The goal of de-aging is not new - it is present in the oldest extant written telling of Gilgamesh travels in ancient Mesopotamia to cure old age, 4000 years earlier. Since then many frauds have risen.
Why isn't it a fraud this time?
The method has been proposed by several scientists who are not familiar with each other. It uses well-recognized international award methods. They are all transparently available. Not even one scientist has refused to keep his method a secret. Such an approach is the reverse of fraud. All statements are always checked. Quick claims are ignored. Clearly, no one is being forced to declare anything and/or participate unwillingly. Everyone is free to declare anything and promote their causes in any way. The only limit is the permanent ignorance of any claim by an imbecile.
Who gets old and why?
Among all antiaging interventions, dietary interventions have shown the greatest potential. Calorie restriction, without undernourishing the individual, slows down the aging process and lengthens the average and maximum life in animals of various origins. Repeated reports say that the restriction of food intake in rats extended the half and maximum life and decreased the occurrence and severity of chronic diseases. Later findings emphasized that calorie restriction has effects on lifespan in a wide range of organisms. The positive effects of caloric restriction in humans have also been shown in many studies. Calorie restriction while maintaining adequate nutrition has beneficial effects such as protection against the development of obesity, cardiovascular disease, hypertension, and cancer. In a controlled study, caloric restriction with high levels of physical activity showed a decrease in blood pressure, body weight, serum cholesterol levels, insulin levels, and other anthropometric and physiological parameters. The mechanisms by which calorie restriction induces life-prolonging properties are not fully understood, but the following four potential target pathways have been suggested: activation of AMP protein kinase (AMPK) and sirtuins, inhibition of growth factor insulin-like-1 (IGF-1) signaling and mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) inhibition by rapamycin. These pathways are the main hypothesized mechanisms of action of caloric restriction that control cell growth, mitochondrial function, and autophagy directly or indirectly. However, despite the proven benefits of caloric restriction, it is a difficult technique to use successfully in humans, as it is challenging to apply the treatment long-term, requiring a high level of determination and self-control. This paradox led to the discovery of compounds that mimic the outcome of caloric restriction on health and life expectancy without actual restriction in caloric intake. These compounds were called "calorie restriction mimetics" (CRMs)
Writing rational aging recommendations is my mission and explains why I seek out a doctor/nurse on my team to argue effects as devil's advocate for my research. Beyond the three here and metformin even without TAME (4th), I expect TRIIM-X to end up as 5, low dose rapamycin as 6, much more as E5 is not public yet. The most stupid idea is to compose the best of each or try them all sequentially, individually, like 5 Pandavas or 6 wives.
The three theories, determined by me to be independent, thus composable, are NAD+ boost by NMN and NO from resveratrol according to Dr. Sinclair (and argnin by itself); Senolysis through fisetin according to Dr. de Grey; and CaAKG (+ayurveda +vitamins) according to Dr. Kennedy. The FDA essentially oversees the safety and efficacy of chemicals—healthy for drugs but useless for drugs and me—critical chemicals like new aging-related chemicals. Just for these, I make referrals differently, out of ethics, not law.
My main improvement is to sidestep questions about bioavailability and drug delivery by using liposome forms of all chemicals (except NAD+ for BBB entry). Liposomes eliminate necessary medical services and work even better than injections because they bypass cells.
Safety is assumed due to the safety of low concentration of
1 Element of many fruits and vegetables with no known credible hazards
2 At least 20-30 years of safe history as a drug or supplement
3 GRAS status in US law
4 Chemical name of a body compound or intermediate
Therefore, NMN is derived from #4, Fisetin from no. No. 1, CaAKG from no. #4, arginine and resveratrol from #4. This is the personal safety and not the safety of the community, the only one for which such arguments can be made. For random communities, I recommend waiting for the FDA, unless the risk of inaction is greater than compensation aging. position
The effectiveness stems from the fact that I consider these three developers to be like double Noble award winners defending this thread.
