Thursday, March 22, 2018

Broad outline of battling the banks

For more cloud ideas read here.

Banks will fight hard for consumer loyalty. Biggest source to them is salary deposition, which shrinks to savings, but in same bank, even while the customer dawdles. The aa-fight-winner will impact banks – current micro-payments are profitable. The aa-fight-winner will act as a significantly lower cost bank with time gap between pay by consumer to supplier. More the supplier hold period can also be done low cost!

Given all this, aa-fight-winner can give some incentive returns to consumer, like cash back, percentage back like discover or some bank cards, higher rates of interest like money-market accounts. While there is some countering, the aa-winner can prevail due to lower costs. Banks will be saddled with higher cost consumers and multi-decade dance between politicians and consumers is likely. All the while, the aa-winner can continue to win by discounts on low prices.

Amazon secret to win in traditional sector is by prime. Under stress, flipkart has required seller sharing of competitive discounts – 60% seller 40% flipkart. Herein lies a remarkable tale of aaquantum-economics validation that is different but basis of my politics. I claim that every consumer class can be say quartile-based, on average elasticity. Given a voter population, magic can happen despite honesty by

1 reading into voter elasticity’s and increasing the burden on issues with low bad-elasticity quartiles in a complete program
2 Confusing language and irrelevant issues
3 Ensure high voting of friends

Note that 2 & 3 & more are known to all, and recommended anyway. 1  is the extra secret.
Same funda applies to bank battle. One can divide buyers into quartiles using ales-label collected data kept secret even from the sellers. Discount campaigns can be run based on consumer and seller data. 

These are to hurt other labels and banks, while minimize hurt of own sellers and consumers.
So the key strategy presented here are discount incentives form lower costs and proper targeting of discounts.

The aaquantum p2p model

It starts to come together!

The p2p or peer-to-peer model is built around elimination of the middleman. Here I am concerned primarily with what it is, and how I can add to it, thus move into forefront uncharted territory where my efforts can be shielded from much deeper pockets even as I maintain these deep-pockets as contemptuous normal intelligence brain-dead sufficiently clever rent-seekers.

What it is: Let us begin with p2p application most widely used, deemed illegal, war for decades, almost won by p2p, with enormous social impact. This is torrents and copying despite copyright protections. It has devastated music, film, journalism etc. Also identity-based industries. The remaining fig-leaves of business can be gutted by my simple proposal.

The location and IP address are required in criminal complaints – otherwise illegal hackitivism, or worse guilt-by-allegation results. They can also be used for better business targeting. Preventive measures total defeat comes from VPN in browser (opera) and down loads by VPN (tails on tor). This pair not only fucks businesses but even NSA! And both are free.

What more on p2p? P2p is god-sent for even don’t-care-agonist like me! It allows the elimination of middle-men in lot more areas. One is by AI and robotics, important but not the goal here. Here we concentrate on innovation, money and bank-lending. Innovation is what Etherum is about! How good the model is its smart recovery after devastating hacking attack – bear the loss, fix the holes and go on. Standard teething problem. Money is what block chains are about. Fortunately for me, bitcoin cannot realistically scale up to become a planetary system. So what about micro-payments? One model evil-bankers love is a block chain of planetary banks with their control on micro-payments routed through them. It will work but I want to be king of the hill and don’t care what happens to evil-bankers.

It is possible to do micro-payments without nation level middle-men using my IBE that will scale up to the planet! It does not depend on any properties of mine beyond any of good IBE, hence extend to Quantum-busting non-malleable IBE! OK-to arrival of genuine shor-capable Quantum computers (adiabatic QC are NEVER going to be shor-capable) and beyond! The boundary can be crossed safely since my method depends on the insight of nested validity periods!

