Tuesday, April 25, 2017

My epistemology allowed me to violate my golden commandment – thou will obey thy doctor. When is it OK? The question required a lot of thinking. I pen it to be criticized, more mercilessly the better, for empty evil words do not bother my thick skin and even bad words are either ignored or retaliated solely by fouler language. In other words, criticizing me, howsoever, is a safe occupation.

The class letter

Sir all, Fundamental to my epistemology is detailed review of what seems to make sense, largely I have learned to doubt self and friends using them and me as valid excellent sources of worth-investigation hypotheses but very poor sources of evidence. My life change seriously with an off-hand link by DM (gave me stoicism) as knowable example and another one by Ashok on diabetes that also made sense to me.

Turns out, the MD he talked about and intermittent fasting are symptoms of a paradigm shift in medicine, happening visible to us. Unlike many friends here, my disquiet with allopathy does not drive me to less effective OIE of medicine of gone days, instead to cutting edge, perhaps less statistical strong, allowed only for newbies and NEVER anecdotes, no matter how good. This guy is unlikely a flake or others rejectable as NOT having academic background. The point is wonder of logic – total ass may wrongly apply logic and still get right answer! Fasting is one, that my friends swear by it, deep religious thinkers say it, adds zero evidence. They also get zero credit! But Atkins diet works!

My wife, US MD had long discussions with me on why it works despite being opposed to usual (OIE) medicine! Now here is the fun – after my research, fasting (start 1 per week) has been started. Horrible idea for diabetics! BUT I took precautions -
  1. heart med are not taken empty stomach. Tranches were quaffed after some oats curry morn and night.
  2. Did not take diabetes med while fasting
  3. FIRST Fasting is bad. I had 5 glasses of water, 5 cups of green tea and three glass of lemon.
  4. For every non-diabetic, watermelon (EVEN LARGE BUT NOT SUPERLARGE) size OK.
  5. His kind of advice marks me an idiot in else-motivated people, welcome to my case with ignored comments unless how else to deal with heart drugs and headaches! There is allopathic fasting, ha ha.
    6. Give myself 2 months. Goal is elimination of ziten M.
Missing Points
why is the step dangerous?
Traditional medicine considers fasting diabetic as sinful.

Low sugars can hit very hard.

How avoided?
Some oatmeal by force. Stop diabetic medicine – even blue moon sugar spike OK. Test blood six times.

How should normal people do it, even intelligent s?
Doctor care essential.

What makes you different?
1 erudite discussion and reference lookup on Atkins's diet in with wife, then, a US MD. In other words, I encourage you to talk to a concerned doctor own or spouse.
2 Knowing current medicines, purpose, impact of missing, method of administration - heart med
3 Close-by emergency and being able to afford them.
4 etc

Point of paradigm shift is progressive idiotification of experienced senior people. Has neen seen by me and resolutely avoided – programmer 1955-1975 structured, pre-internet 1975-1995 UNIXERS, visual 1996-2015 java c++, encryption 2015+ interpreted phone-based IoT tor tails. A paradigm shift against ALL newbies is happening. So is it in medicine - 20 century versus 21.

How characterize?

The world consists of allopathic [modern medicine] and ALL others. Within allopathy is a aaqgs-clear distinction between acute and chronic. Current mm is VERY good at acute care, MUCH better than all others. Situation is very muddy for chronic. A chronic situation is one where no cure is known, best prescriptions are holding strategies, short term improvements are sometimes possible and abused by essentially criminals passing off as alternate doctors. Any technology giving temporary relief but not a cure is sometimes useful in end-stags but criminal before and allopaths who do it are as criminal unless having diagnosed end-stage before!

So what is the shift you see?
1 Unification of chronic diseases causes – not microbes but oxidation, insulin and telomeres.
2 Reduction of chronic cures to ant-oxidants, ant-diabetes and anti-telomere-shortening 
3 Increasing role of non-chemical cures like stomach-stapling, looks-surgery, exercise, ecp.
4 Enormous role of stem cells

5 bio-copying engineerng
Along with newer drugs 95-120 age is possible; hibernation to 200 or maybe by life-extension of cells like long-lived trees; electronic transference for ever. You MUST live to 95 with conventional medicine. That means aggressive sugar control, exercise, safe diet, anti-oxidants. I do them all and invite others to do it themselves or even borrow notes.
Immortal life as cyborg with unlikely but doable plan (which must benefit even if it fails)

Plans with that property deserve a name missing in english, henceforth bounce-plans, where you get a significant boost though unknown amount which depends. Allopathic fasting gives a boost in chronic medicine.

