Tuesday, August 21, 2018

SCIIT Rejuvenation program

SCIIT stands for Stem Cell Indian Institute of Technology, tasked with developments in Stem Cell application, biological and AI bearing patient service. Internet like today will fade by 2025 and replaced by mesh net which will do all existing and more by smart contacts. It is lot easier to be identity impostor

 but almost impossible to fake location to mesh net!
Position determination
Can be done by distance from existing enabled nodes. Simple triangulation can determine the location exactly.
Consumer view
One characteristic of all competing multi-producer net is the extreme difficulty in orderind provider components – worst possible way is to argue based on advertisement or age of provider service. Most consumers fall for advertisement based on the belief that endorsement by a known personality entails some quality checkup or a bad service cannot survive long. If not these then checkup is time consuming and expensive. One way to escape is listen to other users. One can collect information by electronic means, very easily hacked. Anyone who follows the star system for quality estimates is very sorry when the star manipulations are revealed
Is you have initial excellent image and continued quality control image you can collect,you can establish valuable brand image. Another critical development is blockchain without a satellite internet!  This enables smart-contracts to be self-operating without any external judge! Be it ownership or contract, no one’s interpretation is needed, all lawyers can be reclaimed, ambiguous language penalize the drawing fair contract and NO fine print!
Technologically possible, my role is to draw up the needed politics with smart contract to enable just language beneficial to neither the provider or Point is that services can be provided on contract basis to MD practices. SCIIT job is to
1.     Rank the services and impose standards
2.     Travel for patient
3.     Daily transport to and fro from the service
4.     stay
Not only the services from many providers, commercial services are profit driven and provide time-dependent prices! MD services, airlines, hotels are impossibly priced. Best is the consumer who tries vainly to be rational is milked most! Such horror stories easily implies unshakable value in service that tries to be average.
Economic analysis
Bigger MD can develop integrated services like live-in hospitals, but patients are not immobile in most cases and cost advantages rapidly dry up.
SCIIT services can be provided in two basic means
1.     Bulk sales to medical insurance companies
2.     Quality-assurance by foreign MD paid a cut of our services for referrals acted on. Point is that not only does the foreign MD gets one but two consumer services. Also the consumer has a clear log of services rendered.
These, along with advertisement magazines are basically the sales approach.
There is a particular economic principle at play here that needs analysis. It is known that obscene profits follow if the consumers can be charged based on what they can pay. This (called differential pricing) is very hard to apply (consumers despise differential pricing, even by region – witness the VPN trick). But it is at play – the insurance costs are region based and bulk-pricing means the effective consumer price can be regional! No amount of consumer effort allows this differential price to be sidestepped!
Notice this is not applicable at individual practices! Commercial insurance persons will suck practices dry. Only approach is to unite into provider units, which has significant local effects and will be unpopular and hence transient!
Every one ages and likely need our services many times particularly heart, Parkinson, Alzheimer and cancers. I can combine treatment with Hyperbaric Oxygen therapy, electro-cardiac counter pulsation, parbiosis, skin plastic surgery and glutathione fairness therapy. The 25 day program can be called SCIIT Rejuvenation program.

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