Thursday, April 22, 2021

Triage Rational Skepticism TRS


I finally know what my Weltanschauung is - science means RS, but I could not understand many temporal events as in business, politics etc and that meant a new element Temporal to yield TRS. This T is better captured by Triage like the Triage nurse or in biology where successful organisms in evolution have internal triage-directed nutrient consumption mutations. This is generalized to all social sciences, management and computer-science algorithms. That is how much power that the new T has, temporal and more when the system order is non-linear unlike just time. It can handle all linear orders like time and sortable non-linear as well..

Good assistants like triage nurse?

Triage nurse reorders arrivals by quick determination of needs and urgency of these needs and reorders the arriving patients by medical need urgency. It is very anti-commie (not seniority based) and anti-liberal (no allow all orders) and anti-libertarian (nurse decided) and anti-conservative (not money or seniority based).

TRS expresses a very different to liberal or conservative philosophies but always consistent even when coinciding with one and a proven contradiction removal method in compatible interests. I consider this as an original philosophical contribution and promise to link all comments.

Another very important application is evolution. We can agree that that surviving mutations are those that satisfy the environment better, but it seems that which form survives can be predicted by who utilizes the internal nutrient uses better, thereby allocating more resources to dangers presented by the environment now versus later IE by triage, Is one looks at vitamin k1 to k2, both are helpful to bones getting calcium but k1 has role in clearing blood path deposits too. It performs bone fix with much greater use than deposits. The deposit keep growing slowly but surely, It is called osteoarthritis. K2 cleans the paths equally. k1 is found in all green veggies, since one job is to assist chlorophyll in plants. K2 in fermented foods like soybean and some cheeses. Gut bio-me has some bacteria that convert k1 to k2. In any case, it is highly recommended as a supplement for non-soybean eaters. Two general ideas in evolution details if triage and multiple roles of a chemical.

One point about foodstuff derived chemicals is that they have some role in plants, likely different from animals and triage governs multiple in-body roles but these are fixed, not by current need but fixed in DNA. So in reality, fixed Triage is assumed in animals. A theory of triage use of micronutrientsexists.

Nurses are slowly capable of absorbing new triage and differ from resource allocations in animals. A full theory of micro-nutrient use by triage exists, strongly supporting this application but not as general. The triage theory posits that some functions of micronutrients (the approximately 40 essential vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, and amino acids) are restricted during shortage and that functions required for short-term survival take precedence over those that are less essential.

Triage in biology

Triage - Wikipedia

Triage is the process of determining the priority of patients' treatments by the severity of their condition or likelihood of recovery with and without treatment.


Triage | Selenium | Biology

Our triage analysis focused on within-­‐tissue hierarchies of SP activities or concentrations measured in vivo in experiments where the sensitivities of essential and nonessential SPs 


Vitamin K, an example of triage theory: is micronutrient ...

A triage perspective reinforces recommendations of some experts that much of the population and warfarin/coumadin patients may not receive sufficient vitamin K for optimal function of VKD proteins that are important to maintain long-term health.

biology immune system triage notes Flashcards | Quizlet

Triage. Assessment of the severity of patients' conditions and establishing a priority of treatment. Process used in battlefields, disaster areas, and emergency rooms to assign the order

Conservation Triage: Debating Which Species to Save and Why

Akin to triage in a medical emergency situation, this challenge has brought forth the idea of conservation triage and personal values relate to the study and practice of conservation biology.

Triage in AI and computer science

(PDF) Scaling up data curation using deep learning: An application to...

An application to literature triage in genomic. variation resources. Institute of Bioinformatics,

Why Bug/Defect Triage is Important in Software Testing

Defect triage is a process where each bug is prioritized based on its severity, frequency, risk, etc. Triage term is used in the Software testing / QA to define the severity a.

GitHub - hacetin/deep-triage: Implementation of 'DeepTriage: Exploring...

cd deep-triage python Contribution.

Triage in Management

Triage Definition - Investopedia

Triage is a management protocol that structures the incoming workflow by priority so that the most critical work is attended to first. The practice is most often used in hospitals and other...