Joint efficacy occurs from the apparent independence of the threads, NAD+ increases are needed and decrease empirically. De Grey's thread arises from the elimination of harmful senescent cells that produce SASP and CD38 in particular, buying immunity against cancer as a secondary benefit. The AKG thread is not clear, it may work due to the effective accounting of methylation marks, which prolongs cell life. Security does not end here.
There are unknown dangers from the size of the dose and interactions with other parts of these threads, and completely different medications prescribed for other diseases that coincide with aging. These are precisely circumstances in which the patient is alone anyway! Common sense says that if chemicals are safe in low doses and edible, they are likely to be safe in higher doses unless they are unnatural or registered.
I'm a big believer in Bayesian statistics and therefore suspicious of FDA clinical trials on new chemicals with no history of use. Most drugs approved after 2000 are cancer suspects! I think a doctor or a vaccine solves a problem by creating more instances and thus best avoided unless really necessary and a healthy disrespect to new chemicals but not food.
With my thought, a particular burden was lifted after 2 months of self-assessment. I can now advise the family to try if you are as bothered with chronic illness as I am, as long as the risks are higher anyway. My work and registered risks have not collapsed until now. People who don't see death hanging there anyway, or a decrepit life, should expect the blessings of the FDA.
What is chemical aging?
The immense contribution is from Sinclar. Simple and useless except validation of de-aging methods. Every human cell has its DNA in a sac called a nucleolus. It specializes in the exact type of cell through an epigenetic covering of DNA by turning genes on and off using switches containing methyl groups. Some switches are permanently on or off depending on the expressed specialization. Others can be dynamically turned on or off depending on the protein being made.
Genetics and epigenetics make DNA an information-carrying molecule that can deliver some proteins through mRNA copying. Over time, methyl groups lose their elasticity, and a cell has more methyl groups that can no longer turn on and off. Methyls are part of the CpG islands, the C sugar being a phosphate bond with the next G sugar, a microscope can read the number of such methyl groups. The AI can read the list to calculate the biological age of the cell! Validation stems from the age equality of cells in all parts of the human body and the predictable changes in all animals in Eutheria. Not only does evolution age all animals by the same method, but the different details of aging are also species-specific. No fraud can non-fraudulent claim this and escape scrutiny!
Let's break aging down into slow down and reset (getting younger). The slowdown also includes temporary restarts. This means that the subject's body lives longer after treatment. Reliable reset means getting younger repeatedly. Cross-over effects mean the interference of two treatments or one treatment and the interference of some drugs prescribed for some disease. The aging regimen is assumed to stop for the duration of other diseases, so the interference occurs initially for the aging half-life and then for the medicine half-life. It is safest to use only GRAS (Generally Recognized As Safe) chemicals. Since the repeated cycle of aging and resetting gives indefinite life, a reliable reset gives indefinite life.
FDA value
I think there is conservative safety in my recommendation. on. In my view, the best consequence of the law is that the FDA is reasonable in court, although I am more conservative because I am concerned about cross-drug interference and the 30-year-old is concerned about cancer risk. When required by the disease, I only allow doctors of modern medicine to prescribe drugs with history upon request.
My value?
I determine GRAS status assuming that the additional concentration of GRAS chemicals is generally, but not always, safe. I think there is conservative safety in my recommendations.
Safety: Since my GRAS status requires known fixed concentrations of drugs approved by the FDA before 1990, chemicals in fruits and vegetables, or chemical names already present in the body.
Effectiveness: I trust the American system with great academic confidence unless I'm wrong according me.
My added value: overcome smart choices, the composition of large random systems can produce immense interference, I compose large systems making sure that the chosen systems can be composed by identifying the best ones so that the resulting mixed system performs better than anyone else.
The number of supplements endorsed by aging increases every day. A stupid way is to try a random permutation subset of the supplements, hoping there will be no interaction, possibly even by an inexperienced doctor. This is done by many in India, who treat diseases and cures as if they were buying a product, usually with independent effects. I have contempt for these consumers and call them meta-assholes, not just once stupid but repeatedly. Two cures or drugs can be compounded only if the prescriber is a single registered physician or interactions are thought through accurately and the person performs a self-imposed clinical test, critical for fssai/2012 to know! Unfortunately, there is no credible data like that, side effect website indications are unreliable, and if written guarantees are sought, most doctors are smart enough to use legal language that can include all the known/unknown side effects so extensive that any rational patient will never try that drug or supplement! Between lawyers and doctors, the patient is screwed!
