italian fitch, and professor weed are all names for the same plant: Galega officinalis.
Beside anti-aging and anti-diabetes, metformin is also useful for anti-cancer. Safe enough to be used by non-diabetic. Historically, plant extracts have been used in Europe to treat plague, worms, snake bites, miasma, dysuria and St Vitus dance..

Rejected hence are precursor-chemicals and HGH (human growth hormone) after dispassionate extensive study.

                1 hum,anm growth harmone

                stem cells
                NAD : Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide - Wikipedia, https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Nicotinamide_adenine_dinucleotide

severe problems


Dr. Arya self-imposed copyright laws

1 It is free, I say what I like. No incentives or disincentives.
2. Hope brief (certain) useful (to me at least) researched (references)
3 I don’t distinguish between charging adster help, product sellers, donation seekers, product sellers, criminals and thugs. ANY law agency that seeks to impose that distinction by necessity is a criminal violator of my natural rights and will be searched for unnatural punishment for life, everywhere.
4 Only legitimate way to charge for information is to sell the key to an encrypted copy that works only on one copy and forbid availability in any other key or none. I will accept the copyright of my jurisdiction and forced armed neutrality to avoid all other personal cases in all other jurisdictions.

A legitimate copy can be referenced, requiring a veracity-checker to obtain a copy somehow.

The information on this page and in the book, and the references cited are for information purposes only, and are not intended to treat, diagnose or prescribe for any illness or condition. For your specific diagnosis and treatment, consult with your doctor or health care provider. Only a Legally recognized Doctor can take responsibility!

The information on this page and in the book, and the references cited are for information purposes only, and are not intended to treat, diagnose or prescribe for any illness or condition. For your specific diagnosis and treatment, consult with your doctor or health care provider. Only a Legally recognized Doctor can take responsibility!

Disclaimer: The information on this page and in the book, and the references cited are for information purposes only, and are not intended to treat, diagnose or prescribe for any illness or condition. For your specific diagnosis and treatment, consult with your doctor or health care provider. Only a Legally recognized Doctor can take responsibility!

Thursday, May 11, 2017

Big bang common misconceptions

If you need big bang science info, you are stupid anyway and waste of following effort. Assume you understand science reasons andare  normal human. In that case you certainly have misconceptions clarified today.  But first “why care?”, a philosophy-science reason why it matters.

So now you know why cosmology is so important to me – the very purpose to agnostic science life. Misconceptions next, summarizing the source.

Reason why certain you have misconception is because the red shift essential to astronomy has two parts – Doppler effect and general theory of relativity,

1.       Space routinely spreads apart at velocities greater than light! That means that two distant points visible to us are moving apart at super luminous speeds in an effect NOT forbidden by special relativity!

2.       If we draw a sphere of points velocity of light away, we get the Hubble sphere. Yet we can see universe outside! This is because the points outside were in Hubble-sphere of the past! Due to super luminous spread of space, can be still visible!

3.       The red-shift of galaxies receding at light speed is about 1.5. There are thousands of objects with red shift more than that! The redshift of a disappearing object is infinity, happens in reducing infinite  time series that terminates in finite time!

4.       The big bang was not a bomb that went off in the center of the universe and hurled matter outward into a pre-existing void. Rather it was an explosion of space itself that happened everywhere, similar to the way the expansion of the surface of a balloon happens everywhere on the surface. But the bomb model is one of the many! Similarly, time could have a beginning or continuous existence.
5.       In my aqgs-model, time extends to –ve infinity, with big-bang-big-crunch devastations to reset the qubit-information and entropy, till an infinite universe is reached, hopefully with at least one seed of life, technologically capable of crushing entropy in the infinite phase. It may be our destiny to spawn such gods.

6.       People often assume that as space expands, everything in it expands as well. But this is not true. Expansion by itself—that is, a coasting expansion neither accelerating nor decelerating—produces no force. Photon wavelengths expand with the universe because, unlike atoms and cities, photons are not coherent objects whose size has been set by a compromise among forces. A changing rate of expansion does add a new force to the mix, but even this new force does not make objects expand or contract.

7.       WRONG: The universe is 14 billion years old, so the radius of the observable part is 14 billion light-years. RIGHT: Because space is expanding, the observable part of our universe has a radius of more than 14 billion light-years. 

