Monday, February 12, 2018


False flag attacks are easy to kill by aaquantum-means - by attaching author name and author-identity digital root of digest of text. Secure because digital roots are one-way. Obtaining and preventing misuse of aaquantum-identities is what aaquantum-is. Fundamental intellectual world-wide problems of 21st century are conflicts in trust and privacy, their magnitude and resolution. Not only is fake news common, it is hard to even vouch for genuine news!

Moronic criminals have claimed that NASA landing on the moon was an elaborate hoax. Calling opponents names does not strengthen the argument Why then do I do it? It is a long document by inclusion. Any normal reader will glance only on a few lines. The reminder is long and complex. It is not irrelevant to claim that names summarises the long. Others are welcome in free speech society to argue that my abbreviation does not apply or is plain wrong. For instance, they may claim that believers in NASA canard are Moronic criminals! I must then have the right to link to that description and call its author Meta Moronic criminal. And so on!

At that point, legally designated agency can tabulate honest citizen votes and report votes cast and difference in favour and against. For this purpose, a biological identity is needed but that must be kept private from businesses. In India, m-aadhaar is in that direction, still fortunately not aa-aadhaar, my guaranteed private useful aadhar. For nations without adhaar, consider that unregistered eye print can be detected and unregistered votes discarded! Double voting is formally like double spending, basic to digital currency implementation. Clever aaquantum techniques can detect fraudulent registration and voting.

The solution is to allow ANY non-opinion expressing equanimous text to be linked to a file of links such that alternate links reference text of whatever length but has to be authored by court decided alternate Boolean viewpoint. The principals must register with the government by simply sending an email to a link, and the government can decide which is proponent, overturn able by designated court. All links and proponents can be agency-questioned!

In particular. Commercial speech links can also be attacked by the criticizer linking to better alternatives (their opinions). This proposal is welcome death-bell for dishonest advertising business on internet! The attacked can provide response link, And so on. The summary vote can be the zero line. Even better, the zeroth line is file of pairs votes tabulated by first identity. This allows the different consumer to select based on votes tabulated by their different favourite. This is somewhat more elaborate than political votes, where favourite based voting is inapplicable.

The solution to lies is not forbid speech. It is to provide links to a counter-narrative. The solution to attack on public decency is required enclosure in cryptography solely used to record the peruser.

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