Saturday, September 9, 2017

Comed Management: both CoQ10 & Niagen

Latest self link
To summarize extensive research, there are 4 aaqgs-aging assists towards 1st singularity - ECP, Niagen, CoQ10 and metformin, that each have credible scientific support, ongoing studies, but no conclusive proof. aaqgs-aging requires life-extension and/or robust life - either your age is extended significantly, failing which QoL (quality of life) is improved significantly, or both. ECP and CoQ10 have QoL proof and age-extension mm reputation, Niagen and Metformin have age-extension belief and rationally backed seller reputation. Metmorphin also improves QoL by fighting cancers through densification of cells.

The figure above is remarkable in that it simplifies my thinking, predicts my sister experiences, explains why chromadex advice is unsound etc., beyond why it works at all. Point is the central double box marked NAD+ and ATP depletion. These are 2/3 (citric Acid unimportant any way) premier energy cycles in cell chemistry with these depleted ALWAYS on aging. CoQ10 addresses ATP_ADP cycle. Nicotanamide riboside addresses NAD+_NADH cycle. It is silly to focus on just one! You feel enervation from just Niagen, as my sister reported. Prior to this, she was just on CoQ10 or Niagen! MY comed recommendation is BOTH, will start self-test as soon as Niagen arrives. Strictly by theory, to be empirically tested, 200 mg CoQ10 (trikatu, triphala contraindicated byDiabetes) and 250 mg Niagen at night (after another test).

A proven dangerous QoL improvement (requires MD) for (some) males is to be injected with testosterone 2-6 weeks. Works for many Steroid class drugs but dangerous.

To understand this figure, apoptotisis (programmed death) and necrosis (injury death) are two ways cells die. Programmed death is e.g. how digits are formed in womb - cells send messages to intervening cells to die! Unfortunately, after DNA damage, cells may die in old age for no good reason. Cell death is why damage is cumulative!

The other self-test is economics based. 250 mg Niagen raises NAD+ within 24 hours, 500 mg even more.

1.       If you do nothing, it rapidly falls to 0 and stays there.

2.       If you switch to maintenance dose as recommended, the NAD+ stabilizes to some quantity driven by dose – 250-500 mg optimally.

3.       My experiment with self, based on feeling energetic – switch to 10% cost Niacin till next Niagen boost. Both Niagen andNiacin are no flushing B3. Niacin raise of NAD+ concentration is glacial – hence need Niagen. BUT no one has thought of Niacin as maintenance dose! Idea is avoid costly Niagen for very long! So quaff 500 mg Niacin, be on niacin for 1,2,4,8,0 days before next Niagen 500 and see how it works! Theory suggests that BOTH plus Niacin maintenance should work better than 400 mg per day CoQ10 now. If not, rid Niagen! CoQ10 works!

All this effort makes sense as tree-like singularity gathers steam!

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Trikatu and triphala medicine

Having crossed into the latter part of my life, while reasonable tastiness and lack of effort still remain important, wild curiosity of taste and taste dominion over me has vanished. Unlike many of my friends here, the epistemology of informed choice is important but not recommendations of friends, being very important as filters on reading, but totally useless for increasing evidence level, even if based on claimed experience, critical however in what NOT to do!

First study element – what is free radical & why bad?
Where do they come from?
What is an oxidant?

Very informative must read, assumed read well.

The critical post-read question is what anti-oxidant are good for which free radicals? Here is anti-supplement-industry advice - they work on all BUT most are very fragile and sane only as injections. This is true for Glutathione and Reservetrol products. Also all are available in foods but in very small quantities and pills make sense because the equivalents in food route would be ridiculous amounts of food! Finally, 99% of industry is made up of marketing thugs and there is NO sane way to select since neither India nor USA has FDA/like certifying (even then legal shenanigans as in stevia) and only organizations as Cochrane collaboration and SENS make sense, BUT neither provides hand holding through supplement thicket. Own prejudice - very skeptical of west unless evidence based or very large number of yes medicine nobel laureate votes as for coQ10, mitoq and niagen; or several thousand year experience as in Ayurveda AND reliable suppliers like Ramdev. Personal prejudice - FDA is strong evidence, FSSAI weak, missing both very doubtful.