A new theory of the universe's creation

One can experimentally verify and logically theorize about big bang creation. Was time born then, or has continuous existence even before the event? That depends on the big bang model! Most people are not aware of the compatible models and religions compatible!

Science is a credible filter that eliminates dead-wood theories no matter how beautiful, the new theories again mushroom awaiting more experimental garbage collection. There was convincing (ALL religions created before 1915) slaughter of religions which believed in permanent or created universe, finally devastated by Einstein space-time and Hubble experiments. 

Then the dilemma of explosive expansion!

Almost any one sane believed in crunch from gravity (while speeds get larger with distance, Gravity decelerations,means velocities would be falling since the only outward acceleration was from big bang at creation time)   Not so, showed astronomical observations at turn of century! Distant galaxies fly apart at accelerating speeds, from newly mysterious-created-concept dark energy!
  1. Pope-compatible model (by NARRATED by Hawking): OK to study post big-bang but not before/at creation time, for that was the work of God!   Sir escaped before creation of new inquisitions!
  2. Scientist model – creation time irrelevant, density of mass was such that entire universe fit in plank length and it exploded creating time. Why? Can't know!
  3. Stoic model – time continues to minus infinity. Two branes collided in hyper-space to lead to big bang.
  4. Recursive Model of aaqgs:  (my religion with me ONLY follower) A universe either dies in a big crunch or expands for ever. Infinite expansion is last creation stage after many crunches. Crunches are required to destroy entropy/qubits, which has no other known way of destruction. Perhaps soon or may be trillions of generations later, our descendants will discover ways of reversing entropy and live for ever after since our universe expands for ever and no big crunches will happen and there is no acceleration within our galaxy(become universe then)
  5. The black hole model – the universe springs from the singularity at the center of a hyper-space black hole, likely from a supernova of a hyper-star.
  6. White hole model is expected from loop quantum gravity that is one convincing way of unifying GR and QM (other is string theory).Loop quantum gravity proposes that space-time is made up of fundamental building blocks shaped like loops. According to Haggard and Rovelli, the loops’ finite size prevents a dying star from collapsing all the way down into a point of infinite density, and the shrinking object rebounds into a white hole instead. This process may take just a few thousandths of a second, but thanks to the intense gravity involved, the effects of relativity make the transformation appear to take much, much longer to anyone watching from afar. That means that minuscule black holes born in the infant universe could “now be ready to pop off like firecrackers,” forming white holes, according to a report in Nature. Some of the explosions astronomers thought were supernovae may actually be the wails of newborn white holes.

Saturday, April 22, 2017

A Good Hindu

Hindu-supremacist charged RSS declared Kazi Nazrul Islam of Bangladesh a “Good Hindu” for sacrifices against the British and efforts towards Hindu-muslim unity. He joins the ranks of RSS icons. Enough to distinguish it from Hitler (imagine Herr as declaring a jew as even aryan-like, let alone aryan or Africaan declaring a black as white-like, honorary-white, let alone white!).

There are no British any more. Still their demon off-springs still plague us with illiterate exploitable population, unskilled labor, even some Hindu tarnished by submission to caste ism and regional underdevelopment.

Never mind the resistance likely displayed, I would like to nominate both Mr. Shahid Anwar and Mr. Qamar Rahmani in the ranks of Good Hindu. Given that Hinduism considers belief as many distinct paths to same God, No god, or Undeterminable; and for reasons cited, the nomination is reasoned.

For Mr. Shahid Anwar for credible fight against British demons of illiteracy and unskillfuls, and for efforts against caste ism and sexism.

For Late Mr. Qamar Rahmani for credible resource raising for Bijnore and continuous fight against creeping unskillfulness by attending my lectures on UNIX at 'soul of new machine' Data General in Boston, as professional developer in Florida and even joining me in IBE education efforts of Professor Boneh.

For both for working tirelessly for Hindu-Muslim unity.

