Saturday, July 29, 2017

On the history of Niagen ie NR

As I delve into NR, not aware of how it started, only analysis of effects, many questions came to my mind, answered greatly here.

Why absent empirical data? And I can understand his point about clinical trials in this area. But it still seems like a big leap from that to the nutraceuticals industry (here’s more on the company’s founding). But then “As one scientist recently put it to The New Yorker, the antiaging science being done at Google-backed Calico Labs is “as self-serving as the Medici building a Renaissance chapel in Italy, but with a little extra Silicon Valley narcissism thrown in.””

What is aging?

Similar to 7 factors of deGrey SENS, this is another intuitive
list –
1.  Oxidative Damage
2.  Cell DNA Damage
3.  Mitochondrial Damage
4.  Tissue Glycation
5.  Lipofuscin Accumulation
6.  Chronic Inflammation
7.  Immune System Compromise
8.  Neurological Degeneration
9.  Declines in Hormone Levels
10.              Susceptibility to Cancers
11.              Susceptibility to Cardiovascular Disease
12.              Telomere Shortening and Damage
13.              Programmed Epigenomic Changes
14.              Stem Cell Supply Chain Breakdown    
15.              Incorrect protein folding
16.              Accumulation of Progerin
17.              Gene mutations leading to hellicase abnormalities
18.              Increasing mTOR signaling
19.              Declining hypoxic response
20.              Micronutrient triage with aging

Absent empirical data, how can one have any faith in NR?

1.       Quality of people lined up: MIT  Lenny Guarente (planetary aging expert), he’s being advised by five Nobel Prize winners and two dozen other top researchers.
2.       Width is important! Typical run-of-mill criminals can not afford by have to lie – means fuck caught! The star cast, Google calico lab.
3.       People lining up without need!
4.       There are great people who disagree with me! And Barzilai knows about the science of aging. Heis, after all, the director of the Institute for Aging Research at the AlbertEinstein College of Medicine in the Bronx. To me, perfect critic! He peddles the drug in question, metformin, to me not exclusive!

Why not wait for data? Won’t wait for 2020-2030. Ready to waste limited money.

How can CDC be shorted? No pharmaceuticals but nutraceuticals!

Why bad idea?

1.       Criminals an call their stuff (with some evidence only) just as good!
2.       Cant protect by patents! Any one can copy you.

How can you prevent copy cat criminals?

1 line up many greats
2 Not done, but I will – joint denunciation of competitors

How can non-rigorous studies be done?

1.       No one but I can, motherfuck other protocols easyu
2.       Mine will be immune. All based on aafiber!

Why is the Elysium methodology bad business?

Whatever they do can be copied!

Bad business, so what?
1         Scientists do not care of profits beyond reasonable STANDARD.
2 My method can be applied! To do my stuff fast, must use free must-extend-only-free stuff. What if 95% of my stuff was free, only thing making money was sqrt of cloud, method never sold, a user can check by squaring, I was not lying! How the sqrt was done MY BUSINESS only. For aging, a complicated protocol, largely bullshit. The copycats wont know what NOT to copy! For example a useful step may be broken, there might be slow poison – antidote steps. Mind you, be bad idea for pharmaceuticals. But OK for nutraceuticals! The expertise has no legal value!

Friday, July 28, 2017

Dead people and pets to diamonds

Orders for diamonds made from human cremains aren't the only type that Algordanza receives. "First we had the cremains of a German Shepard and now we have cremains of a cat," Martoia said.

Algordanza's prices start at $3,000 for a 0.3 carat diamond. Martoia said the average order is about 0.4 to 0.5 carat, though US customers usually request bigger, 0.8-carat diamonds.

But Algordanza can make them much larger: The company recently took a $48,000 order for 2-carat diamond. After 10 months of growth, the resulting gem actually wound up being 1.76-carats  — but it's still the largest memorial diamond ever made by the company.

Some customers take the rough gem, but many opt to have their memorial diamonds cut, faceted, and polished by a jeweler in Switzerland.

Inside awaits a rough, uncut, and unpolished diamond.
Description: Some customers take the rough gem, but many opt to have their memorial diamonds cut, faceted, and polished by a jeweler in Switzerland.Description: Inside awaits a rough, uncut, and unpolished diamond.
When enough time has passed, technicians remove the puck of graphite and crack it open.
Description: When enough time has passed, technicians remove the puck of graphite and crack it open.