What is a vitamin?

Vitamins are chemicals, with required levels, whose concentrations under the guidelines cause a disease. Supplement concentrations are hundreds of times more. That is because we concentrate on something not even considered a FDA disease – aging! The equivalents in my lingo are aaqgs-supplements which are eaten to improve certain concentrations of aaqgs-indicator-chemicals which in turn are defined by important constituents of some reactions, whose concentration declines with age.

Why go for high supplement amounts?

There are 3 aaqgs-barriers which need to be overcome by any supplement eaten.

1.       Stomach-blood barrier
2.       Blood cell barrier
3.       Cell-wall –mitochondria barrier

Crossing each reduces the concentration to a fraction. If 10% is aborbed, delivered concentration is 10.00 % of the input

When is lower amount as good?

The stomach-blood barrier can be breached in 4 ways

1 Inject directly: Example is Glutothione

2. Modify the molecule: Example is MitoQ which significantly (200+) times more effective than coQ10, ie 1 mitoq=5mg CoQ10 is like 1000-5000 mg coQ10!

3. Mix west and west: example is bioPerine in CoQ10

4. Mix East and West! Example is my plan – Trikatu Niagen etc, Triphala Niagen etc.

4000 year old eastern medicine Ayurveda believes that Trikatu and Triphala are two ingredients that improve absorption through the stomach wall. If the improvement is x%, it is equivalent to eating x% more medicine. I can anecdotally say that indeed bioPerine in 3. above, works for me.

Triphala benefits
Apart from breach, the two have beneficial properties that come for free!

25 Triphala Powder Benefits at a Glance
Health Benefits
Natural antioxidant
Cancer fighter
Natural laxative and colon cleanser
Supports and improves digestion and absorption
Aids weight loss
Boosts immunity
Alleviates and corrects constipation
Purifies the blood
Anti-inflammatory and arthritis helper
Anti-allergic properties
Relieves bone and joint pain
Nurtures voice quality
Strengthens hair roots
Improves eyesight
Regulates blood pressure
Lowers cholesterol
Maintains good reproductive health
Nourishes and strengthens the respiratory tract and the lungs
Good for diabetics
Hair Benefits
Strengthens hair roots 
Enrich hair color
Treats dandruff
Skin Benefits
Treats acne and eczema
Rejuvenates skin (Whiten your skin naturally)
Reduces dark circles

Ayurvedic Health Benefits ofTrikatu :

·         1.It is strong stimulant and is used for both respiratory and digestive system. It treats congestion, cold and revives the organic functions that are weak.
·         2.It rejuvenates the lungs and especially, for people with kapha constitutions.
·         3.It has aphrodisiac properties that strengthens the functioning of the reproductive organs. It also energizes the reproductive organs and it also increases the sperm count in men.
·         4.It is digestive and anti-mucus powder that improves respiratory and gastric function.
·         5.It also helps in treating digestion when it is weak, high cholesterol, hypothyroid, obesity, edema and slow metabolism.
·         6.It is a safe stimulant and expectorant.
·         7.It also has carminative, anti-allergenic, anti-flatulant and natural antihistamine properties.
·         8.It is effective in curing dyspepsia and helps in proper circulation, provides heat to warm digestion and prevents the formation of gastric mucosa.
·         9.It also promotes the production of digestive juices and increases the appetite in a person. It stimulates secretion of hydrochloric acid. It also stops the gaseous distension.
·         10.It also helps in the rapid absorption of the nutrients in to the digestive tract.
·         11.It is the best drug for anti-obesity and helps to rid your body off the excessive fats and cholesterol.
·         12.It also reduces inflammations and pain.
·         13.It enhances the metabolic rate and the thermogenic effect.These properties helps in supporting the respiratory health.
·         14.It also increases the bioavailability of the foods, nutrients and medicines and is an essential part in many of the multi-herbal preparations.
·         15.It is also used to treat abdominal and gastric disorders and other disorders like pyrexia, insomnia and dysentery.