Using Triage to Manage Process Workloads in Services

One of the most effective tools for dealing with congestion is triage. The principle of triage is the same whether you work in a hospital emergency room or office typing pool: Make sure that the most critical cases are dealt with first, and either take longer or use alternative methods for dealing with less-critical cases.


Triage Systems in Mass Casualty Incidents and Disasters: A ...

Triage is one of the key principles of the effective management of major emergencies. Triage is derived from the French word "trier", which means separating, categorising or classifying, and refers to the categorization, classification, and prioritization of patients and injured people, based on their urgent need for treatment,.


What is Project Triage - Task management guide

Project Triage is a process used to promptly analyze troubled projects from a portfolio to prioritize them, and to define the following actions based upon the current status of every project. It is usually performed at the end of accounting period, by the project manager.

The Principles of Triage in Emergencies and Disasters: A ...

7 Triage systems are one of the approaches used to manage resources and provide medical services to injured people in emergencies and disasters.

 Triage in Philosophy

Triage and Ethics | Journal of Ethics | American Medical ...

The term "triage" refers to the procedures clinicians use to prioritize prospective patients. In the background is the unhappy truth that, when vital resources are limited, some will not get what they need, at least not right away. One branch of the field of bioethics deals with the broad problem of allocating scarce medical resources.

Family Court Philosopher #21: Triage

This section was my workspace for philosophy essays between July 2006 and April 2008. ... No, here "triage" does mean somebody pobably dies, not quite the same as getting yourself a cup of coffee on your way to work in lieu of donating money to a charity. You'll never know if somebody died cause you decided to get a caramel machiatto.

Proning - Another effort

The latest link

What this note continues. So far, why care,how more! Proning can be done, patient awake or unconscious. If it is used, it will be visible in care pics on TV. Wireless and TV would be full of instructions!

Why care?

So far there is still no coordinated use. Why do I care? Not a citizen anymore! Governments are same everywhere! Happened to me about US INS (Then), helped by the USA congressman! Legislature is not the same and BJP is not Government. I care because I am still an Indian! If I can help, I must try. I owe so much to IIT Kanpur! Only US social security is above that! Forget the stupid triage system of the powers that be. I learned my life philosophy from this failure, except it is not over yet. Things could become lot worse.

Who is to blame?

Doctors are not all same. Proning is known to some. Why do they not fight, even if most do not know? The answer is in News. Those of Maharashtra are better than Delhi, in that they have successfully used lower oxygen rates! The shortages here are of their doing too! India with sane use can handle twice COVID-19 rate! 1.4 from rate lowering 1.4 from proning. No proning doctor fights. No sane use try! Government yes. Politician yes. Doctors too!

What beyond cry-baby, how more?

In a democracy, beyond Government and legislature are two - courts and Press. I take my fight to them. A few TV channels get the story next, as do some courts . Both know what to do if interested.

More help please?

Following chain; PM First, Government next, then politicians, we followed in proper order. TV DAMAGE PICTURES BURN ME. Any courts, channels or newspapers you think right.

Why should media/courts care?

 I am happily anonymous. One time you can shine!

Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Proning - Emergency help needed


Rarely I get so angry - PMO must have morons. My update for PM attention is now several days old, had a number to prove writing, but proning has not been mentioned, criminal deaths in oxygen shortage! Call for criminal investigation of PMO and emergency upload to joey - I neither have a telephone number nor email address. Request help from Sir saint (Baldev Rohra) in our group for emergency delivery to joey.

An important sidebar

 Given the state of oxygen supply, I strongly support the use of proning by doctors to know and advise their non-ventilator patients and general knowledge of you as patient yourself and helper to a sufferer. Proning is laying the patient chest down and fast large gulps of air at speed as if panting. This method is advocated by Dr. Guleria, director of AIIMS, Delhi, applied to a big-shot in government who lost his oxygen and was forced into proning. This trick was invented by US residents, interning in the USA, one year back.