Source: Science Channel
Depending on how big a customer wants their diamond to be, it can take six to eight weeks in an HPHT machine to coax graphite to crystallize into a gem. "The larger the diamond, the longer it takes to grow," Martoia said.

That's like the entire mass of the International Space Station bearing down on the face of a wristwatch — then heating it up to a temperature exceeding that of lava.

That machine can heat a growth cell to nearly 2,500 degrees Fahrenheit. It also squeezes the cell under 870,000 pounds-per-square-inch of pressure.
Description: That machine can heat a growth cell to nearly 2,500 degrees Fahrenheit. It also squeezes the cell under 870,000 pounds-per-square-inch of pressure.
Source: Algordanza
To emulate that environment, Algordanza inserts the cell (now packed with graphite) into a platter and slides it into a high-temperature high-pressure (HPHT) growing machine.
Description: To emulate that environment, Algordanza inserts the cell (now packed with graphite) into a platter and slides it into a high-temperature high-pressure (HPHT) growing machine.
Natural diamonds form out of carbon that gets stuck in lava tubes about a mile deep in the Earth's crust.
Description: Natural diamonds form out of carbon that gets stuck in lava tubes about a mile deep in the Earth's crust.
The final purification step converts the carbon into slippery sheets of graphite — the same type of carbon in pencils. Graphite's microscopic flat sheets of carbon are an ideal starter material for synthesizing diamonds.

The cell also contains a tiny diamond to help the carbon crystallize into a rough shape, since carbon crystallizes best when it touches an existing diamond.
Description: The cell also contains a tiny diamond to help the carbon crystallize into a rough shape, since carbon crystallizes best when it touches an existing diamond.
The diamond provides a "blueprint" for the carbon to work from, which means the new diamond that eventually forms will require less cutting and polishing.
To further purify the carbon to 99.9% or more, technicians pack it into a growing cell that contains iron and cobalt — additives that help remove contaminants.

When Algordanza processes ashes, Martoia says, "it's nearly impossible to separate out the boron from the carbon". This is because the two elements share similar weights and properties.

"The diamonds can range from clear to very deep blue," Martoia said. "The more boron, the deeper the blue."
Description: "The diamonds can range from clear to very deep blue," Martoia said. "The more boron, the deeper the blue."
She added that it's impossible to predict the exact color a memorial diamond will take on.
"But an interesting thing to note is that our technicians are seeing a correlation in people who have had chemotherapy. Their diamonds tend to come out much lighter," Martoia said. This may be because chemotherapy leaches away the body's boron and other important micronutrients.
Boron is the impurity that colors the rare blue diamonds found in nature — and is why many "memorial diamonds" come out blue, too.
Description: Boron is the impurity that colors the rare blue diamonds found in nature — and is why many "memorial diamonds" come out blue, too.
The other 1% contains impurities like boron — an element and micro-nutrient that helps humans (and other animals) grow bone, heal wounds, and regulate the immune system.

This bumps the carbon purity of the processed ashes to about 99% or greater.

Once there's enough carbon, the element is extracted and purified of contaminants like salts. "We use an acidic chemical to get rid of impurities," Martoia said.

When the company receives ashes from a customer, a technician puts a sample into a special oven to see if there's enough carbon to grow a diamond. If there's not enough, the amount of carbon in a lock of hair can make up the difference.

Martoia said Algordanza requires a minimum of one pound of cremains. "That's kind of the magic number, where our engineers can guarantee there will be enough carbon to make a memorial diamond," she said.

Making a diamond from a dead person begins with cremation. The process typically leaves behind about 5 to 10 pounds of ashes, much of which is carbon.
Description: Making a diamond from a dead person begins with cremation. The process typically leaves behind about 5 to 10 pounds of ashes, much of which is carbon.
Styles of cremation differ from culture to culture. Some use hotter temperatures for longer, which allows more carbon to escape into the air as carbon dioxide (which may mean more ashes are needed to form a diamond

Arya Add: A 0.2 Carat is sufficient. I seriously consider a 1000 year company that allows any one to add their diamond to that of ancestors. Over 1000 years, it will become very valuable – by jewel and by history!

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Tech fi, open plausible unlikely, but interesting

Astronomers Discovered A Second ‘Alien Megastructure’ Star That’s Even Stranger Than Kic 8462852

130 years of data!

see also

Dyson sphere is what I wou7ld build, given that kurzweil et al "fantastic voyage" excites me.

Creative Add
(right select, click Goto)

Spend some time in studying this picture. Obtained from here. Last row are five things are m ine, described below,, also what mobile are good for.