Triphala contraindications

1. Not Safe During Pregnancy:

2. Causes Diarrhea:

3. Causes Dehydration

4. Causes Stomach Upset excessive pressure and bloating.

5. Affects the Colon i.e. diarrhea.

6. May disrupts Sleep Routine (starting):

7. Increases Blood Sugar Level:

8. Causes Unwanted Weight Loss:

9. Causes Allergic Reactions:

10. Might Interact Negatively With Certain Prescribed Drugs:

Bad with p450 enzymes. Include acetaminophen, paracetamol, caffeine, ibuprofen [blood thinning medication]; warfarin and fluvoxamine [antidepressant drug], and diazepam [most popular sedative drug]. Triphala marginally negatively impacts the working of these drugs.Start triphala churna with low dose. never this drug along with a meal.
It is my belief that one should NOT start any neutracutical without competent expert advice by at least a knowledgeable supplement instructor. Even better a knowledgeable doctor but not any doctor. Also FDA has not endorsed aging as a disease or any anti-age products. FSSAI does approve CoQ10 and this is considered weak evidence.

Thursday, August 31, 2017

From investigator to manager

Three questions were basic beyond the simplistic observations – a weltanschauung – what was the reality I was bathed in, how could I prolong my and parent’s interesting lives and determine answers to relevant question without manipulation and bias.

And I obtained answers satisfactory to me, consistent to treatments of aging disease (FDA does not think it is, I do), is consistent with modern medicine and lovely growable. Modern medicine is extrapolated to be best possible for acute phases and measurements in chronic diseases but limited in chronic diseases from study method limitations in chronic diseases when acute disease-like studies work on successful treatment of short episodes but NO solution as good for underlying disease! In fact, acute episodes in chronic care are still best handled by mm care!

Aging is a chronic disease. Strongest telltale signs are measurable chemical constant decline with age! Only long studies can ascertain if the right treatment is followed. Till then, acute care studies are needed. These however have a different meaning in my aaqgs treatment. An acute study returns three values – harmful, useful, and irrelevant. All harmful effects are obeyed. Useful effects are supported. However, once useful but now useless but unhurt full things consistent with sensible theory are okay.
1 Some supplements are ok, even if useless. However, supplement-usefulness may be cultural, e.g. cur cumin makes sense in the west but not in India.

2 Some supplement add are sensible based on long experience of native medicine but may be just harmless in west, e.g. trikatu. Even if known, the patented perfection, i.e. bioPerine® may or may not be extra-effective or even worse.

3 One must distinguish between quality hypothesization and study. The latter may result in less ambiguous high-quality results but may take time. Then quick informal but independently tested studies on hypothesis make sense in parallel to formal studies. That is certainly true with Niagen™ and claim of enhanced nicotanamide riboside (unless licensed) with integral trikatu by aaqgs. As a further proof, convincing to me, trikatu coq10 enhanced regular coq10 for me and will be tried by wife and parents.

Functions as manager

Given that Niagen™, CoQ10, Metformin and ECP have passed my filters over long study of literature (have avoided Reservetrol and Glutathione, yesterday hype) it follows need to
  Decide on endurance tests
 Dosages, justifications, (NR before meals, coQ10 with meals, ECP only after 1year gap etc)
Combination and when
  Stoppage and when (Niagen™ must be stopped 3 days after bottle out etc)
5Research on purchase quality, prices, taxes & source
What to add, when and how
What to remove, when and replacement

In short, My (six week retreat + see Delhi) idea makes sense! Staying at my site ensures healthy relevant food. ECP requires that long anyway! The idea of at-cost service for friends and relatives is useful for commercial side – new scientific ideas, no religious bullshit but free to believe whatever,  to defeat age-old problem of aging.

 Motto – how to die young at very old age!