So what is my method? It is based on the insight that one cannot invert a one-way function. That means if a sender sends a one-way of the embedded time sent, the target cannot reuse the communication, construct another like it etc. The sender cannot lie about when sent. (If so, how did the receiver get that message?) All we need is a court. Receiver says I go this message but no money. Sender says I owe and sent! There is an escrow gate. It releases money to second party if first party send it money and second can present encryption and plain text (following decryption that matches) The decision of this court can be within hours and on the net! The escrow gate can use existing bank (money transferred between accounts) or any online merchant! The transaction never used any money or block-chain! Yet enough information trail exists to resolve ALL disputes fairly.
I consider Musk my hero for inventing paypal and then using the results wisely. So is Ramdev, for fucking evil-MBA in general, and preserving trust essential in commerce and sadly devastated in inspector-raj. More power to them. I say that major online battle will erupt for online customers in India. Players include (Chinese thru) paytm, (Goggle thru) Tez, (Walmart thru) Flipkart and Amazon. The winner could well be one armed with my aaquantum-micro-payment-block-chain who clobbers the others!

But what about evil-bankers. Someone is testing waters! P2p lending platform in India, is an innovative investment option which will help you make returns which could be as high as 28%. Your participation as a Lender in writing the success story of p2p lending in India. You can now lend your money online to borrowers and make high returns, all you need to do is to register.

What’s more, since there is no requirement for any physical documentation etc., all this can be done online. The model provides better rates of interest than the traditional model because it removes the intermediaries and connects the lenders directly to the end users – the borrowers. And here every borrower is identity-verified, credit-checked and risk-assessed based on the documents received from them.

The recommended rate of interest ranges from 12% p.a. to 36% p.a. and the loan tenure ranges from 6 months to 36 months. A lender can invest from ₹ 30 thousand to ₹ 7.5 lacs for personal loans and up to ₹ 10 lacs for business loans. In order to provide you access to your own lending account with access to borrower listings, a small nominal registration fee of ₹ 1000/-.

Friday, March 16, 2018

From the Edge of the Universe to the Inside of a Proton

This is one of the few composites that have a religious significance to me, developed from photos in this article:
to be read before or after watching this, sixty years old with rare religious significance
This is the Universe I was born in and understood by classical physics and ubertheries of special and general relativity, quantum mechanics and punctuated natural selection evolution, to be navigated by aaquantum stoicism.

Wednesday, March 14, 2018


skyrmion is a pointlike region of reversed magnetization in a uniform magnet. The skyrmion's“core”—here, pointed up—is surrounded by an axially symmetric twist that returns the spin texture to the background direction (down).

Scientists observe a new quantum particle with properties of ball lightning

This knotted skyrmion may provide insight into a stable ball of plasma that could enhance future fusion reactorsDate:

March 2, 2018
Source:Aalto University

Scientists have created, for the first time a three-dimensional skyrmion in a quantum gas. The skyrmion was predicted theoretically over 40 years ago, but only now has it been observed experimentally.
Why interesting
People jave claimed witnessing Ball lightening and claims discarded fot last 40 years.
could lead to finding a solution to keep plasma together efficiently and enable more stable fusion reactors than we have now.

Friday, February 23, 2018

Internet voting

Nicest about class-of-75 is one can present to-be-implemented idea and derive conclusions  to get objections raised and quiet too. One VERY useful and first implementation is generation of polls and their analysis. It is  assumed that people have access to html editors and statistical packages that can handle data produced as a table with#- comment lines. So typical output is

#-names              votes     age
Arun                      yes         60
Baldev                  no           62

The analyser tabulates votes (some missing) and may determine the median age.

col “name” n=name{target{}} !(n)
col “vote” ?(v=vote) !(v)
col “age” ?(a=int) !(a)

That’s it!

Arya magic comes in vote column where builtin type vote is used, 99.99 CS will fail here. A magic cookie is attached to email that depends on email address (one addr per voter is admin work). The user acts normal and votes yes or no. The vote gets auto-transformed to a magic number in reply. On receive end, unknown votes are ignored as are all duplicates (which kept etc.). This is proof against forced voting, genuine error and voting hacks!

Note that implicit vote (not asked or output) can be used for uniqueness and hacking safety!

