Thursday, March 29, 2018

Knowing self and my future

The reason why my epistemology is science, not any religion or belief system, is the rational skeptic or rational stoic (restricting doubts to non-self-addressable contexts for many reasons) but forces me (gladly and post-retirement usefully) to address rather simple minded unanswerable-looking questions like

0.       What is science and why does it work? (Rational-Skepticism & sharing, total disbelief in history)
1.       How do I believe things are same in other parts of the Universe (Video above)
2.       Why are the constants in physics really the same in eons (answered = processes billions of years ago are same and predictable using current values)
3.       Where and how did the elements come form (nova and supernova)
4.       Why do atoms behave as they do (answered in terms of protons etc)
5.       Why do protons. Neutrons etc. behave as they do (answered in terms of quarks, leptons and bosons with Higgs and quantum fields)
6.       What is dark-matter(verlinde says fix low gravity) and dark-energy (quantum vacuum-energy)
7.       Why is anything there (proto-atom or big bounce) – video above
8.       Where did matter come from and how (supernova)?
9.       What is aging? (Pileup of mitochondrial damage)

10.   How to reduce it effects (artificial add of co-factors to kreb’s cycle).
11.   How to tell apart criminal supplement sellers and idiots!
12.   Who to trust (SENS, Cochrane), semi-trust (Ramdev for purity but NOT for medicine or yoga!) and distrust (all advertisers).
13.   How will life-extension happen (transfection, stem-cells, redundant-regenesis)
Issue zero defines me and why! Science is open skepticism of all except those admitted for rational reasons. It works for belief, superiorly in health (question even doctors and systems like Ayurveda) but poorly for purchases and friendship. Many issues CAN be solved by aaquantum-truth, aaquantum-super-medium (not block chain) and aaquantum-statistics built using cryptography – others can’t, with genuinely novel and enormous ideas in safety versus privacy. The skeptical selection and reasonable-effective-safe-shared skepticism (rational stoicism) makes my developments very includable regardless of belief! Reason behind tolerance - Most of my FB and IITK friends ACT exactly as if they were rational stoic! Why be bothered about minor transgressions as waste of money in health etc., when it is their life any way and I do not have a fully coherent alternative! Intolerance requires coherent alternative and empirical proof that it helps.
Joys of retirement
Atomically thin light-emitting device opens the possibility for 'invisible' displays
My science-fiction

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