Prone position is opposite of supine. Prone is chest down. A local TV recommended M3 PRC where P is prone that is said to improve OXY levels by 5-10 % after OXY levels fall to 92 and people rush to hospital. Many fewer will go into the cauldron of COVID-19. More OXY available for ventilator sick as oxy-connected patients can be reduced!

Proning is stupid to keep medical  knowledge from all doctors and all patients. Some ones are moronic. I also would ask for help in sending this letter to Lady Mamta in Bengal to ramp up pressure to be heard!! Sir Kejeriwal is also good suggestion. So is Sir Yogi.

Temporal Rational Skepticism


It is RS extended to cover statements missing from standard rational skepticism or Science that must be extended to cover temporal statements outside RS. The very concept of true is questionable in TRS and I adopt the Science definition of 5 sigma for scientific truth and 3 sigma for practical truths accepted in miss of counter truths.

Aging recommendations

I follow Dr. Audrey de Grey, creator of SENS, after rational skeptic analysis over 20 years. This note is nothing more than collection of his points selected by me to be worth following.

You'll read about healthy life extension, engineered longevity, and the development of rejuvenation biotechnology. What do these terms mean? Put simply, they refer to the use of new medical technologies to both increase healthy life span and reduce the risk of suffering age-related conditions in later life. It is doing the best we can with the very few proven (and limited) present day methods, far more effective methods for tomorrow.

Aging is an Enemy, So Fight It!

Aging saps our strength and ability to enjoy life, cripples us, and eventually kills us. Tens of millions die from medical conditions caused by aging each and every year, and a staggering amount of money is spent on trying - and failing - to cope with this ongoing disaster. Yet the risk of suffering age-related conditions in later life can be reduced for most people through diet and exercise. Furthermore, serious scientific efforts are presently underway to understand and intervene in the aging process - not just to prevent frailty and disease, but also repair and reverse the root causes of aging.

Some of these future therapies are already understood and envisioned in some detail, but remain in comparatively early stages of research. Others are just now starting to make the leap into clinical development. We would like these breakthroughs to happen while we are still alive and in good enough health to benefit from them: we miss out on so much as things stand today, pressed by the lack of time and our increasing frailty with age. Imagine instead a world in which everyone has the option of another tomorrow, and the health and vigor to enjoy it, each and every day. But how can we achieve this goal?

The Limited Means of Today, the Biotechnologies of Tomorrow

Despite amazing advances in understanding and treating age-related conditions (such as cancer, heart disease, dementia, diabetes, and many others), and despite the cries of the anti-aging marketplace, it is still the case that, for basically healthy people, no presently available therapy or tool is proven in humans to provide more than a fraction of the long-term benefits to health and life expectancy provided by regular exercise or a calorie restricted diet.Some classical preachings are true and nothing but serious aplication of timed rational skepticism TRS of Dr. Arun Arya will work. You can and should point out contradictions between his preachings and doings.

While it is true that no existing medical technology is proven to improve on these lifestyle choices here and now, today, in humans, this state of affairs will not remain true for many more years (2030 or earlier if most cancers become treatable). If you look to the laboratories, you will see that some researchers can greatly extend the healthy lives of many species, while others put forward clear plans to either slow aging through the manipulation of human metabolism or reverse aging by repairing the cell and tissue damage that causes age-related degeneration. Technology demonstrations for some of these approaches have been carried out in mice in recent years, producing benefits to health and extended healthy life spans. Treatments based on clearance of senescent cells have been demonstrated to reverse the progression of many currently untreatable age-related conditions in mice, for example. The first formal human clinical trials of therapies anticipated to either modestly slow aging or produce limited degrees of rejuvenation started up in 2017, and some of these trials have produced positive results, like senolytic drugs.

A future in which aging becomes a treatable condition awaits us, as time ticks away and, for now, we continue to age just like our ancestors did. This is an era of rapid progress in biotechnology and medicine. As the years pass, the remaining span of healthy life that you and I will likely live to enjoy is ever more determined by the ability of clinical medicine to revert and repair the causes of aging, and ever less determined by lifestyle choices. Medicine do not discrimminate between righteous and crimminal.