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Comed Product Ideas - Trikatu Niagen and Trikatu Metformin

self link for latest

Sane (= scientific anti-religion anti-political)  life extension readings are central to me.
·         Trikatu literally means "three pungents," it contains the herbs Black Pepper, Indian Long Pepper and Ginger
·         Supports the body's natural cleansing process
·         Supports gastric function and digestion
·         Supports the bioavailability of other nutrients by supporting normal absorption through the gastrointestinal tract
·         Traditional practitioners also use Trikatu to support normal function of the respiratory system and normal urinary tract function

It is supposed to increase the availability of other nutrients bysupporting normal absorption through the gastrointestinal tract. It may improve Niagen absorption! Remember the 3-aaqgs-barriers - stomach-blood, blood-cell-wall and mitochondria barriers. Latter requires equivalent of wittig reaction and may not even exist in many cases. The blood barrier may require IVF, injection route or large consumption assuming that some fraction goes through. Direct blood route demands exceptional purity and post-digestion chemicals. To avoid all kinds of problems, as in Glutathione, increased amount of chemical is better, but there are digestion effects and costs to consider. Trikatu supplementation, if it works, makes sense and trikatu itself is effect-less or positive effects when there is NO reaction with components of any significance- so says Ayurveda to me.

So my idea is Trikatu Niagen. Extensive works shows that 5 gm per Niagen pill is sufficient. So the idea is 250 mg Niagen with 2 gm trikatu. Increases the cost some, but is likely to improve Niagen effect, as experimented on self. None of Trikatu ingredients seem to have any chemical reaction with nicotanamide riboside. So I can try on self – 1 month plain and one month trikatu. I have also asked bioPerine people if they get interested. Note that bioPerine is basically a patented perfected form of trikatu.

My interest in this formulation is from bioPerine coQ10 which effectively works so that 1 pill is equivalent to double dosage to me! May be trikatu or bioPerine Niagen works as if 500 mg of Niagen were taken! The Niagen dose of 250-500 mg seems to work best. For cost reasons, I experiment with 250 m. I send a copy to Patanjali as well.

 The idea behind Trikatu Metformin is similar. Along with Niagen and coQ10, this is the only product considered aaqgs-proven for age-extension.

Disclaimer: FDA does not have endorsements of any age extension products. Above is only considered aaqgs-rational, enough only for self-trial.

Monday, August 28, 2017

The Real criminals in my aaqgs-weltanschauung

Goals of a weltanschaunng are simple - have a model of universe to know reality, of aging to decide on pattern of living, and of people to decide how the collective i.e. society acts. This is continuous investigations into behavior.

The unimaginable perfect way to criminality is become unconscious responsible criminals that oversee law! Responsibility, in aaqgs weltanschauung, overrides unconscious intent, hence existing lawyers and judges are philosophically jail-worthy guilty of unleashing fine-print-devil in guise of stare decisis. It follows that even if one court successfully leashes this devil, then by stare decisis, it stands in all courts in hierarchy or mutually respectful (base of law like Indian evidence act 1872 from Britain, also see USA rules).

The aaqgs solution i.e. mine is very simple – the semantics of any text is determined not by careful legal reading, but by a jury cursorily (time decided by legal determination).  Only if the defence has taken steps to ensure understanding (decided by cursory legality), will deeper semantics prevail. If excess time is required than the defender is guilty of attempting evil advertisement! If the lawyer is judged to waste time of court by advancing arguments judged to be fail-worthy by another judge, jailed (requires videotaping but not publication of tape). If a judge allows significant illegality, then judge jailed. The entire appeal system needs to be corrected! It’s like license-raj monstrosity in India. By required videotaping and possibility of adverse judgment on same facts, everyone is forced to be vigilant and fair!

My weltanschauung fails to distinguish between incompetent and criminal. From victim’s point-of-view, what’s the difference? Upper elements in a hierarchy, particularly job-givers, must be rewarded or punished, based on performance of the selected based on votes cast confidentially, consistent with reservation scheme, over some years like 1-3. This also applies to teachers, based on taxes paid by taught, once they turn, say 25, to say 35, diminished by that paid by parents, equally compared, corrected by inflation and national growth etc.

Roughly, I believe in skin-in-the-game and systems constructed such that it can be measured and be rewarded or punished, based on objectives of the system. For me, happiness means with high probability, a robust long behaviorally-happy life and outside chance of singularity, with needs consistent with what I own. In my sense I am happy and have set up world to remain so, improving some thru software and writings, and sisters' help, barring unforeseen.

