Thursday, March 22, 2018

Broad outline of battling the banks

For more cloud ideas read here.

Banks will fight hard for consumer loyalty. Biggest source to them is salary deposition, which shrinks to savings, but in same bank, even while the customer dawdles. The aa-fight-winner will impact banks – current micro-payments are profitable. The aa-fight-winner will act as a significantly lower cost bank with time gap between pay by consumer to supplier. More the supplier hold period can also be done low cost!

Given all this, aa-fight-winner can give some incentive returns to consumer, like cash back, percentage back like discover or some bank cards, higher rates of interest like money-market accounts. While there is some countering, the aa-winner can prevail due to lower costs. Banks will be saddled with higher cost consumers and multi-decade dance between politicians and consumers is likely. All the while, the aa-winner can continue to win by discounts on low prices.

Amazon secret to win in traditional sector is by prime. Under stress, flipkart has required seller sharing of competitive discounts – 60% seller 40% flipkart. Herein lies a remarkable tale of aaquantum-economics validation that is different but basis of my politics. I claim that every consumer class can be say quartile-based, on average elasticity. Given a voter population, magic can happen despite honesty by

1 reading into voter elasticity’s and increasing the burden on issues with low bad-elasticity quartiles in a complete program
2 Confusing language and irrelevant issues
3 Ensure high voting of friends

Note that 2 & 3 & more are known to all, and recommended anyway. 1  is the extra secret.
Same funda applies to bank battle. One can divide buyers into quartiles using ales-label collected data kept secret even from the sellers. Discount campaigns can be run based on consumer and seller data. 

These are to hurt other labels and banks, while minimize hurt of own sellers and consumers.
So the key strategy presented here are discount incentives form lower costs and proper targeting of discounts.

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