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After 20 year side interest and major extensive interest in Aging for last 10 as I age, its biology and chemistry, blessed with sharp intellect that took me to the Unix group at Bell labs as colleague to Dennis Ritchie and two computer science seminars at Harvard, I can state as a self-styled expert in Aging that unlike my past, there are five methods of Aging reduction that are likely independent and hence composable. It is not known how effective each is, nor is composing method of mine sensitive to scientific answers, enough anecdotal evidence exists for some effective of each, benefits may exist that are varying for each client, still my composition is not sensitive to such variations.
self-applicative and FDA test routes
That brings me to value of my knowledge. Being a top doctor or scientist means nothing. Even statements of two greats, Dr. Sinclair and Dr. Aubrey de Grey only means they will be carefully considered but not consider to be cardinal objective truth. There are precisely two methods that massively defeat all the others, all of which including evidence from a theory, religious tome, Guru, great, article etc. are all considered junk. The methods are transparent self-application or FDA directed clinical tests, since aging is distinct from all other diseases, all grow old and I have internal natural right to demand that any recommenders of anything apply it to themselves and family first. Dr. Sinclair does it to self and family. So do I. Dr Grey has followed clinical route. So has Dr. Sinclair eventually. Great past helps, is suggestive, but does not guarantee anything. Self-application is because FDA process is too slow and will unacceptably remain so, in Aging medicine for centuries, even though accurate.
self-application risk
What are the things I claim to understand well enough to risk self and family? I think Dr. Sinclair theory of Aging as progressive error in error correction in epigenome. He calls it the theory of information as the effects of errors makes that make cell senescent and essentially useless and a burden. In youth, there is no problem as the immune system is strong and such cells suffer apoptosis or forcibly are cut, garbage-collected and expelled through urine. I took a calculated risk for I grow old. My family came on board after 3 months of wait and watch.
How are you different?
All my recommendation are usually for liposomal form, unless explicitly denied. All my recommendations are for materials available as supplements.
Arya-safe: increased concentrations of chemical names of contents of fruits and vegetables, chemical names of stuff already in the body, GRAS status in the USA law, doctor managed medication available OTC in some major country without prescription but requiring prescription in others, or vitamins. No concentrations are suggested to known poison levels.
Adoption of this discipline enables me to state that I do not play a doctor, no disease cure is suggested, no responsibility is assumed, all is for consideration of doctors, and critics suggesting otherwise are emfubar sub human. Liposome very significantly change dosage due to greatly improved bioavailability and only a doctor can suggest proper dose and titration to it.
What does your study and experience so far indicate for the theory?
Several great doctors have worked on the methods. My innovation is collecting the successful in isolation in a theory that suggests the method in a logical manner. I call it “the theory and practice of aging”. That is standard science that collects many empirical results into a whole which suggests the empirical facts. Hopefully new ideas will be suggested beyond those derived with difficulty in isolation. As I proceed, certain observation are litmus tests for any other theory! Never accept a theory that fails even 1 litmus test!
Problem of plenty
There are five distinct, independent (now) approaches to aging, meaning they are statistically independent, hence likely composable with effects that add and composable howsoever in parallel and sequential modes. These are mTOR, telomere, immune refresh, Yamanaka factors, and E5. The last 2 are in the future within 2-20 years, and it is essential that reasonable healthy persons be there when the expectation matures. My different recommendations apply to different self-assesed people.
1. Religiously inclined
2. Conservative science inclined like me
3. Liberal inclined
Religiously inclined
Included here people who consider the body divine which should not be defiled by adding untested drugs which have no doctor-blessed history. They are included because mTOR based methods have dietary restriction and time-restricted methods. No chemicals need to be used these two techniques. Empirically, mice experiments prove that best is single meal, however large and howsoever constructed. You must fast 1day a week, week-long per month, etc. Fasting does auto-phagy (junk collection) after 16 hours after a meal and a lot in long fasts. Should avoid all comforts. The mTOR paradox applies, as all mTOR methods apply and all comforts are evil!
Conservative science inclined
Science inclination means typical conservative low for religion is missing and the source of ethics if different. Human body is not considered sacred. Conservative means respect for traditions and harder acceptance of new results. Clearly FDA approval is gold standard but aging drugs are special. Here Arya-standard is used. Doctors are collected in groups based on their work so far. Only when their name is attached to a distinct element accepted by my theory, are they considered equivalent to Nobel laureates. Only when active after first work and a second Nobel-equivalent work do they rise to greats of Arya-standard.
Liberal inclined
Such a person is inclined to new things, just different, without serious consideration of the reason. Conservative shop owners and producers love him for the person loves new fashions and subscribes to the belief that tradition minded conservatives are stupid. Such persons were instrumental in the USA to destroy racial and sexual discrimmination. However being science inclined conservative gives me to oppose these discriminations as essentially for they have no scientific basis and hence are equally evil. The point here is that all science+conservative recommendations apply.
Who are greats of Arya-standard?
Name Why Where
Sinclair Resveratrol+NMN+Self-apply Harvard
Kennedy Buck+CaAKG Singapore
Horvath Bio-age/human+Bio-Age/animals UCLA
Israel Divers+ HBOT Israel places
Fahy hGH+DHEA+Metformin Stanford
Yamanaka Y factors+pluripotent cells Japan
Compatible theory unifying their methods to make them suggestions of the Arya theory
Following the very dense next paragraph covers the entire field of aging.
From Hallmarks of Aging represented as a directed acyclic graph or dag one can isolate a dominating subgraph that covers activation and inhibition edges. Two methods suffice to cover 3 (Sirt, AMPK and mTOR) addressed by Dr. Sinclair and 1 by Dr. Fahy. Now one can imagine other forms of age reversion. Not doing Fahy (suggests igf-1 fix) and Sinclair (suggests NMN for Sirts, Metformin for AMPk and rapamycin for mTOR) yields senescent cells which hurt by bad chemicals and by induced senescence in neighbors. This immediately leads to senolytes and Dr. Aubrey de Grey (Spermidine, Fisetin, Quercitin, apigenin etc depending on senescent cell source). How is bioage measured? . These are not just marker but residue of DNA operation and specialization of the cell! Fixing the process not only improves the epigenome but manipulates age! Dr. Kennedy AKG comes here. How come the senescent bother the old but not youth? Because of active immune system that declines with age. Fix it by cancer developed methods like car-t fix. Finally, cells have DNA overlain by two plugs on each end that shorten in every division until the cell turns senescent from inability of division past this Hayflick limit. One can fix this by two methods - extending the limit to infinity by cell developed enzyme that uses the DNA sequence that encodes the ligase DNA present but deactivated giving rise to deathless cell line also called cancer. Or by diver-like HBOT use. Last is the famous Israel method. The manipulation of telomere length seems to have aging reduction applications. Intermittent brief Yamanaka factors arena-toxic and refresh the cell without losing specialization assuming only OSK are used. E5 likely uses exosomes and depends on the fact that these serve to be like hormones without using generation organs!