Niagen best way

self-link to latest

IF you know 3 Americans WELL and they are interested in your health, you are convinced by Niagen and by my arguments why it will not fail like last (Reservetrol) hype, then the cheapest by my very extensive research is six pack by alive which is six bottles good for 250 mg per day for all year. Ask someone to send two each (or directly to you from 3 people in 3 parcels with names, ask senders for money). In this case, each gift is under R10,000, hence tax-free. Each person should affix, on top of each package a note loosely saying

MUST be removed by customs
Gift from <name, address>
To <name address>
Valued at 64*80 Rs. Hence way under 10,000

Customs may or may not remove the note, but MUCH better than putting a bill inside (then very likely a sale, not gift).

You can get Niagen for $20 a month. Most prices are near $40 per month. HPN is second best at $24 per month.

Horrible trick

Regardless of production and marketing reasons advanced, I consider following thug-like evil trick, indulged by MANY sellers of supplements, each horrible! This is distinction between serving and capsules, only clear by careful perusal of ad! CONSIDER THIS AD. Each capsule is 125mg, since each serving is 2 capsules. By twisted language, fast cursory consumers are fooled. Another common trick is "up to 40 %s off" or like, where the reference set is 100 items with NO discount, and one that nobody wants discounted 40%. I consider lawyers and judges allowing that philosophically jail-deservng responsible criminals, and requires, in my weltanschauung for semantics to be deciphered by legally-decided cursory reading by a jury! All kinds of fine print subhumans can be jailed. By holding law responsible, customary abuses can be handled even if cast in stone by stare decisis. Last is, in my weltanschauung, evil, not the basis of reasonable law!

Sunday, August 27, 2017

March to Singularity – Tissue Nanotransfection

self link for latest
There are 4 take-home from here

1.       How to predict an exponential process
2.       Singularity I seek
3.       Why this work is revolutionary for aging
4.       Why this work is on self-funding trajectory

Prediction on an exponential process is very hard, impossible by polynomial extrapolation, hence fundamentally anti-faith, i.e. mother-fuck the believers. Problem is that all polynomial extrapolation fails. You can still aaqgs-predict

1 By extrapolating on log or log-log graph. Crucial is predicting the polymerization of the process. Crucial also is time based resource-graph which has two y (an entity and resource) compared for same x i.e. time, population or money etc.

2 Predict by required steps, inter-step development is difficult to time-predict. What is required here is to have some idea of goal-sought and a feasible process to achieve the steps eventually. The requirement of existing science makes the process tech fi, far more believable than sci fi.
Indefinite life is a goal. One can chase quixotic dreams. Or lay out a tech fi process which cqan only go faster with sci fi developments. I am waiting for a singularity for robust lifespan in thousands of years within my achievable life span, time enough to deal with mental issues in TBI.
Since robust lifespan increase I look for, to increase lifespan, one has to deal with big-killer diseases that for now are heart failures, strokes and cancers. Within 20 years can be postulated turbine pumps that can surgically provide better pumping. To that day are coQ10 and ECP techniques.

Cancers are forestalled by greatly increasing sell density in tissues. That can be done by injecting stem cells in division areas. The idea is one of the cell lives – either a copy of the division cell smarter than the more robust but less experienced stem cell. Where will proper specialized cells come from? How will that go to where needed? The singularity I await looks a lot like trees! Precise location of stem cells is not needed

The process described in this reference is a major step towards my goal! The stem cells are post-harvest skin cells specialized and allowed to migrate from the skin-point. Overtime, they divide in the proper places! Animal specialization of iPS cells is done at the skin and for free, the specialized cells will participate only where needed!

Mark my words, predicting on an exponential curve – there is a revolution in Tissue nanotransfection which relates enormously to indefinite life!
Self-funding trajectory is enormous applications in regenerative medicine and cancers which in many cases are tumors that need to be surrounded and choked to death!

For the curious, not relevant but explain my searches are east+weat approach to boosting effectiveness, and the rationale of 4 choices ECP, Niagen, coQ10 and Metformin.