Thus when we reach for longer, we must ensure that the public is educated, the fundamental longevity science is funded, the clinical applications of that research fully developed, and the resulting rejuvenation biotechnologies made available - and all this as soon as possible. The clock is ticking, after all, and this is the only approach that will allow us live for significantly longer than our ancestors.

Four Steps Toward Longevity

The following four steps outline a starting point for living longer, a sketch of a framework for thinking about healthy life extension:

Step 1: Stop Damaging Your Health

At its most basic level, aging is nothing more than an accumulation of damage; breakages in the molecular machinery of your cells, a build up of metabolic waste products that your body cannot break down, the flailing of biological systems that are increasingly unable to cope. Ask yourself this: are you damaging yourself more rapidly than you might otherwise be, perhaps more than you realize? Do you smoke? Do recreational drugs occupy a central position in your life? Do you eat nothing but junk food or are overweight? Do you exercise little or not at all? Do you have a poor relationship with your physician, or haven't seen a doctor in years? If so, you have a clear starting point. These things can hurt you far more than any presently available strategy for healthy living can help. There is little point in insulating the windows if the door is jammed open.

Find a physician you can trust and talk to about improving your health. You might be surprised at how easy, low-cost, and downright pleasant it is to lead a healthier and thereby longer life.

Step 2: Adopt a Better Diet and Lifestyle

The body is a complex, resilient machine. Unlike our cars, however, we can't yet replace it when it breaks down. Given that, it's scandalous that most people know more about the long-term care of a car than they do about the long-term care of the human body. Fortunately, it's neither difficult nor expensive to use diet and lifestyle to raise the odds of living a longer and healthier life.

Firstly: adopt some form of calorie restricted diet, whether straight calorie restriction or some form of intermittent fasting. Calorie restriction and some implementations of intermittent fasting, such as alternate day fasting, are currently the most robustly, repeatedly proven way of extending healthy life in mammals. So qalso says Dr. Sinclaie of Harvard mdical school, surprize he never got an While the present scientific consensus is that these practices will not extend life in humans to anywhere near the same degree as in mice, calorie restriction and intermittent fasting have been shown in human studies to provide a range of other beneficial effects on health, such as a greatly lowered risk of suffering all common age-related medical conditions - and these approaches to diet are highly praised by practitioners. You can learn more about calorie restriction at the CR Society website, and here at Fight Aging! you'll find introduction to calorie restriction that provides helpful guidelines to getting started.So also says Dr. Sinclair of Hatvard medical school, PhD in genetics! He is 50, believe it or not!

Secondly: exercise as recommended by your physician. The benefits of maintaining a modest regular level of exercise for most people are well known and well proven by many scientific studies. As is also true of calorie restriction, these benefits include a greatly reduced risk of suffering almost all of the common age-related diseases.

Thirdly: take a modest amount of supplements appropriate to your age and health. There is a wealth of supplement information available, but much of it is worthless, propagated by irresponsible sellers. This is perhaps the hardest topic to research, and in the end you will have to make a number of decisions yourself based on incomplete or contradictory scientific evidence. The bottom line here, however, is that no presently available supplement or combination of supplements has been shown to provide even a fraction of the benefits of either calorie restriction or exercise, for all that they are widely supposed to be beneficial.

Investigate Early Access to the First Rejuvenation Therapies

New medical technologies do not arrive all at once, fully formed from day one. Early forms of therapy become available in limited ways, or existing drugs are found to have an effect on the mechanism of interest large enough to merit use in animal studies or human trials. So it is for the first rejuvenation treatments to have a large enough impact on aging in animal studies to care about, and that are also producing benefits in their first human trials. Only trust statistical TRS results, never anecdotal.

As of 2019, the most obvious of these are senolytic therapies that selectively destroy the senescent cells that accumulate to cause considerable harm in old tissues. The existing generic drugs and supplements newly discovered to be senolytic, and shown to work well in numerous animal studies, are being tested in humans.

