Tuesday, December 6, 2016

AAQGS-fiction view of end of 21 century

Entanglement is the magic ingredient from from Quantum Physics that is certain to make all the engineering and medicine so far dated and irrelevant and push humanity to a change greatly larger than industrial revolution. Humanity is unlikely to escape the entaglement revolution bigger than industrial revoluton emerging as cyborgs.

Quantum discord begins where classical quantum entanglement ends. Certain physical processes create counterintuitive entangled particles. Fundamental to engineering entanglement and using it as resource like any other and hence running rings around the 3000 year old classical physics, is the ability to engineer the transmission of entanglement using quantum discord, so that hitherto independent particles become entangled and hence can be magically impacted by remote actions! Already this sentence is pregnant with million to trillion narratives, all physically realizable. Not even abracadabra or some magic incantation is needed; operations on magic remote entangled objects are instantaneously done on image object even a galaxy away! One can't even argue on the impossibility of bringing so many QE pairs together to form discrete objects far apart! The particles of already constructed can be entangled by QD.

Far more important is that only once does light speed limited communication seems to be needed to get related MZ interferometers in place. Thereafter, forever, they can create entangled particles for instantaneous communication. What is more, repeated QD allows multiple entanglement creation, thus broadcast. One can imagine a galaxy full of cyborgs watching historic reruns of “I love lucy”, even while Sir QTV goes happily to Qbank!

Assuming 22 century ships can go at 90% light speed. Higher speeds rapidly require huge burn mass. At that, alpha century B takes manageable 10 years to go, stay a while, and return. There a fuel dump can be made. So one can set propagation speed of light speed limited humans to about 5 light years per 10 years. That is 100,000 years for a galaxy. What is the hurry for cyborgs? All sci fi absent cyborg is pure fantasy! Cyborg conquest of death using anti-fragility is far more valuable as goal over exploration. And there will never be one world government, nor should there be. By the end of 21, only USA, India and China will remain any way.


Backing up above is this (bolds mine) - To date, all schemes for entanglement distribution needed to send entangled particles or a separable mediating particle among distant participants. Here, we propose a counterfactual protocol for entanglement distribution against the traditional forms, that is, two distant particles can be entangled with no physical particles travel between the two remote participants. We also present an alternative scheme for realizing the counterfactual photonic entangled state distribution using Michelson-type interferometer and self-assembled GaAs/InAs quantum dot embedded in a optical microcavity. The numerical analysis about the effect of experimental imperfections on the performance of the scheme shows that the entanglement distribution may be implementable with high fidelity.

Sunday, December 4, 2016

Quantum discord

It is more general then entanglement and magical, though still physical and hence free of mystical theories of senility-equivalent Alzheimer-study recommended OIE scientists. The big reason for adopting this position and seriously studying this new subject is this

  1. Entanglement became a serious study to understand quantum information theory which unites and expands encryption; physical wonders explained come later
  2. Quantum information theory is compatible with and expands even more than entanglement
  3. Some impossible, I think, become possible beyond entanglement which includes one essential to AAQGS, namely communication faster than light. This is, in my judgement, only possible using no material representation of information, no material faster than light can travel, such sci fi is really fantasy since no particle motion faster than light is a theorem which can only be breached with denying a lot of physics. If at all possible, it will follow from light speed being inconsistent and much higher in past, hinted by how universe became so homogenous right after big bang in regions exceeding reachability with current velocity of light.
  4. QD is magical, it allows Mach-Zehnder interferometers to be used for communication without an entangled photon getting to the destination first somehow!

      Experimental Distribution of Entanglement with Separable Carriers

    Above is a peer-reviewed reference. It is NOT another em-drive!
  5. Here is another -

    Counterfactual entanglement distribution without transmitting any particles

  1. Latest is Oct 2016. I am not too late!

Saturday, December 3, 2016

Aaqgs-recognised distinction – Epistemic versus Ontic

Easily the most difficult subtle distinction. This is important philosophical being that of knowledge versus reality. It is the crucial difference in philosophy of science, specifically interpretations of quantum mechanics. For 3000 years, human experience had been that in order for two systems to interfere, they must either touch, or one system send an object to another. No magic. Yet, using quantum entanglement, it is possible for one system to influence another even a galaxy away without these instantaneously. Further, it was provable as a theorem that no information could be transmitted as an object using entanglement. Sci Fi abuse of the entanglement was that of a theorem, hence impossible. One might vainly look for sophisticated sci fi accepting the limitation and turn to deep freeze mechanism; but in vain.

