Friday, March 23, 2018

Characterizing the difference between my tech-fi and sci-fi

All are expected to know sci-fi or Science fiction. Tech-fi or Technological fiction is my invention that is vibrant subset of sci-fi with shared property of dealing with fiction, with the added goal in tech-fi to only use refereed publications of technology and NO sci-fi developments which might deal with unrealized technology. Unlike sci-fi, impossible imagination is not permitted, as are known impossibilities, for example that clash with laws of thermodynamics. Indeed purportive tech-fi may be shown to be sci-fi!

Many unproven but non-conflicting imaginations are responsible sci-fi, for example multiverse narratives. Still, I prefer the knowledge that all technology imagined is extension of what has been theorized or achieved in lab. I have always felt that the philosopher Russell greatly benefitted mankind by succinct clear enunciation of properties or types in logic So that one says (Human x)(Socrates is x Implies Socrates is mortal). Or the great succinct definition of science as a collection of falsifiable. What is tech-fi? Any narrative prose that links to scientific articles before something is imagined by the author!

More important, even than my tech-fi characterization is the enormously clever suppression of second order language paradoxes like Russell ean “barber who shaves all who don’t shave themselves” and Gödel’s, without prohibiting recursion, outlawed incorrectly by all novices! The fix ordered by me is never allow unquantified universals. Thus not (x)(human x Implies mortal x) but (Human x) (… Implies mortal x). You are never allowed to quantify over untyped x. Reason why is it devastate Gödelean problems in that bigger sets than the model of x need quantification over bigger illegal sets! Both consistency and completeness require illegal quantification! That is because (x belongs x) has no model, even in infinities! An automatic strictly included chain results like powerset!

Does not constrain the author except in realm of possible. Many existing sci-fi are tech-fi, like for example the series on moon, mars, spacecraft etc. habitation, miners in asteroid belt, but not star trek despite the uses of its imaginations.

Rest is an example.

All electronics deals with flow of electrons, Magnonics of magnons, which are virtual particles of magnetization. In real world they are actualized as spins. It is a subset of spintronics. Every particle spins.

Now my imagination as tech-fi author - mobile phone charged once a month or solar-charged hence charged never. On cloth measuring hardware for sugars, blood pressure, pulse etc. Talk to your collar with augmented-reality glasses, wide-spread primary medicine stores either medicating or referral. Etc

So far it looks like imagination fantasy of the scientists predicting possible uses. It will be great if the imaginations become stories. With embedded links, these are truly mind-expanding! I can hardly wait for that avatar of mine, marrying two loves!

Many people cannot distinguish between artifacts invented to let a story flow smoothly without inconvenient delays (mobile phones) or capabilities like a doctor (tricorders). Such people express joy at realization of some sci-fi. Far better is realization of some tech-fi, like enormous strength boost, indefinite life (thru transfection using stem cells) and uploading of brains. That is not actualization of sci-fi, but achievement of tech-fi!

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