Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Phase transition study

self link
Certain properties are ensemble population invariant – called phase properties. For example a spoonful of water freezes at same temperature as an ocean, namely 0 degree centigrade and boils at 100 degrees. These are ensemble properties. How many molecules small? Just 2 molecules of water will not have even concept of boil and freeze!

Saturday, August 25, 2018

Aging and Parkinson – Arun on cutting edge

Ageing and Parkinson's disease: Why is advancing age the biggest risk factor?

Must understand else like clarinet in front of buffalo!
At present there is no guaranteed and proven protocol for living as long as possible. What can be done is a proposed protocol for living as long as possible in a very healthy condition, which is what I suggest here. These are actionable notes to self and being made available to others to hopefully benefit them. Two problems I have are <pre-descent Parkinson and Aging, source irrelevant. I consider aging a disease, not a natural condition. I do not believe that in 2018, one deals with hitherto sane and logical concept of life. I am positing 150 year improvement using metformin, NMN, rapamycin and stem cells. These are chemicals available now – there is no science fiction involved.
There is critical understanding required of epistemology i.e. who to believe! 99,9 % doctors are expected to pooh-pooh this essay. Any philosophical derivation will conflict with all they have been taught, and life-extension has been a dear wish of most humans so far, with all saints so far medical charlatans! So what is different now? Why believe? What is the –hurry? Why doctor’s don’t believe?
Why believe?

The most important essay in your life!. Why so? Before and after of metformin+Niacianamide therapy.
Non-Sinclair anecdotal test by another docter
What is hurry?
The FDA studies with start producing results by 2021. My father is close to death! Parkinson will descend fast perhaps!
Why docter’s don’t believe?
Such claims earlier have been all false.  There is no philosophical rationale that does not conflict with their instruction, Better safe than sorry.
What is different in 2018?
Dr. Sinclair could pay before, the $1000 per month per person cost for speculative medicine. Direct synthesis of NMN was discovered at $1000 per year! So anecdotal Dr. Sinclair experience is affordable by me. Results and philosophy good enough to try Phase-3 FDA trials in US and Japan.
What is rationale behind your belief?
Prevent more damage
Restore chemicals not generated or obtained
Repair or restore the diseased cells

For speed, abbreviated <prevent, restore, rejuvenate>

For Parkinson <no drug, levodopa, no drug>. For aging <no drug, anti-oxidant, no drug>. I have concluded <NAD+, levodopa, stem> for Parkinson, <NAD+, antioxidant, stem> for aging. Turns out stem cell therapy needed for even age 150 years to treat heart disease, Alzheimer’s,  Parkinson’s and cancers. All these diseases expected. SCIIT concept essential!

In 2015, Parkinson has been successfully attacked in Bangalore by iPS like cells. Bedridden for 2 years, Parkinson’s patient back on his feet, says Times of India. There is NO miracle or cocktail of drugs! Beyond religious stupidity is straight forward medicine, possible now! SCIIT is one of the ways to develop a world class facility to serve patients!
What is the hope?

New method constructed to turn skin cells into pluripotent stem cells . It is dated Jul 6, 2018 .  Up till now, reprogramming has only been possible by introducing so called Yamanaka modifications to cells, themselves derived from aborted babies.

Term genetic chemists use is reprogramming. I was amused by discussion of errors in CAS-9 manipulations by bio-chemists that were trivial and predictable to compiler/macro-processor writer like me dealing with formal languages and translation and expert in application of dynamic programming to code sequences for optimal code!

What is a stem-cell?

-       - Embryonic stem cells.
-        -Tissue-specific stem cells.
-        -Mesenchymal stem cells.  Also abbreviated MSC. Aleady somewhat specialized.
-        -Induced pluripotent stem cells. Abbreviated iPS cells. Like extracted from early stage growing in womb, capable of any specialisation. It is magical that since 2011, it is possible to build them from skin cells!
What is special about you?
I am a diabetic. Life extension is very hard to measure! I cannot imagine life-extension without curing my diabetes (metformin!). I test sugar levels daily 4 times!