The informed decision that each of us must make for ourselves is whether to wait for more data from human trials, to wait for the most likely better senolytic therapies presently under development, or to strike out to obtain and try existing senolytic therapies. If the latter, there in turn lies further personal research, learning, and informed decisions. Where to find a physician to prescribe the relevant drugs, for example, or whether to forge ahead as a self-experimenter, with all of the responsibility and accountability that this implies. However it is accomplished, it is almost always possible for informed and proactive individuals to obtain earlier access to new therapies than waiting for the world to move on to the point at which general physicians begin recommending these treatments to patients. Whether or not to choose to do so is a personal decision on risk and benefit, and this same calculus applies to any new medical technology as it arrives, not just senolytic rejuvenation therapies.

Dr. Arya recommendations (Takes himself)

in undefined dosages and sellors

Based on Dr. Sinclair

    NMN, Pterostilbene, metformin, acarbose; nothing yet for Mtor

In studies conducted by three independent laboratories by the US National Institute on Aging's intervention testing programme, acarbose was shown to extend the lifespan of female mice by 5% and of male mice by 22%. Both metformin and acarbose are prescription drugs.

Based on  Dr. de Grey

Senolytic  Dasatinib suggest to allopathic Dr. and take on advice in suggested  dose only

Senolytic  quercetin, In preliminary human studies, oral intake of quercetin in doses up to one gram per day over three months did not cause adverse effects.[2] The safety of using quercetin in dietary supplements during pregnancy and lactation has not been established

Based on Dr. Arya  Voraciousus TRS read

for Osteopenia: k2+D3+Calcium

for everyone: k2+D3

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Aging and cancer


The latest link        Dr. Arya reco

The basic take home from 1 man-year of last 20 years is simple but very profound - aging and cancers are closely related, evolution solved the problem of cancers by aging. Your NAD+ is required in many sub cycles of Krebs cycle (basis of life) and declines continually with aging. Good only because NAD+ also inflames the cell from outside. This evolution fixed by letting senescent cells express CD38 whose concentration keeps increasing with age! The inflammation causes problems in the heart. Heart disease is an even bigger killer than cancer. Senescent cells eventually cause cancer which can happen anywhere.

You can measure inflammation by CRP being C reactive protein which is a far better predictor of adverse heart effects than lipid profile.

The main lesson learned is that NMN and associates have a bar of about 10-15 years and the NAD+ improvements are met by increasing heart events. Filtering reductions of CD38 fails because then cancers go up!

One can chemically cure NAD+ problem till inflammation finds another organ as victim, But in 50 years, artificial organ update will likely be common. Cancer cure will be by organ replace, artificial thymus etc. The goal of shark life for humans will be common. By being conservative in TPE and NAD+ increment methods, one can improve the risk for the new world in 50 years. One can hope that NAD+ update will not cause heart problems or incurable cancer. In any case aging will be better being healthier and no age decline.

No matter what, I will take the risk and am ready for a new career in attribute grammars rather than computer security where a new quantum safe efficient algorithm is ready for the internet of things, which might fly too with tireless devotion and purpose to this only life.

How Aging undo 2021, proper 2030


The latest link

Consider the aging undo ways. Better blood flow is by endothelial cell improvement by pterostilbene. One can improve cell energy by targeting the mitochondria, trough NAD+ predecessors and mitoq. One improves blood itself by TPE to reduce proteomics load. Immunity can be reverted to youth levels by reducing fatty white-cells and trained killer cells with enhanced  immunity factors. Overall improvement requires genetic improvements by using Yamanaka factor permutation to fix DNA and control over stem cells. Of these ideas, one selects 4 for 50-year gain by 2030.

