Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Mind-blowing expanding dimension theory

At the cross-roads of science (cosmology) and philosophy (cosmogony) is the fertile ground of tomorrow-science like string-theory (likely tested), multiverse theory (long time no test) and dimensional-expansion (short while certain tested). LISA, my deepest love, can tell if this mind-blowing theory makes sense. It says Universe was one dimensional at birth, then became two, finally 3 we see, and may have even become 4 in extra-galactic scale.
Why can LISA tell?

There are no gravitational waves in 1 or 2 dimensions. If LISA finds no g-waves, then either this is true or stoics were right and Universe came from nudging of two hyper-planes - big bounce, not big bang.

What can this mind-blow fix?

·  The incompatibility between quantum mechanics and general relativity. Quantum mechanics and general relativity are mathematical frameworks that describe the physics of the universe. Quantum mechanics is good at describing the universe at very small scales, while relativity is good at describing the universe at large scales. Currently, the two theories are considered incompatible; but if the universe, at its smallest levels, had fewer dimensions, mathematical discrepancies between the two frameworks would disappear.

·  The mystery of the universe's accelerating expansion. Physicists have observed that the expansion of the universe is speeding up, and they don't know why. The addition of new dimensions as the universe grows would explain this acceleration. (Stojkovic says a fourth dimension may have already opened at large, cosmological scales.)

·  The need to alter the mass of the Higgs boson. The standard model of particle physics predicts the existence of an as yet undiscovered elementary particle called the Higgs boson. For equations in the standard model to accurately describe the observed physics of the real world, however, researchers must artificially adjust the mass of the Higgs boson for interactions between particles that take place at high energies. If space has fewer dimensions at high energies, the need for this kind of "tuning" disappears.

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