  I am not out to sell or convert, this documentations might benefit a friend, may benefit from issues raised and exposes my errors. I admit lack of consensus, admit error in assuming aging .
Life-extension to me is more than extending life to suffer longer. It implies healthy life with great looks to very close to death. Anti-oxidants will do so in practise. ECP, HOT and parbiosys effect perceptions. From accumulation of DNA damage, hence fixable, by providing missing anti-oxidants, switching paradigms to helper molecules in fasting and exercise – only two natural ways to longer life, possibly impossible from calorie restriction directly due to loss in disease fighting of frail bodies.

Part of being strong agnostic who denies spirituality; all emotions are simple chemical signals to or within brain; unless handled locally. Given that Aging is universal, it must be cell based as life. Mitochondrial elements of cell perform energy production. It is these whose energy kreb cycle is crucial. That can be approximated by three – citric and ATP cycles age-decline too, but handled by coQ10 and Shilajit for Quality of life QOL and neither have aging increment benefit. Nad+ effects both cellular respiration and aging! The Aging part from the fact that it is on the molecular pathways through which exercise and fasting effects occur! The QOL beneficial effects of CoQ10 still occur. So do alpha lipoic acid, reservetrol and Glutathione (skin lightening anti-oxidant) etc. but none have anti-aging properties – only improve health.
With metformin and nmn, my quest for anti-aging ends, and I am a willing test-subject, motivated to try therapy from $1000 per month of Dr. Sinclair to $1000 per year today, affordable by me. The actual costs may be less for me, for Dr. Sinclair was not taking his 500 mg sublingually and the same positive effect may be possible with lesser dosage.
The self trial is 4-5 50mg doses, sublingually with 5 days medication and 2 day off per week with weekly health indicators and diary. I am particularly interested in diabetes and heart health. I can raise funds to establish ECP and HOT facilities and an apartment in a complex to establish a medical tourist retreat for friends and relatives. There is no reason to not expand onto HOT into treatment for Aging Film Stars and likes!

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

SCIIT Rejuvenation program

SCIIT stands for Stem Cell Indian Institute of Technology, tasked with developments in Stem Cell application, biological and AI bearing patient service. Internet like today will fade by 2025 and replaced by mesh net which will do all existing and more by smart contacts. It is lot easier to be identity impostor

 but almost impossible to fake location to mesh net!
Position determination
Can be done by distance from existing enabled nodes. Simple triangulation can determine the location exactly.
Consumer view
One characteristic of all competing multi-producer net is the extreme difficulty in orderind provider components – worst possible way is to argue based on advertisement or age of provider service. Most consumers fall for advertisement based on the belief that endorsement by a known personality entails some quality checkup or a bad service cannot survive long. If not these then checkup is time consuming and expensive. One way to escape is listen to other users. One can collect information by electronic means, very easily hacked. Anyone who follows the star system for quality estimates is very sorry when the star manipulations are revealed
Is you have initial excellent image and continued quality control image you can collect,you can establish valuable brand image. Another critical development is blockchain without a satellite internet!  This enables smart-contracts to be self-operating without any external judge! Be it ownership or contract, no one’s interpretation is needed, all lawyers can be reclaimed, ambiguous language penalize the drawing fair contract and NO fine print!
Technologically possible, my role is to draw up the needed politics with smart contract to enable just language beneficial to neither the provider or Point is that services can be provided on contract basis to MD practices. SCIIT job is to
1.     Rank the services and impose standards
2.     Travel for patient
3.     Daily transport to and fro from the service
4.     stay
Not only the services from many providers, commercial services are profit driven and provide time-dependent prices! MD services, airlines, hotels are impossibly priced. Best is the consumer who tries vainly to be rational is milked most! Such horror stories easily implies unshakable value in service that tries to be average.
Economic analysis
Bigger MD can develop integrated services like live-in hospitals, but patients are not immobile in most cases and cost advantages rapidly dry up.
SCIIT services can be provided in two basic means
1.     Bulk sales to medical insurance companies
2.     Quality-assurance by foreign MD paid a cut of our services for referrals acted on. Point is that not only does the foreign MD gets one but two consumer services. Also the consumer has a clear log of services rendered.
These, along with advertisement magazines are basically the sales approach.
There is a particular economic principle at play here that needs analysis. It is known that obscene profits follow if the consumers can be charged based on what they can pay. This (called differential pricing) is very hard to apply (consumers despise differential pricing, even by region – witness the VPN trick). But it is at play – the insurance costs are region based and bulk-pricing means the effective consumer price can be regional! No amount of consumer effort allows this differential price to be sidestepped!
Notice this is not applicable at individual practices! Commercial insurance persons will suck practices dry. Only approach is to unite into provider units, which has significant local effects and will be unpopular and hence transient!
Every one ages and likely need our services many times particularly heart, Parkinson, Alzheimer and cancers. I can combine treatment with Hyperbaric Oxygen therapy, electro-cardiac counter pulsation, parbiosis, skin plastic surgery and glutathione fairness therapy. The 25 day program can be called SCIIT Rejuvenation program.

