Beyond excellent imaginative fiction as Ramayana and Mahabharata, or todays sci fi since Jules Verne, is it possible to speak about non-existent things but those the imagination is provably more believable than fiction?There are some imaginations that sound fiction but are not, multi-verse for example. There is a very simple reason for its bigness, no one has been able to construct any model of the cosmology that does not produce consistent solutions valid in other universes!
1. There is another reason which is sensible-faith like mine, lot-better than my colleagues! In sensible-faith, every thing is open to questioning, empirical things are carefully (allow for prestidigitation magicians) accepted due to senses, and all others are consequences of sane extrapolation, however strange. Sane extrapolation properties will be discussed, right now one can not extrapolate conflicting with no-go theorems. For example, I believe in very normal quantum mechanics absent spookiness and non-locality of entanglement. That is how I sidestep Von neumann no-go theorem! The resulting BB interpretation of QM puts me in minority but so what – the idea of wave-function collapse (implies moon exists only when some one looks at it) or many-worlds is (new copy of entire universe per quantum event) considered far spookier!
My belief in immortality follows from absence of any no-go theorems that block except the mathematical certainty of eventual destruction of any non-growing system against which I can counter-posit limited finite strength of real stressors and plenty of death-less infinite time to do anti-fragility a la Taleb! My 200 years life gives you immortality through migration to electronics Guess who thinks like me – Elon Musk!
or Guardian
or me
Other efforts
After disrupting the way we love, communicate, travel, work, and even eat, technologists believe they can solve the ultimate problem. Perennially youthful Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and his wife Priscilla Chan announced last year a $3 billion initiative to obliterate human disease. Among his many crusades, Paypal co-founder and Trump advisor Peter Thiel aims to end mortality. (“Basically, I’m against it,” he has said.) Alphabet has a whole company devoted to curing this most intractable of inconveniences.
Silicon Valley Would Rather Cure Death Than Make Life Worth Living
Take home points -
1. Faith is stupid, always in/thru some lazy tome-trotting religious thug in robes! Sensible belief in non-empirical narratives is based on extrapolation, ALWAYS missing in religious thugs!
2. Many fiction-writers, political sleight-of-hand, impossible leaders etc unknowingly fall to no-go theorems like 2nd-law, quantum-mechanics, general relativity, quantum no-go etc. It is the best technique to mother-fuck lawyers and politicians. Just keep a stupid demeanor, rather easy this brown American!