Monday, February 12, 2018

Block-medium 101

Latest link

Block-medium is arun arya competition to private-Block-chain which is ordinary blockchain with strong anti-spy guarantee. What is a blockchain is well expressed in this wired, or this video. (video link works but slow). Point is that bit coin, where blockchain started, was designed to grow in wild, despite any damage from hackers by cryptography and executive thugs by contention. Block medium retains protection from hackers through cryptography, but not executive thugs, handled by regulations and law. This has many massive benefits

1.       Ability to prevent block-medium applications from venturing into forbidden areas like porn and drugs

2.       An ability to tax transactions. So important is this idea given the synergy to robotics, decentralization and quantum mechanics, each science whose progress will cause waves of unemployment; that I propose gradual elimination of all other taxes and their replacement by block-medium transaction tax!

Every blockchain crypto currency has two phases to incentivize the miners and grow the project, slowly inflating the currency pool. Miners derive their income from mining new currency by statistically fair contention It is this phase fully replaced in block medium by legal fiat. After a crypto-currency has reached maximal inflation, the miners will still operate on transaction commission. That is enough from day 1! 

Legal construction creates an initial supply, inflated through some parliament, best constrained by some principle in the constitution that limits the inflation to some factor of consumer prices, say 1.03. Parliament can expand less or change the constitution!

Clearly, I model politicians as very intelligent ethical operators that are forced into weird positions by the requirements of their constituents and constitution provides the ultimate fig leaf to do unpopular things. Ultimately, all issues  reduce to money and budgeting, thus providing total fig leaf.

Is block-medium the future and not blockchain? Guess who are rushing to build their own blockchain? Every very big corporation! Those, like governments, are the big target of blockchain in the first place! Fortunately, enough idiot executive still do not see the cruciality of private blockchain!

My own politics is still unsure. Except it is unsettled Libertarian – fiscally conservative like Modiji, socially liberal like Tharoorji, anti-experience like in USA, history means irrelevant!


False flag attacks are easy to kill by aaquantum-means - by attaching author name and author-identity digital root of digest of text. Secure because digital roots are one-way. Obtaining and preventing misuse of aaquantum-identities is what aaquantum-is. Fundamental intellectual world-wide problems of 21st century are conflicts in trust and privacy, their magnitude and resolution. Not only is fake news common, it is hard to even vouch for genuine news!

Moronic criminals have claimed that NASA landing on the moon was an elaborate hoax. Calling opponents names does not strengthen the argument Why then do I do it? It is a long document by inclusion. Any normal reader will glance only on a few lines. The reminder is long and complex. It is not irrelevant to claim that names summarises the long. Others are welcome in free speech society to argue that my abbreviation does not apply or is plain wrong. For instance, they may claim that believers in NASA canard are Moronic criminals! I must then have the right to link to that description and call its author Meta Moronic criminal. And so on!

At that point, legally designated agency can tabulate honest citizen votes and report votes cast and difference in favour and against. For this purpose, a biological identity is needed but that must be kept private from businesses. In India, m-aadhaar is in that direction, still fortunately not aa-aadhaar, my guaranteed private useful aadhar. For nations without adhaar, consider that unregistered eye print can be detected and unregistered votes discarded! Double voting is formally like double spending, basic to digital currency implementation. Clever aaquantum techniques can detect fraudulent registration and voting.

The solution is to allow ANY non-opinion expressing equanimous text to be linked to a file of links such that alternate links reference text of whatever length but has to be authored by court decided alternate Boolean viewpoint. The principals must register with the government by simply sending an email to a link, and the government can decide which is proponent, overturn able by designated court. All links and proponents can be agency-questioned!

In particular. Commercial speech links can also be attacked by the criticizer linking to better alternatives (their opinions). This proposal is welcome death-bell for dishonest advertising business on internet! The attacked can provide response link, And so on. The summary vote can be the zero line. Even better, the zeroth line is file of pairs votes tabulated by first identity. This allows the different consumer to select based on votes tabulated by their different favourite. This is somewhat more elaborate than political votes, where favourite based voting is inapplicable.

The solution to lies is not forbid speech. It is to provide links to a counter-narrative. The solution to attack on public decency is required enclosure in cryptography solely used to record the peruser.