Senolytic drugs is likely the first big 15-years attack on giving the first 50 years by 2030. Expect 10 from NMN and associates, likely rising to 15 by mib-626 etc by 2030, 10 from my designed plasma substitute designed TPE rising to 15 with 10 year research, 15 from Yamanaka factors supplements & drugs and 15 from senolytic drugs. Of these NMN and associates is done and 15 likely by 2030, Arya replace TPE is done and awaits self test, likely rising to 15, Yamanaka factors supplements are private and public funded furious research in California, and some senolytic are there and more will be available by 2030. If anything, my estimates are probably too pessimistic. Perhaps 50 years by 2025 for the close watchers.

All these attacks are independent thus likely additive. Another issue is lessening of my circumspection, my thinking of 2030 for 50-year is likely too pessimistic. Perhaps revise it to 2025, great for mother and doctor uncle, they only need to be alive by 2025, Till then confidence in my medical knowledge will be there by self-experiments and there is no need to wait to 2025, important in Covid-times. By  2022 middle, Covid-terror will vanish from herd immunity from 50%+ vaccination and departure of villains like Lady Mamata and Sir Tikat.

Evolution driven natural-like supplements?

NMN and associates target NAD+, the villain could be CD38 evolution to solve cancer problem with aging a solution, and perhaps 10 year research is still needed on this villain.

Role of Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide and Related Precursors as Therapeutic Targets for Age-Related Degenerative Diseases: Rationale, Biochemistry, Pharmacokinetics, and Outcomes

Aging affects circadian clock and metabolism and modulates timing of medication

Blood fix like oil change?

TPE with my designed plasma may not work to Parkinson type attack due to BBB. But amyloid were reduced in AMBAR and perhaps other chemicals in the brain might like to keep constant ratio! This is important to me to make India, an important fulcrum of aging and self generated capital.

Artificial disease targeted plasma TPE?

The most severe complications in TPE occur with fresh frozen plasma as the replacement fluid.  Almost all studies of TPE for treating SSc used sterilized 5% albumin, which has a much better safety profile because of substantially reduced risk of anaphylactic type events.

Senolytics for Cancer Therapy: Is All That Glitters Really Gold?

Senolytics represent a group of mechanistically diverse drugs that can eliminate senescent cells, both in tumors and in several aging-related pathologies. Consequently, senolytic use has been proposed as a potential adjuvant approach to improve the response. Despite the unequivocal promise of senolysis, issues of universality, selectivity, resistance, and toxicity remain to be further clarified. In this review, we attempt to summarize and analyze the current clinical literature involving the use of senolysis in senescent tumor cell models, and to propose tenable solutions and future directions to improve the understanding and use of this novel class of drugs.

Parkinson's efforts - why and how?

Parkinson is important for me because my essential tremors matches better than Alzheimer; I am unlikely to suffer dementia not still have a bad old age, not like Parkinson but still bad. There are two fascinating studies on research. Fundamental to all research, a doctoral thesis for example is finding a new problem in which some progress is possible. Best is research with 2 insights, one to decide if a problem should be selected and another that drops in the course of research. It is the job of guiding professor to provide the first insight, or most of it.

Above describes computer science research. Medical research can be started by lack of reliable answers to patient observations. Two Parkinson research are driven by lack of answers. Why do the Parkinson patients smell different? Why is tandem bike (two persons sharing pedaling) improve symptoms, while pedaling ordinary exercise bikes don't? Another disease that afflicts me is diabetes. Why do patient's with good control have halitosis but symptom free do not? A final one that I learned by spending 40000 bucks and 3 day terror in heart ward is fix heart burn even if you can't fix heart disease and symptoms are identical?

Yamanaka factors drugs and supplements?

Of OSKM, the Oct4 may be redundant, if quality not speed is goal, then SKM suffice, never M which causes cancer! Processes with pulsed S and K at low doses will work.


They require a prescription, sometimes for bureaucratic reasons, obeyed nonetheless. Case in point is metformin, getting a prescription for aging should be easy. 

None found.


I use the term in the sense of actual OTC drugs and supplements of food grade and pharmaceutical grade, last suitable for injection or intravenous forms. I consider the mode of usage restricted to doctor or nurse presence in some cases despite no legal requirements, requires warnings. 

There are none for Yamanaka factors at this point.