Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Blockchain, ICO, flexibility

Every smart entrepreneur has reason to hate VC, these are moneybag nincompoops that utilize their limited brains on estimating the success of an idea, more money needed and how much exploited can the inventor be. One way out is blockchain ICO Initial Coin Offering, a way to crowdfund rather than by VC group. The scope for thuggery is immense and various regulator consider them securities offer! Level playing field needed, if nothing else.

ICO idea is simple – initial and subsequent investors get crypto currency. The currency becomes valuable only if the company does well. Like securities. But no one to mind the papers. The entire finance department is a waste of good money!

But company executives can do whatsoever. Every known evil can happen. Company executives can become traitors. Incomes may be Ponzi or worse (possible) pyramid schemes. Wait till shit hits the fan!

But regulated blockchain have amazing synergy with robotics and internet of things. These are thee transformative technologies. The mo0st useful agency is NSA. Ever heard of Stuxnet decade back? Significantly hurt Iran enrichment program and was specific enough – targeted German controllers farm of a particular kind – to be found in Naranjo, Iran!

Easy to understand blockchain – forget details and concentrate on implications. Like GMO! Blockchain is distributed ledger that forces all miners to build a list and grow it like all else. Cryptography can mean trust against malicious list. Post bit coin, three technologies can ensure participant secrecy – zero-knowledge proof in zcash, ring signature in cryptonote, never plain text outside hardware of mine. Cooperation, not miner contention, is the basis of my equivalent block medium. Not miner greed, but periodic regulation, hence investment like opportunity defines my block medium. A new miner can start or exit only on periodic edges. Within a period, randomized group of miners win periodically and fairly.

The critical thing that makes my block medium different is required assets in trades. If unequal value assets are traded, there has to be a cash difference. Block medium cash is NOT like bank cash or traveller cheques but 100% reserves of fiat currency. I call on Sir Modi to not just to business greed destruction without effecting legitimate aadhaar use by m-aadhaar, but take the first massive step to new satyug for India by supporting the logical extension of rupee-coin, a crypto currency on block medium, with privacy, on real rupee fiat currency! This goal is synergistic to aadhaar and demonetization, both of which have massively changed the Indian scene for the better by building trust against criminal accumulation of wealth (demonetization) and corrupt claims(aadhaar). Partly, corruption has been removed by direct payment of subsidies.

I propose here a very massive increase in corruption destruction by block medium technology without forcing sane investor miners into miner pools and wastage of enormous electricity and hidden strengths of better hardware!

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