Saturday, September 16, 2017

On aaqgs-Stoicism

Its arun arya quantum gravity variant of stoicism considers scientific method and logic to be foundations of (collectively) knowledge, denies the proof of existence of any God concept consistent with sane knowledge, denies the proof of non-existence of God by any existing scientific method, posits a very specific scientifically establish able theory of purpose of life, a theory of birth and evolution of the universe, a theory for indefinite life, and beginnings of a political theory for a desirable and constructible society. I consider self to be non-divine perennial graduate student (grad) who can speak like a rishi. Note that scientific proof is NOT possible for negative statements except by determining contradictions or advancing equivalent formulations which might be less incredible.
To summarize for the glorious reality and the immensely privileged and wonderful  consciousness reading this text : the entire universe was atom sized once (evidentiary proof), could have been created or was an earlier edition that had collapsed and rebounded (evidentiary proof) whose dynamics will become clear on unification of exception-less theories of quantum mechanics (Bohr) and gravity (Einstein).

Central purpose of life is to live forever, do mundane things, starting with (evidentiary investibility) indefinite life and an existence proof of possible antifragile infinite life. We are fortunate to be alive at a point where indefinite life and subsequent infinite life  is scientifically feasible in 5-30 years. (evidentiary plausibility). Note that evidentiary proof is NOT possible for forward events.
Infinite life and universe birth: Both require a method to kill entropy.

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