Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Near-term break-thru technology – special about 21st

All looks the same on exponential curve – impossible to predict future, time line or even otherwise. 10 predictions of MIT review I respect, and 5 of my own!

Practical Quantum Computers
Advances at Google, Intel, and several research groups indicate that computers with previously unimaginable power are finally within reach.
Current moment in quantum computing is like the earliest days of the transistor, which had its first breakthrough success in hearing aids before going on to larger things.
“They didn’t imagine you could get 50 billion onto a chip and do all this other stuff,

(The Canadian company D-Wave already offers a chip with quantum properties to industrial and academic researchers, but it isn’t clear whether the device offers the benefits expected of quantum computers.) [They make adiabetic QC, not Shor-capable QC, which is what ALL the big players are after - 49 qubits is quantum supremacy, 20-30 qubits useful, Google target i n 1 year!)
Microsoft is betting on a less mature form of quantum hardware than IBM and Google (see “Microsoft’s Quantum Mechanics”), but it has one of the most advanced efforts to develop practical quantum algorithms. Chemistry and materials science are among of its  primary areas of focus. The group’s researchers have recently tried to show how hybrid systems in which a conventional computer and a small quantum computer work together could simulate chemistry.
“It has great promise for studying molecules,” says Krysta Svore, who leads Microsoft’s group working on quantum algorithms. Looking for new, practical superconducting materials is one possible application of the hybrid model that shouldn’t require very large quantum computers, she says. Conventional computers struggle to replicate the quantum behavior of electrons that underpins superconductivity.

Next my predictions, based on my interests
Entanglement+ Quantum state internet
DESTROYS ALL the hacker criminals, hence the need for FACE recognition and botnet internet of thing postulated above.
Transfection based Life enhancement to the first singularity in improved againg
Transection is August 2017 development by Sen in Ohio. Essentially it programs skin-cells into required cells and waits for natural processes to flow them into needing places. Sidesteps THE big problem of rejection! You can even grow brain cells on skin. Harvest them; inject them into brain, for attacking Parkinson, essential tremor, Alzheimer’s etc. Piggy-backs on 20-30 qubit quantum-computers available on cloud to Biologists for RNA needed.
Reliable identity
Based on my work of square-rooting 1000+ bit integers for multi-identities hidden behind single unshared quantum computer-proof encryption.

Reliable letters
Letters carrying pre-proved facts based on my work. A letter could be automatically solely reduced to vector of certified proven facts automatically,
Solar only Energy
Either from wind, or huge collector forms, it is kept in cheap storage, used for appliances, factories and transport. Piggy-backs on 20-30 qubit quantum-computers available on cloud to chemists or penetrating the quantum mysteries of photo-synthesis..

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