Stem Cells

Latest copy
Says AIIMS Delhi 
vThe future of medicine lies in understanding how the body creates itself out of a single cell and the mechanisms by which it renews itself throughout life.
vWhen we achieve this goal, we will be able to replace damaged tissues and help the body regenerate itself, potentially curing or easing the suffering of those afflicted by disorders like heart disease, Alzheimers, Parkinson’s, Diabetes, Spinal cord injury and Cancer.
vResearch at the facility leverages many strengths in a way that promotes that goal. The Facility brings together experts from a wide range of scientific and medical fields to create a fertile, multidisciplinary research environment.

Course and training
One of the principal goals of the institute is the education and training of the next generation of stem cell researchers and the physicians who will practice regenerative medicine. The institute fosters this goal through graduate education, post-doctoral employment, and medical school coursework.
PhD Program
The Stem Cell Facility offers an interdisciplinary doctoral program in stem cell biology and regenerative medicine. The program integrates studies in basic and clinical sciences to create a doctoral program designed to foster a translational approach to biomedical research.
Let me dream of SCIIT – Stem Cell Indian Institute of Technology – SC and applications. Solely focused on Stem cell work and assistive AI for helping the patient disabilities.
To what the stem cell work applies. NOT everything, for example stroke. Still beyond research are application now and obvious medical tourism appliccarions. SCIIT can start small and self-finance through medical tourism! It appears impossible but consider that tourism is also in Arab countries and Africa, one does not have to begin in developed countries – cost advantage but regulations and brutal competition! The benefits in disorders like heart disease, Alzheimers, Parkinson’s, Diabetes, Spinal cord injury and Cancer – it is broad enough.
Another point is that services can be provided on contract basis to MD practices. SCIIT job is to
1.     Rank the services and impose standards
2.     Travel for patient and stay
3.     Daily transport to and fro from the services

Bigger MD can develop integrated services like live-in hospitals, but patients are not immobile in most cases and cost advantages rapidly dry up.

