Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Spanish Sinclair Links


Este es, según mi propia estimación, el segundo conjunto más importante de vínculos en la vida de ahora y después, ya que habla de cómo vivir para participar en nuevas maravillas. Esto es después de "Las tecnologías exponenciales" por mí sobre la ciencia ficción realista de hoy para apenas entender dónde estamos hoy en los EE. UU., cómo trasladarlas a la India y los próximos 2 o 3 años.

Necesitas 10 horas para verlos ellos mismos. ¡La mejor inversión en su propia salud y longevidad que puede hacer! Se trata de lo que es factible hoy en los Estados Unidos, aunque suene a ciencia ficción. Me lo aplico como puedo, tengo desprecio por un emigrante extranjero o ciudadanos extranjeros que pueden pero no.

Muchas cosas, incluida la educación, se pueden importar y usar en India con localización y eventuales nuevas investigaciones. Es un país Modi+Yogi+Ramdev durante los próximos 5 años al menos, probablemente Modi regrese en 2024. Independientemente de las caras exactas, AAP asciende en lugar del Congreso, la corrupción y el nepotismo disminuyen, me sometí con éxito a 3 pruebas médicas difíciles, mis enfermedades crónicas han caído en picada, probablemente estén activos cinco años y tengan el dinero. Si no persigo mi llamado a la mejora de la edad en la India para todos es mi fracaso, después de todo, el costo de DNAm age se ha reducido con éxito en 1000 veces por el Dr. Sinclair a menos de Rs. 500, no 40.000 a 60.000 ahora. Los precios de NMN se hunden. Los jugos de semilla de uva son senolyte 2.0. Los suplementos para gemelos son suficientes para aumentar la fuerza en la vejez y el aumento de la edad por menos de 50 000 por año. Es probable que caiga a 10.000 en 2-3 años. No solo tengo la suerte de estar vivo hoy, sino que también tengo la suerte de vivir en la sociedad Modi & Yogi, libre de nepotismo y baja corrupción. Puedo, debo, lo haré.

Los enlaces están todos en inglés. ¡Quizás alguien encuentre enlaces en español y envíe la actualización para autoría conjunta!

Lifespan with Dr. David Sinclair #8

Sinclair links

 This is, by my own estimation, the second most important set of links in life to now and after, for it tells of how to live to partake in new wonders. This is after "The exponential technologies" by me on realistic science fiction today to barely understand where we are today in the USA, how to shift them to India, and the next 2 or 3 years.

You need 10 hours to watch these themselves. The best investment in your own health and longevity you can make! It is about what is doable today in the USA, even if it sounds like science fiction. I apply it to myself as I can, have contempt for a foreign emigrant or foreign citizens who can but don't. 

Many things, including education, can be imported and used in India with localization and eventual new research. It is a Modi+Yogi+Ramdev country for the next 5 years at least, likely Modi returns in 2024. Regardless of exact faces, AAP rises instead of Congress, corruption and nepotism decline, I successfully underwent tough 3 doctor tests, my chronic diseases have nosedived, likely get active five years and have the money. If I don't pursue my calling to Age improvement in India for all is my failure, after all, DNAm age has been successfully reduced in cost by 1000 times by Dr. Sinclair to under Rs. 500, not 40,000 to 60,000 now. NMN prices sink. Grapeseed juices are senolyte 2.0. Twin supplements are enough to boost old age strength and age increment for under 50,000 per year. It likely falls to 10,000 in 2-3 years. I am not only blessed to be alive today but I am also blessed to live in Modi & Yogi society, free of nepotism and low corruption. I can, I must, I will.

Lifespan with Dr. David Sinclair #8

Friday, March 11, 2022

vaccine way to dealing


Long but very informative, including not just simple non-chemical means to avoid chronic diseases but how to bring down a procedure of heart (low LDL fix by PKCS gene fix) rom $14000 to $100. As I have always believed, mRNA vaccines can do most in-vivo genetherapy at very low price, Rather than per week injection, 1 year injection will work. Simple computation says one can do n10 fixes per lakh. These solutions happen in 10-15 years later. By then, Indian government will be ready in PPP model to spend $1000 per patient.

