Friday, February 23, 2018

Internet voting

Nicest about class-of-75 is one can present to-be-implemented idea and derive conclusions  to get objections raised and quiet too. One VERY useful and first implementation is generation of polls and their analysis. It is  assumed that people have access to html editors and statistical packages that can handle data produced as a table with#- comment lines. So typical output is

#-names              votes     age
Arun                      yes         60
Baldev                  no           62

The analyser tabulates votes (some missing) and may determine the median age.

col “name” n=name{target{}} !(n)
col “vote” ?(v=vote) !(v)
col “age” ?(a=int) !(a)

That’s it!

Arya magic comes in vote column where builtin type vote is used, 99.99 CS will fail here. A magic cookie is attached to email that depends on email address (one addr per voter is admin work). The user acts normal and votes yes or no. The vote gets auto-transformed to a magic number in reply. On receive end, unknown votes are ignored as are all duplicates (which kept etc.). This is proof against forced voting, genuine error and voting hacks!

Note that implicit vote (not asked or output) can be used for uniqueness and hacking safety!

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