Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Never-wrong data

I am not referring to almost never wrong, even crypto-true but perfectly true! How can that be?

1. Religious nonsense which you can reinterpret till true, or can't formulated a truth-test!.
2. Hidden perfect choice that always selects the right thing.

Beyond these are acceptable methods
1. Definitions like force = mass * acceleration
2. Axioms and implied theorems like 2+2 = 4
3. Empirical fact like water boils at 100 centigrade at one atmosphere pressure
4. no go theorem narrowed choices - below

Only 4 will be new. One cannot achieve things forbidden by no go theorems. These are so only by complicated derivations. Several examples follow

1. Entropy always increases as in second law of thermodynamics
2. Information of the universe always increases (like 2nd law extended to quantum mechanics
3. No one can defeat one time pad encryption
4. one cannot compute inverse exponentiation in polynomial time unless a shor-capable quantum comp-uter or knowing the factors of the modulus

Monday, April 3, 2017

Stoic view on other's wars

I consider myself a stoic, so I begin with begging excuse for my levity. Malvinas for you have the name of Falkland Islands for me, but I can imagine the seriousness you feel commemorating the fallen. The big question to me is the stoic attitude to others war. Falkland was difficult for USA, since both participants were dear friends. Whatever be the reason, USA chose the side of Great Britain in favor of the status quo.

Quite independent of my thinking, this favor of status quo is recognized internationally for non-participants in major international wars. This logic can be seen in Korea, re Japanese islands, Taiwan, Vietnam fight and so on. Change of borders have serious consequences no matter who is right. The security council and UNO are organizations without clout but their pronouncements extend to me as stoic and serve as replacements for detailed study of the issues. Presumably, these judgments have force and judgment calls balancing each other, which explicitly is a position against pure justice; but a compromise between justice and military power.

It is this analysis that allows me to salute your responsible patriotism even when the aims of war are dismissed by me. It is a chapter where I will support you fully in responsible commemoration it deserves from a patriotic you, even when I have doubts about the wisdom of implement ability of goals.

Saturday, April 1, 2017


easy intro - 

The word "spintronics" is a portmanteau of spin and electronics, different, rival, can be the industrial revolution eclipsing the old, and make all of us idiots.

"Einstein’s general relativity remains the bedrock for describing the cosmos. The theory, however, predicts that black holes and other singularities possess features that could be physically unacceptable. Theoretical work by a team of researchers in Brazil, Italy, and Chile now indicates that when quantum-mechanical effects are included in the description of singularities, they may smooth out the spacetime, removing some of the problematic features coming from general relativity alone."

Prediction of spin of a proton is very hard, part comes from 3 constituent quarks (20-25%), from gluons (25-35%) and rest from inner dynamics not understood. When Spintronics replaces electronics, we will be as alien as romans are to us.

In case you wonder, singularity will happen by then – Kurtsweil thinks 28 years.

Ultra-sounds generalizations

Ultra-sound is essentially many narrow focused sound waves whose reflected attenuation is correlated to the elasticity of the reflecting column.  In essence, they are doing the same thing that dolphins do when they are searching for fish.

In civil engineering, many structure probes can be investigated. One can even build reflecting instruments to replace theodolites in survey. In pregnancies, the movement of kid in womb can be seen. It should be interesting to see stethoscope-like toting civil engineers pulsing beams and columns to diagnose their health at that point in time! Just whenmoney from aaqgs-IBE rolls in!

The deep point is that this can be generalized to diagnoses in heart brain, most importantly in cancers since the elasticities of normal and cancerous tissues aredistinct.

Medical Imaging Based on Magnetic Fields and Ultrasounds

Generalization of Multipulse Transmission ... - SAGE Journals

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Unified and new toys

A grownup toy is functional to its user. A toy for non-user becomes functional with unification! Consider a phone which evolved into current mobile phones that unify camera, security, communication, internet, video-games and video-watching. It is no longer a toy for many more communities.

A high capacity pen drive not only eliminate floppy, but CD and DVD!

A mobile phone unifies Walkman, rotary dial, typewriter, camera, CAMCORDER, video-players, clunky PC, pagers, slides, polaroid, answering machine, ticker machines, betamax,videotape. It also eliminates video-protocols,CD,DVD,email, multi-media, not even there then. Backward moving lawyers representing dying industries were strongly prevented by courts. The new attacks on Copying will become pointless as my encryption with traitor-tracing spreads.

I will have the ultimate revenge on USPTO as my product infallible trade-marking spreads, on products, hack-free internet of things, bank notes etc. The TM section is improper infested.Will the last employee turn out the lights!

How can you build trade-marks independent of lawyer s, courts and secret service (USA -style)?

Suppose you have to-check product number n of 2000 bits. Now let the certificate be unknown discrete power p, say r. Only thing visible are n and r. The task of finding p, given even trillion pairs of n and r is undo able faster than enumeration! All need are discrete-power units which cannot be removed from the essential check unit without losing the power memory! This is simple workaround of theft. Further, the unit may carry a GPS number and remove the exponent and refuse to work elsewhere, erasing will-work GPS if different! This scheme works for products, banknotes and checked paper certificates, just assign a different n per product related to physical marks!

Old toys for grown-ups

What the heck are these, asked the kid, am big brother to. You are lucky junior, at least I can relate to some, even though you do not have to relate to, even in India. When I was young, the gap between rich in India and west was 5 years, rural 10-20 yrs. Now it is 5 rural and 1 rich.

Commies have a flying start – backward. Many leftists have started talking 2024 elections, not 2019! The incompetence mania has started to descend, hindutva is no longer political pseudo-BS but genuine wishes of some people. Oh well! Let me relate to most.

Saharabudhe went to Canada and brought back the wonder of floppy. I designed and still have the secret to eye-print good bio metric id-like using it for internet-of-things. The are like pen drives of today – kilobytes not gigabytes.

A Sony Walkman (now mobiles) was essential in walk or run.
The rotary dial let you type the phone number.
A typewriter typed on paper, for mail and forms and contracts!
A camera was a standalone device like the one in phone.

When I returned from slogging in my dpt., I played adventure, the grand daddy of all video-games, on Atari, on game boy, on Nintendo DS or watched as movie on videotape in a beta max. There were no DVD. Offices had clunky PC using floppy disks.

I put my thesis on overheads or slide projectors. There was no videopages or presentations.
There were no radio-internet, only walkies-talkie or pagers.

Instant photo were made by Polaroid.
Phone must have answering machines to escape adster sellers. Made video from camcorders.
Business people sat glued to ticker machines. No email, pictures and true copies were faxed.
Even I know not what bbc micro is.

There was no internet hence googloe or facebook. microsoft and apple were babies, IBM and AT&T ruled the world. Seven sisters barely existed.