Modi wins, then Yogi will win. BJP has Gadkari, etc 5 top people can replace if needed. There is no challenge in 10-15 years. Enough time to raise India to $10,000 per head GDP country. MY is no longer muslim+yadav, is is now Modi-Yogi. My great dream is to defeat my chronics by end of this year to launch my style clinical evidence to Roorkee center for age-count by DNAm, years left in life by GrimAge, NAD+ boost by MIB-626, Recruit military soldiers in Roorkee for clinical evidence for whole Indian Army. arrest aging and chronic diseases using Aging chemicals, and work on exosome and Yamanaka based start of first phase of longevity escape velocity to first singularity. Not only ideas and cash needed, I will hopefully have he strength to implement my dreams. I am 4 months into my self clinical test, one year long.

I visited my heart doctor for history and latest ECG and ECHO. Passed with flying covers although my isosorbide gain was written off as my luck, not impossible in other patients. No change in medicines, supplements are forgotten as psychological self-boost.

Tuesday, March 1, 2022

elementary and full interventions

  Dr. Arya is a PH.D. and not MD (Medical doctor). None of what follows is Medical advice, or gives any company advice, despite using registered words in the reader's jurisdiction.

Elementary Interventions

EI is those that consider NAD+ sole determinant of Aging. It decrements from CD38 that opposes NAD+. CD38 increases with age as it is produced by SASP of senescent cells. CD38 is principal of SASP, senescents cleared when young by immune system, which declines by age. The immune may decline, senescent cells by definition ignore apoptosis, but can be cleared by senolytes of which fisetin was best in senolyte1.0 but grape seed extract is new best senolyte2.0. SASP names hundreds of chemicals depending on what senescent was prior to senescence. Senolytes clear only a few senescents.

EI then is NAD+ boost and CD38 inhibition. Recommend NMN for boost, helped by pterostilbene if non-liposome or resveratrol if liposome. NR can be used instead of NMN, even part-substitute okay. Half&half  bypasses business fight. Grape seed extract is recommended as senolyte.

Full Interventions

Beyond EI are other interventions based on my principles, generally applicable age 65 onwards. Starting this age, white cells produced by now inactive immune system begin to reduce to negligible populations by 80. Beyond,  the body is without significant defenses to opportunistic infections. NAD+ has declined, cd38 increases to death, unceasingly stengthless with no NAD+ and old weak skin and under with loss of hyaluronic acid.

EI gives some help, slows strength decline and limits some but not all kinds, of SASP generators. How does one measure bio-age and why do senescent cells arise? Cell turn into senescent ignoring apoptosis when there is a failure in protein selection to cure DNA breaks which keep happening from radiation  like sun, chemicals like bad parts of foods, etc. Cells lose their identity. Age randomness causes methylation of DNA between C and G sugars in DNA connected by phosphate, called CpG islands, the on/off switch is stuck. This is a random but synchronized process in trillions of body cells. This methylation is not just an indicator but true age determinant in that reversing the stickiness of it in many cells reduces age! CaAKG is a good recent cure. 

My style domination of Hallmarks of Aging suggests igf-1 improvement that effects mTOR badly. Dr. Fahi has controlled the major evil side-effect of diabetes by mixture of igf-1/DHEA which works in clinical tests. A good, better than Dr. Fahi, theoretically safe, intervention by me is igf-1/metformin/low-rapamycin.

SASP has many chemicals, and fisetin and Grape-seed-extract work on a few only. Qurtecin/apigenin is another combination. So are others. 30-50 cleanup is generally enough, raises NAD+ even without boosting it. Another point is that Fisetin is a flavonoid, and almost all combinations have senolytes properties! But the extra killed senescents is small. Sticking to Grape-seed-extract is sufficient. Another gain comes from cache administration from solubility in fat. Mice indicate 20 mg/kg, it is 1400 mg for me per fortnight or two days per month as in mayo protocol for fisetin (I take 350 mg liposome, 2 days each/month).

Another great senolyte is Spermidine. It also selectively improves cardio-aging. I will switch to spermidine/grape-seed half/half this October. By then I expect liposome spermidine to become a product.