Monday, August 20, 2018

Aaquantum Politics over death of internet

You are mad predicting demise of internet and new post-demise politics!
Never mind the details. Just one application suffices. It is possible to escrow-pay that means that while a payment is locked at order time, the payment is released only on proven delivery of product at your house! Movement of product after delivery but prior to delivery can be traced by you fully.
HOW does it benefit you!
My unique basis has to be square root of large integers. It has the property of being trivial to check but exponentially hard to find. Even checking of squareness of a large integer is easy – the Jacoby is 1. t
I believe that double encryption over one quantum computer proof encryption and other normal encryption is quantum computer proof. This means that my IBE over simple QC protocol is a QC proof IBE. It is possible to hardware encode my software with several consumers. Property Renew is annual renew needed. The encryption will fail to be useful after a year without exposing any previous message.
Post demise politics!
This is a critical property that enables annual demonetization. Currency notes can have a large year printed, after which the note has no value! This forces people to exchange for a newer note within latter part of year! The exchange can be electronically recorded.  It is not a one shot demonetization and requires no electronic infra-structure or society upheaval! It has all the benefits and no costs.
What is your role!
Another critical development is blockchain without a satellite internet!  This enables smart-contracts to be self-operating without any external judge! Be it ownership or contract, no one’s interpretation is needed, all lawyers can be reclaimed, ambiguous language penalize the drawing fair contract and NO fine print! Technologically possible, my role is to draw up the needed politics with smart contract to enable just language beneficial to neither the provider or consumer!

Saturday, August 18, 2018

Aaquantum view on Indian Independence, 194

Three views permeate the blessed event
1.       It was the non-support of Congress and its “Quit India” movement.
2.       It was the fear of disloyal soldiers and some events staged in some services by returning soldiers
3.     Some combination of 1 & 2 above  
Based on my work of slow reading and some notion of British psychology after the war, it appears that a fourth reason is the real reason, distinct from above
. Labour won, rich supporting Tories lost and independence followed. The ravages of partition were local events with no strong feeling in Britain either way. The mood of the British people and the British Army had also changed. After the Second World War, most of them were no longer willing to support the British ruling class in India. That position was now clear to the leaders of the United Kingdom. By early 1946, those leaders set free all the political prisoners held in India and opened independence discussions

I can see enormous disagreement from historians, whose bread is buttered by 1 to 3. I believe that American independence war is really distant skirmishes between England and France in late 17th century! Anther expectation of historian pooh-pooh expected. Negative consequences of historian sub humans is not just folly against truth but
1.       Provide justification to congress or BJP
2.       Fully stupid view of British Psychology. The 37b$, major part of cost, to Britain was paid by US loan (soft). All further wars were unthinkable. Post-war viceroy Wavell reported India was “ungovernable”. Means cost to labour government. Costs, not fears, drove govt. think. British gains were largely private. Enormous number of demobilized soldiers, upkeep would be ruinous! Labour, their way, would have to be uncivilized, unlike Churchill the ass, who was a true real politician without morals.
3.       “History repeats”, the true mantra of morons advancing absurd interpretations. I call upon aaquantum-history which ONLY deals with economics and technology. Movements have morals, individuals are ALWAYS stupid. My outlines to myself have predictive powers, impossible in individual based history. Predictive narration is true definition of history. Only cost and technology have predictive power. Since 18thcentury, organizations, not individuals, matter except as leaders of groups. Gandhi is irrelevant but to get votes.
4.       Value of history is near zero, except to movie-producers who MUST be forced, thru law, to be accurate. Like designation like “India”, cities etc. are “owned” by legal owners, the whole concept of “free-speech” is ABSURD when using it. It should also the case for historical figures and dates and public display of historical revisionism behind ANY freedom is punishable. It is also true for imaginary characters like Sherlock Holmes on which “canonical” sword can be used. Note that aaquantum allows any speech, even lies, if cryptography is used and anything cryptographic is required to carry up to equal length opposing position sharing the key, key getting itself recordable by legal identities , such multimedia can be blatant lies never edited!

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

SKQ1 vs MitoQ+C60

SKQ1's (greatly recommend read) anti-aging cousins are the antioxidants MitoQ and C60 (also sometimes called C60oo and other silly names) which is derived from olive oil.

MitoQ and SKQ1 deliver to the Mitochondria chemical foot soldiers that fight ROS, MitoQ delivers CoQ10,  and SKQ1 delivers Plastoquinone.
C60 is a little different, it's an antioxidant molecule that your mitochondria absorbs by osmosis.
Why is SKQ1 worth your attention when C60 and MitoQ are highly accessible?