Writing rational aging recommendations is my mission and explains why I seek out a doctor/nurse on my team to argue effects as devil's advocate for my research. Beyond the three groups here (NAD+boost, Senescent forced autophagy by senolytics, and lack of reducing chemical AKG) and metformin even without TAME (4th) wait, I expect TRIIM-X to end up as 5, low dose rapamycin as 6, and much more like E5 not yet public. Why are spermidine and fisetin both, just 1, or the combination of quercetin? The most stupid idea is to compose the best of each or try them all sequentially, individually, like 5 Pandavas or 6 wives. There are difficult questions that even 99% of doctors will not know.
The three theories, determined by me to be independent, thus composable, are NMN-potentiated NAD+ and NO from resveratrol according to Dr. Sinclair (and not arginine but citrulline itself); Senolysis through fisetin according to Dr. de Grey; and CaAKG (+ayurveda +vitamins) according to Dr. Kennedy. The FDA essentially oversees the safety and efficacy of chemicals—healthy for drugs but useless for drugs and supplements aging like me—critical chemicals like new aging-related chemicals. Just for these, I make referrals differently, out of ethics, not law.
I'm a big believer in Bayesian statistics and therefore suspicious of FDA clinical trials on new chemicals with no history of use. Most drugs approved after 2000 are cancer suspects! I think a doctor or a vaccine solves a problem by creating more instances and thus best avoided unless really necessary and a healthy disrespect to new chemicals but not food.
With my thought, a particular load was lifted after 1 month of self-testing. I can now advise the family to try if you are as bothered with chronic illness as I am, as long as the risks are higher anyway. My work and registered risks have not collapsed until now. People who don't see death hanging there anyway, or a decrepit life, should expect the blessings of the FDA.
The whole field of Aging
1. Dr de Grey, for introducing/developing an engineering approach to the aging problem and senolytics
2. Dr. Sinclair, for NMN and 2019 theory of Aging
3. Dr. Yamanaka for inventing Yamanaka factors and iPSC.
4. Dr.Horvath for DNAm/GrimAge and Eutherian applicability of methylation
5. Drs. Conboys for initial heterochronic parabiosis and not young blood but plain albumin works
6. Dr. Fahi for TRIIM and TRIIM-X
The number of supplements endorsed by aging increases every day. A stupid way is to try a random permutation subset of the supplements, hoping there is no interaction. This is done by many in India, who treat diseases and cures as if they were buying a product, usually with independent effects. I have contempt for these consumers and call them meta-assholes, not just once stupid but repeatedly. Two cures or drugs can be compounded only if the prescriber is a single registered physician or interactions are thought through accurately and the person performs a self-imposed clinical test, critical for fssai/2012 to know! Unfortunately, there is no credible data like that, side effect website indications are unreliable, and if written guarantees are sought, most doctors are smart enough to use legal language that can include all the known/unknown side effects so extensive that any rational patient will never try that drug or supplement! Between lawyers and doctors, the patient is screwed!
Another stupidity is sequential tries of doctors until applicable one is found. It works enough to keep the method alive but cross effects are deadly. I believe in doctors above, i.e. efficacy of recommendations. But how to compose, even decide on who to compose, and what to do with normal illnesses.
Best to let your doctor alone to figure out but with unheard-of chemicals! Your required doctor needs a specialist consultant, ie me!
Events in 2022
The most important to me, listed in Radom order, are
A. end of my clinical self-experiment
B. near the end of the partial self-experiment of the mother and sister
C. expected end of TRIIM-X and my start of HGH-1 with diabetes fix
D. end of MIB-626, thus better boost of NAD+ and NO.
E. Age test me. The success of the Sinclair aging test for mDNA and GrimAge