Compass, is supplied as an option. It has not been exploited as replacement of colored lines in may hospitals in USA to direct patients. It can, and will be done in all complicated places like historical forts, temples, government offices, shopping centers, large stores, bus and train stations, air ports etc.  as co-alternative to signage!

GPS enables may distance calculations, as well as motion-charting. Extreme case would be a hovercraft hovering camera, that triangulates on two sensors on your shoulder, carries a camera and snaps many selfies and family pictures, following by simple robotic control! A great design idea by me.

Bluetooth is already there. USA style self-describing sales products will hit the world with BLE! Century 21 is here! Anyone, including signage, and map feeders can also be enabled!

Guides can and should be replaced by gross direction by compass and object description by ble Believe me, absent chatter of a guide, visits to museums, historical PLACES ETC ARE A WASTE.

Simple medical instruments can be done by graphics and overlay text etc. Using transparency, a limited gif is enough to animate to the point, low end mobiles can simulate. All needed are sensors and an android like system!

Monday, July 24, 2017

Cosmic collider

To current knowledge, but complete, was reported recently that unifies the universe and the very small thus ignites mind-bending imagination in my tech fi mind! "Through inflation, the spectrum of elementary particles is encoded in the statistics of the distribution of the contents of the universe, such as the galaxies and cosmic microwave background, that we observe today," explains Xingang Chen, a co-author and scientist in the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics. "This is the connection between the smallest and largest."

In other words, the entire universe was an inflating atom just at big bang. Between then and now the universe is much bigger from inflation but the spectrum of sub-atomic particles is faintly recorded in the CMB! That is the connection between very large and very small, Natural but mind-blowing. To imagine the entire universe as a sub-atom!

It proves scientific theory of creation through a big bang and buries forever the Fred-Hoyle+Narlikar model of steady state universe or its later incarnations or doubts from ANY religion!

Saturday, July 22, 2017

Game of precursors

Why nad+?

It is part of the inner chargeable battery that cycles between nad+ and nadh.
Why not synthesize nadh directly?

There are no direct reactions of substance. Only nad+ can be increased, in turn food will charge it to increased nadh. Mind you, the energy recovery is by unit weight. So either nadh or nad+ has to be synthesized

Why increase nad+ by nature way?

At this point, nature is mimicked. Someday, some bio scientist-engineers will claim other ways of synthesis and their methods will have centuries of anti-cancer testing. Till then, the conservative safe way is to mimic nature!

How increase nad+ by nature way?

We can do it by examining the precursors in various organic reactions.  Also one must consider the amount delivered. We have to cross the stomach-blood barrier and then the chemical has to be ingested by the cell. Collectively we call the crossing the bioavailability.

Why hard?

The cheapest way to increase calcium is to eat chalk. Bad idea because the chemical may damage the stomach and has negligible bioavailability. Same is not true of some complex bio-molecules with Ca ion. Even the best have maximal absorption rates, so there is NO instantaneous way of raising!

How come you know re Ca?

My mother has been diagnosed deficient in Ca, fundamental cause of osteoporosis. Interesting ways to increase Ca makes sense to me!

How can you improve bioavailability of anything?

No matter what it is, element  ion or salt, you can always inject it into the blood stream directly. Problem is you bypass the stomach-blood filter that performs two essentials – keep out the impurities and convert it right blood form. It means that injectable be medical-grade pure and known to be injectable! An anti-oxidant Glutathione which also disrupts melanin synthesis has this property and slowly, doctors are opening direct-IV centers that advertise proven Skin-whitening for girl-marriage with guaranteed whitening for a few months.


There are many to nad+. They require 2 or more steps to become nad+. Further away you are, lower the effectiveness because of increased bio-availability issues and increased chances of unintended side effects. All start with vitamin B3, most have similar pathways to nad+ and similar bad side-effect profile – in other words safe to high doses . This makes them perfect  goods for semi-intelligents to be thugged in honest ways. Point is these are all precursors, they can each do the job, may or may not in reality, discovery is incredible hard, there are plenty of anecdotal-advice givers and wise-oracles buyable. In other words, intellectual debates best avoided. What can clear the nonsense are high quality studies, started for niagen in Japan and metformin in USA, but due in 2020. Even the need for such studies are a positive sign beyond amazon hype!