Friday, April 21, 2017

paradigm shift in medicine

My epistemology allowed me to violate my golden commandment – thou will obey thy doctor. When is it OK? The question required a lot of thinking. I pen it to be criticized, more mercilessly the better, for empty evil words do not bother my thick skin and even bad words are either ignored or retaliated solely by fouler language. In other words, criticizing me, howsoever, is a safe occupation.

The class letter

Sir all, Fundamental to my epistemology is detailed review of what seems to make sense, largely I have learned to doubt self and friends using them and me as valid excellent sources of worth-investigation hypotheses but very poor sources of evidence. My life change seriously with an off-hand link by DM (gave me stoicism) as knowable example and another one by Ashok on diabetes that also made sense to me.

Turns out, the MD he talked about and intermittent fasting are symptoms of a paradigm shift in medicine, happening visible to us. Unlike many friends here, my disquiet with allopathy does not drive me to less effective OIE of medicine of gone days, instead to cutting edge, perhaps less statistical strong, allowed only for newbies and NEVER anecdotes, no matter how good. This guy is unlikely a flake or others rejectable as NOT having academic background. The point is wonder of logic – total ass may wrongly apply logic and still get right answer! Fasting is one, that my friends swear by it, deep religious thinkers say it, adds zero evidence. They also get zero credit! But Atkins diet works!

My wife, US MD had long discussions with me on why it works despite being opposed to usual (OIE) medicine! Now here is the fun – after my research, fasting (start 1 per week) has been started. Horrible idea for diabetics! BUT I took precautions -
  1. heart med are not taken empty stomach. Tranches were quaffed after some oats curry morn and night.
  2. Did not take diabetes med while fasting
  3. FIRST Fasting is bad. I had 5 glasses of water, 5 cups of green tea and three glass of lemon.
  4. For every non-diabetic, watermelon (EVEN LARGE BUT NOT SUPERLARGE) size OK.
  5. His kind of advice marks me an idiot in else-motivated people, welcome to my case with ignored comments unless how else to deal with heart drugs and headaches! There is allopathic fasting, ha ha.
    6. Give myself 2 months. Goal is elimination of ziten M.
Missing Points
why is the step dangerous?
Traditional medicine considers fasting diabetic as sinful.

Low sugars can hit very hard.

How avoided?
Some oatmeal by force. Stop diabetic medicine – even blue moon sugar spike OK. Test blood six times.

How should normal people do it, even intelligent s?
Doctor care essential.

What makes you different?
1 erudite discussion and reference lookup on Atkins's diet in with wife, then, a US MD. In other words, I encourage you to talk to a concerned doctor own or spouse.
2 Knowing current medicines, purpose, impact of missing, method of administration - heart med
3 Close-by emergency and being able to afford them.
4 etc

Point of paradigm shift is progressive idiotification of experienced senior people. Has neen seen by me and resolutely avoided – programmer 1955-1975 structured, pre-internet 1975-1995 UNIXERS, visual 1996-2015 java c++, encryption 2015+ interpreted phone-based IoT tor tails. A paradigm shift against ALL newbies is happening. So is it in medicine - 20 century versus 21.

How characterize?

The world consists of allopathic [modern medicine] and ALL others. Within allopathy is a aaqgs-clear distinction between acute and chronic. Current mm is VERY good at acute care, MUCH better than all others. Situation is very muddy for chronic. A chronic situation is one where no cure is known, best prescriptions are holding strategies, short term improvements are sometimes possible and abused by essentially criminals passing off as alternate doctors. Any technology giving temporary relief but not a cure is sometimes useful in end-stags but criminal before and allopaths who do it are as criminal unless having diagnosed end-stage before!

So what is the shift you see?
1 Unification of chronic diseases causes – not microbes but oxidation, insulin and telomeres.
2 Reduction of chronic cures to ant-oxidants, ant-diabetes and anti-telomere-shortening 
3 Increasing role of non-chemical cures like stomach-stapling, looks-surgery, exercise, ecp.
4 Enormous role of stem cells

5 bio-copying engineerng
Along with newer drugs 95-120 age is possible; hibernation to 200 or maybe by life-extension of cells like long-lived trees; electronic transference for ever. You MUST live to 95 with conventional medicine. That means aggressive sugar control, exercise, safe diet, anti-oxidants. I do them all and invite others to do it themselves or even borrow notes.
Immortal life as cyborg with unlikely but doable plan (which must benefit even if it fails)

Plans with that property deserve a name missing in english, henceforth bounce-plans, where you get a significant boost though unknown amount which depends. Allopathic fasting gives a boost in chronic medicine.