8.       WRONG: Yes. Expansion causes the universe and everything in it to grow. Consider galaxies in a cluster. As the universe gets bigger, so do the galaxies and the overall cluster. The edge of the moves outward. RIGHT: No. The universe grows, but coherent objects inside it do not.

Astrophysics is very counter-intuitive challenging fun subject. These are just from general relativity. Next throw-in quantum mechanics!

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Better Know terms 2017

From a forbes article comes this survey. It is useful for it filters useful things from a meaningful empirical perspective and saves on googling.

Not just 3, I think all are important to ANYONE claiming to be literate in 2017, and a discardible OIE, if a politician!
IoT: It has started. Intuitively internet of things, likely even more revolutionary than internet. Needs me to finish so that hacking criminality can be killed. On it, you can quiz appliances at home, start and stop them, chest surgical add can talk to doctor device , operate car entry remotely etc.

The Internet of Things: Evolution or Revolution?


API: a set of functions and procedures that allow the creation of applications which access the features or data of an operating system, application, or other service.

Application programming interface - Wikipedia

AI: Artificial intelligence - Wikipedia

AR: Augmented reality - Wikipedia

VR: Virtual reality - Wikipedia

MR: Mixed reality = VR/AR Part of AR is opaque and used as a screen for VR.
Machine learning: same as deep Learning.
Deep learning: Learning without being taught, no low level algorithms! Deep learning algorithms transform their inputs through more layers than shallow learning algorithms. At each layer, the signal is transformed by a processing unit, like an artificial neuron, whose parameters are 'learned' through training. Revolution in AI!

Deep learning - Wikipedia

Neural nets: Architecture for deep learning.
NVIDEA marvel:
Intel Xeon Phi processor: Intel reply to Nvidea.
Microsoft FPGA: for deep learning.
Block chain: Distributed self-organizing database, right now currencies and coupons, As revolutionary as deep learning, a m ajor new concept.

Bots: Internet bot - Wikipedia

An Internet Bot, also known as web robot, WWW robot or simply bot, is a software application that runs automated tasks (scripts) over the Internet. 

Drones:       The Best Drones of 2017 | PCMag.com

A high-quality drone is a serious investment. We've flown them all, and these are the top performers in our tests.

Autonomous vehicles:

An autonomous car (also known as a driverless car, auto, self-driving car, robotic car) is a vehicle that is capable of sensing its environment and navigating without human input. Many such vehicles are being developed, but as of May 2017 automated carspermitted on public roads are not yet fullyautonomous.

Autonomous car - Wikipedia

A model for century 21

Marx had mistaken ideas about 19th. Lenin and Mao extended the wrong creed but creditable effort. Hitler found support in anti-Semitism and extreme right, imposing mistaken-burden on every nationalist that followed, even if open to international cooperation. Simple aaqgs-point is this – nationalism is ultimately adopted by those who admit their ideology is NOT a universal truth, every nation has its own best strategy, it is strongly aaqgs-supported because it is fundamental devolution.
European union is too early for it pretends that its component nations can see national interest being best served by a union of economies and laws. It served a purpose once, but no more. It will again serve a purpose but aaqgs-says never a social union, nationalism will rise and devastate even the economic union.

SAARC is my central interest and is ready for economic union and social devolution using aaqgs-adhar. One can view SAARC as a collection of states of the old nations, each component with own passport linked to aaqgs-adhar. Fundamental difference to current adhar is maintenance of privacy on top of all the benefits. Public release and hacking has no deleterious effort. One never uses adhar directly, only a year valid exponential of the usual adhar modified by an unknown exponent function. A number of privacy features follow, the single bio-map of adhar is kept, but the year long adhar (or even weekly) adhar of no one is same or computable! Fucked are all businesses, US spy-agencies, hacker-thugs and similar criminals.