Nam, Na, and Trp (Tryptophan) are advertised, sold but shown ineffective precursors to nad+. Note that even earlier is B3 (niacin) in two forms, dangerous flushing niacin and non-flushing niacinamide. Another approach to non-flushing is time-release version of niacin. All these are as far away as B3 (First N in most is niacin). Much closer (closest) is NR. The riboside molecule seems to have better bio-availability for most in conjunction with exercise (I posit). Note that NR might be essential to motivate oldies  to exercise some, in the first place (past the feeling of enervation!). It is a good place to bet because Japanese are at least studying it! Best not bet but wait till 2018, but only if you can. It is NOT a shame to fall for amazon hype,  perhaps. At worst, very good chances are you wasted money at most.


CDC in USA studies it. Even more specialized studies operate. Early mother of investigations was a statistical study from 2000 + in UK that compared lifespans of metformin alone treated diabetics M, equivalent free of diabetes F and equivalent  insulin treated diabetics I; and found N – 5 > F > I + 5. Eating metformin seems to do the trick unless equivalency used by statisticians was bullshit! Started the study in 2016. A Swedish study pph-poohed renal damage, stating - Conclusions Metformin showed lower risk than insulin for CVD and all-cause mortality and slightly lower risk for all-cause mortality compared with other OHA, in these 51 675 patients followed for 4 years. Patients with renal impairment showed no increased risk of CVD, all-cause mortality or acidosis/serious infection. In clinical practice, the benefits of metformin use clearly outbalance the risk of severe side effects.
 How evil is sugars? VERY.

The United Kingdom Prospective Diabetes Study (UKPDS) set out to examine the effect of intensified glucose control upon the subsequent development of complications of diabetes in newly diagnosed patients, and the relative benefits of specific therapies (diet, sulfonylureas, metformin or insulin) in this regard. It recruited 5,102 patients from 23 centres between 1977 and 1991. Patients were followed for an average of 10 years. A blood pressure arm was added in the course of the study and compared rigorous vs less rigorous blood pressure control in hypertensive people with diabetes, and the relative benefits of an ACE inhibitor (captopril) or β-blocker (atenolol) in achieving this. Median HbA1c was 7.9% on conventional therapy and 7.0% on intensified therapy, and this was associated with a 25% reduction in the rates of retinopathy, nephropathy and (possibly) neuropathy. Results were even stronger in the epidemiological arm (which compared achieved HbA1c rather than treatment arm), and no glycaemic threshold for complications was observed. There was a non-significant 16% reduction in myocardial infarction or sudden death with intensified therapy, and a 25% reduction in the risk of death for every 1% drop in HbA1c. Antihypertensive therapy markedly reduced all end-points, microvascular as well as arterial.

WARNING: I AM no DOCTOR, nor are you. Get encouraged to visit and not appear stupid

Getting ambitious over needed anyway

A clinical doctor sees many patients and can learn from their experiences. However, there is a place for skeptics like me, since all their experiences are in cures attempted and diseases management as per their instruction. Whenever there is a major revolution in thinking, a skeptic, like me, has scope, but there are MANY like me. In overwhelming number of cases, the skeptic is the subhuman and wrong! So disagreement is not enough, else what and why? One has to understand difference between science and empiricism. EVERY person opposing empiricism is considered an emfubar criminal, ALL homeopath are like-criminals!

 One cannot dismiss Ayurveda remedies but safely dismiss large number of practioners! Can’t dismiss potions due to empiricism, can dismiss most practioners evidently not even aware of the damage noble metals like silver, gold or platinum may cause! Fortunately, as structured, drug companies are encouraged, even some times forced, to oppose inexpensive equally good plant sources of drugs. That means that CDC is not always consumer-friendly, especially when the fight involves large politically aware groups opposed to consumer good.

The shameful episode against stevia in the American legal system and escape from harsh penalties for smoking are bright examples. The vilification of Fats, not sugars and nonsense advice to control cholesterol is another example. Where does it end, or are ALL medical results suspect? There are friends who consider ALL so-called results to be contaminated! There are others who glorify anti-diets of yesterday diets! The best that diabetics can do is to eat fats! But wait a minute! Diabetes is from excess calorie. American teeth last a lifetime as opposed to Indian 60! Ain’t minority of doc consider increasing insulin deadly to a diabetic!

There is any easy rejoinder from me, one must never consider isolated results, or go to other extreme and only admit wholesome results. One must always consider diet and exercise as a required component of medication. I have encountered a gym instructor who considered himself to be a doctor and in fact cured majority of people who sought his advice ( and paid for it ). Point is that sample of seekers never included people ready to be hospitalized. But by personal experience, diet+exercise control has greatly helped drugs () which in turn has