SKQ1 directly targets the mitochondrial membrane, MitoQ is also targeted to the mitochondria, C60 is not, your Mitochondria absorb it by osmosis (hopefully!)

MitoQ cannot be regarded as a mitochondria-targeted form CoQ or CoQ precursor since it cannot replace CoQ in its master function...
The big problem that MitoQ has is that VERY little of the CoQ10 actually gets delivered to the inside of the mitochondria, perhaps as low as 1% - 2% according to a 2014 paper out of the University of Toronto:
CoQ10 has low oral bioavailability due to its lipophilic nature, large molecular weight, regional differences in its gastrointestinal permeability and involvement of multitransporters. Intracellular delivery and mitochondrial target ability issues pose additional hurdles. To maximize CoQ10 delivery to its biopharmaceutical target, numerous approaches have been undertaken.

Whereas SKQ1 delivers Plastoquinone directly to the interior of the Mitochondria. To quote author and doctor Josh Mitteldorf
But no animal study has ever succeeded in extending life span with CoQ10. Perhaps its value is limited by bioavailability. Only a small portion of ingested CoQ10 makes its way from the stomach into the bloodstream, and a much tinier portion actually reaches the mitochondria where it is needed. This is the issue that Skulachev has addressed in such an innovative way with his molecule, which his friends and students have affectionately dubbed SkQ.

Plastoquinone is better than CoQ10. Skulachev initially used CoQ10 but A/B testing it with Plastoquinone in animal experiments discovered that Plastoquinone is a more effective antioxidant.

Regarding C60, one of the masterminds behind the anti-aging forum Longecity clarified C60 is NOT currently theorized to promote rejuvenation, only to slow aging

I would not say that MitoQ and C60 are useless, there's significant anecdotal evidence and some clinical evidence that they are very helpful in restoring and maintaining health but SkQ1 is the clear leader in terms of safety and economics thanks to the tiny dose of it needed to achieve the kind of effect that the others might have. The tiny dosage also makes it highly non-toxic, which is a concern with the other Mitochondrial antioxidants.


SKQ1 is very potent. A 2008 study reported

These results suggest that under the conditions used SkQ1 protects mitochondria from oxidative damage as an antioxidant when added at extremely low concentrations.

...extremely low, nanomolar concentrations of the mitochondria-targeted plastoquinone derivative SkQ1... were shown to prolong the lifespan of male and female Drosophila melanogaster by about 10%...

SKQ1 as a Nootropic (improves cramming/cognition/focus)?

A lot of Biohackers are at this point wondering if SKQ1 would work as a performance enhancing Nootropic or smart drug for otherwise healthy people that just want more energy or motivation.

It's hard to say at this point, there have been no human trials conducted demonstrating an effect on cognition. I could find no meaningful or credible anecdotal reports from Biohackers who tried it and experienced classic Nootropic effects.

However, the Mitochondria are the fundamental energy generation system of the body; optimizing your Mitochondria is quintessential performance enhancement; more energy, better mood, memory, immunity, resilience or hotter sex. Anything that improves your Mitochondria will make you better but we are probably a few years off from real SKQ1 Nootropics, for the time being at least SKQ1 is quite expensive, if you're interested in hacking your Mitochondria for performance enhancement, you'll want to use the Mitochondrial supplements I list here.

Skq1 Antibiotic

A 2017 in vitro study out of Lomonosov Moscow State University observed that SKQ1's targeting made it a highly effective antibiotic:

Mitochondria-targeted antioxidants are known to alleviate mitochondrial oxidative damage that is associated with a variety of diseases...
Therefore, SkQ1 may be effective in protection of the infected mammals by killing invading bacteria.

Skq1 Parkinson/ Alzheimer's

Neuro-protective for Parkinson - No results found for neuroproteoctive skq1