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

A general aaqgs-trademark scheme

Given that the trademark part of USPTO is aaqgs-criminally responsible to torturous behavior towards TBI-sick me, unrelieved as lacking in funds then and statuary time limitation now; it is terribly important to me to invent a scheme that makes at least that section irrelevant and then trash its employees of wasteful unnecessary people.

There is important cryptography insight, one internet insight and two physics insights that make this revenge possible. Given its scope, it will do banknotes, articles and what not – enough to emfubar the sub animals.

The cryptography insight is - there is NO solution to base ^ power % mod = value when all but power is known. It becomes even harder if mod is not known as well.
The internet insight is - it is possible to completely shield a computation in clouds, returning the answer within micro-seconds sand transparently increase the computers responsible for identical computations proportional to paying load.

One physics insight is – quantum dots embedded in pillars by self-assembly process are quantum randomly placed.

Another physics insight is – under uniform strain, the dots photo-luminescence changes. A french group has already developed technology to determine the dot positions thus.


Given the results, consider the deposit of such a substrate on any article. The dots vector forms a random large number from which an unknown subset is selected but the digital root of the selectin is recorded.

On the internet using clouds are sent the measurements and the digital root. A process remotely selects bits based on digital exponentiation to unknown power. Bits from measurements are subset based on this result, and the number is discret powered again to another unknown power (selected by the class of goods being protected). The result is sent back with ant-hack bits. After decode, it must be the same displayed on the article.

Why does it work?
  1. Even trillion-trillion collection of pairs of (number printed, result expected) can be used to decode values hidden
  2. Reuse of a valid number pair elsewhere is prevented by requiring same quantum dot pair elsewhere which is impossible due to uncontrolled quantum randomizing!

Electron Pulses Made Faster Than Atomic Motions

Every major advance in microscopy has resulted in revolution in medicine and production. It has allowed the scientists to visualize their current models from gedanken theoretical to experimental empirics. For example, the cutting edge state-of-art in heart care for me is radiation imaging of probes moved inside my heart i.e. angiography is the gold standard in heart diagnosis ans real-time ballooning, stents placement, and artery/vein manipulations. So what can do better than electron-beam scanning?

Turns out that atoms constituting a bond for anything fluctuate at 20 femtoseconds, Even the fastest H-binds (organic chemistry) at 10 femtoseconds. If electron trains can be developed faster than 10 femtoseconds, processes in any area can be still photo graphed, even femtosecond movies. That has been done!

The beam energy has to be large, so even in US, the labs are tied to reactors in department of energy like los alamos, sandia and lawrence livermore. Better known for weapons, one might wonder at the incentives to do cutting edge medical work! Yet they do and USA universities are way behind mostly. But not for long! Faster electron trains at lower energy levels is exciting area of research with no no-go-theorems to block path yet.


Monday, April 17, 2017

Last man standing

How can a man die better, 
Than facing fearful odds, 
For the ashes of his fathers, 
And temples of his gods.

A professional army quits with 2-3 casualties per 10, major Shaitan Singh died last day, after 114 ahir from 123 from rewari, Harayana died, fighting the Chinese in Rezang La, Laddhaqe in 1962, for which awarded PVC, posthumous. 

 Only motivation beyond professional is when you fight for your people or when convinced the enemy will mistreat you. So the horrible tom-tom of propaganda, highlight of genuine torture cases and interrogations; to convince professional army soldiers of expected maltreatment, soldiers in denial mode of such stories and no propaganda need for real causes like the regiment that sacrificed itself. 

So important was this sacrifice that if we have any part of Laddaque, it is because of this supreme sacrifice that blocked the advance of Chinese for rest of war, apart from judicious route inflicted in the battle.

To the sacred memory of the Heroes of Rezang La,
114 Martyrs of 13 Kumaon who fought to the Last Man,
Last Round, Against Hordes of Chinese on 18 November 1962.
Built by All Ranks 13th Battalion, The Kumaon Regiment


'Nobody believed we had killed so many Chinese at Rezang La. Our commander called me crazy and warned that I could be court-martialled'". Retrieved 26 November 2014.