A number of criminal-motherfuck schemes have been designed using aaqgs-adhar. For example, corrupt railway sellers and reservation TTI can be emfubarred in court-satisfactory ways. The scheme is very very general, adhar is wonderful but new, not used for privacy attacks yet, but will be very soon and THOSE abuses have been wrongly solved in more capable west by not creating adar equivalents! Indian supreme court has forbidden forced use of adhar for benefits. A likely salutary judgment on plain adhar (WRONG judicial reason likely. It will justify even on aaqgs-adar!)
The main point is that aaqgs-adhar will support regional passport schemes as well as economic  union with social-devolution with none of the problems of plain adhar.

Gig economy

One rather basic point is “What about jobs”. Modi considers wrongly that India is blessed with demographic abundance. Current problem is “what jobs requires a human  because better than a program”. Reasoin is simple – whole groups of jobs are set to vanish – autonomy- driving, sharing economy, 3D printers, medicine cafes etc. Critical is US-India tech gap is 1 year! Uber, Lyft, Airnbnb etc are in India, as is amazon. The new businesses are MORE reliable and better than the past!

In US, the concern is rapidly increasing class of useless. India US rule of thumb is 1$ = 2R service, 1$=50R manufactured. In PPP terms, India & japan lost 70% value over 2000-2016, while eu gained 12% and Germany 35%.


Remains a lone bright spot. However, the speed of development is so high, that working lives is of 25 years, then uselessness. Structured programming died by 1990. Early object orientation by 2000. Visual programming by 2010. Android programming now. It will die by 2020. What next? Million dollar question, my answer is Giant database based AI. Nvidia makes a product avaible combining IBM and Google terabyte databases. Essential for AI based on neural nets. Voice interfaces have just begun and will sweep the market by 2020. Already, you can get amazon or “OK, Google” products, voice enabled TV remotes etc. Quickly, cloud based interfaces will appear in ALL consumer products.

No sale of un enabled products, no programming jobs for people incapable of voice api, standardized later! Clearly aaqgs-forecast is different!

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Acute and chronic diseases

I have always wondered why application of scientific method fails in medicine for chronic diseases. Essentially, the trust in advice of allopaths in chronic diseases is low. Scientific methodology i.e. measurement and animal models are employed by Ramdev in state-of-the-art facility to position Ayurveda successfully as cutting edge plantation based medicine. But why will he & modern medicine practitioners get poor results?
There are at least two flaws, applicable to mm and Ramdev both – short term positives and placebo-nocebo effects.
  1. Episodic versus historical statistics.
  2. 1.The failure is systemic and will require CHANGE in methods of data collection and analysis (historical not episodic statistics). Placebo is curing from believed proper care and nocebo is reporting expected side-effects! It is particularly true in transient diseases – very common in acute care requirement. The number of patients who THINK homeopath-criminals are particularly good at curing colds is legion! Further cleverer studies can usually remove the effect. Another famous homeopath-exposure-method is for a group to drink the most potent medicine of a system by liters!
  3. Short term positives – well known to addiction therapists. If you feed an alcoholic wine to one trying to quit, addict feels better for a short time, even though very injurious long term! Same is likely in insulin in diabetes-2. A standard prescription across many religions is periodic fasting. Under doctor care, does it work? Trying, detox diet is much easier and may work – fasting with green tea, stevia lemonade and watermelon. Goal is crushing of hunger pang, not speed since it looks like this periodic fasting benefits many systems and can be continued for life. There are many pain-suppressing medicines and drugs. It is common for physician at border to prescribe alleviations in guise of cures. Patient feels better, praises the doctor, moves away from border, continues the prescriptions, and the disease returns! Can blame the moving away, lost contact, even medicine admixtures! But not the motherfucker thug! I call it short term positives. A drug may prove to be short-term beneficial but long-term cancerous. Hence very important to suffer whenever medicine that fixes is under 50 years old, unlessokayed by a physician with enormous practice and reputation od being conservative; or rquired for emergency purposes.
    Ayurveda has the concept of kiaya-kalpa where fasting is carried out with one thing allowed – lemonade, skim-milk etc. Since total disrespect to Ayurveda, why only one? May be my kaya-kalpa will happen with these, more than 1, we shall see!
    So I am original nut not following strict mm or Ayurveda solely widely read rational skeptic conservatively experimenting with self. Unreasoned detractors, please lay off for your own good.

In other words, hundreds of empirical flawed experiments, published in peer-reviewed journals, likely mean nothing!