Ontology implies existence or reality. Epistemology means knowledge. Sci Fi postulating faster-than-light or FTL movement may have consistent epistemology but be unreal at the same time. That is the distinction between fantasy and fiction. There can be NO statement in a fiction that can be provably impossible to happen. Once such a proof happens, all fiction must be properly called fantasy.

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

aaqgs-recognized distinctions

Following manifestations are not a complete list. Similar dilemma subject-wise are

  • Chicken or egg: which is first of two things, each of which presupposes the other
  • Double bind: conflicting requirements ensure that the victim will automatically be wrong.
  • Ethical dilemma: a choice between moral imperatives.
  • Extortion: the choice between paying the extortionist and suffering an unpleasant action.
  • Hedgehog's dilemma: the desire for intimacy going unfulfilled due to accompanying substantial mutual harm.
  • Fairness dilemmas: when groups are faced with making decisions about how to share their resources, rewards, or payoffs.
  • Hobson's choice: a choice between something and nothing; "take it or leave it".
  • Mesh Fencer: relates to a difficult commercial choice where neither option is cost effective but a decision has to be made.
  • Morton's fork: choices yield equivalent, often undesirable, results.
  • Prisoner's dilemma: an inability to coordinate makes cooperation difficult and defection tempting.
  • Samaritan's dilemma: the choice between providing charity and improving another's condition, and withholding it to prevent them from becoming dependent.
  • Sophie's choice: a choice between two persons or things that will result in the death or destruction of the person or thing not chosen.
  • Traveler's dilemma: you could make the best move possible to win the game according to its rules. But in doing so, you forfeit almost the entire value of a lost suitcase full of antiques of which you are the owner.
  • Zugzwang: one must move and incur harm when one would prefer to make no move (esp. in chess).

However, it is designed to be elite and editable ist where the editor may accept in toto, decline or commission a related version without any  non-legal rights of the author.

The cadets, in startrek universe, receives a distress signal stating that the civilian freighter Kobayashi Maru has struck a gravitic mine in the Klingon Neutral Zone and is rapidly losing power, hull integrity and life support. Sensor readings are indeterminate and there is no way to verify the distress signal. There are no other vessels nearby. The cadet must quickly make a decision:
  • Attempt to rescue the Kobayashi Maru's crew and passengers, which involves violating the Neutral Zone and thereby provoking the Klingons into hostile action or possibly an all-out war; or
  • Abandon the Kobayashi Maru, preventing war with the Klingons but leaving the crew and passengers of the freighter to probable death.
If the cadet chooses to rescue the Kobayashi Maru the scenario progresses quickly. The bridge officers notify the cadet that they are in violation of the treaty, giving the cadet a chance to turn back before finally committing to this dangerous action. As the starship enters the Neutral Zone, the communications officer loses contact with the crippled vessel. Klingon warships then quickly appear on an intercept course. Attempts to contact them are met with radio silence; indeed, their only response is to open fire with devastating results. No defense is sufficient against the Klingons and the cadet's ship is eventually defeated (and destroyed if the scenario plays out fully).

Randy Pausch, of Last Lecture fame, had the childhood dream of "being Captain Kirk". After being diagnosed with pancreatic cancer (which proved fatal nearly two years later) he received a signed autographed picture of Kirk with the inscription, "I don't believe in the no-win scenario. My Best, Bill Shatner"

epistemic versus ontic

aaqgs-recognised dilemma – Public and private



Comparing power of aacqgs-philosophy with Marxian class view

Aaqgs-recognized-dilemma opt-in versus opt-out

aqgs-recognized-dilemma – Law versus ethics

Dilemma controled by deadhand-market MUST underlie law for ethican citizen's to choose.

It is our goal to consider economics consistent with aaqgs-religion, a market-dead-hand vibrant Scylla and Charybdis compromise between self-interest ethics and democratic law a la aaqgs-recognised dilemma..


Evolution under one year

Capsule summary: Metaphysics: Scientific Reality; Epistemology: logic+empricism; Ethics: Stoicism; Politics: Conservatism+safety net.

STOICISM is basic to aaqgs (pronounced aux) hence a logic (algorithms with semantics => language),  science (theories and speculation => pragmatics) and ethics (virtue and involvement => life). "Beyond the standard model" or loop quantum gravity is our science. Traditional stoicism strengthened with (logic) Taleb and my list of distinctions is my ethics. Mathematics, physics and computer sciences is my language. Nature is my God, I am a part of it, was born from it, return to it, and reversal of entropy is my or some descendant's objective, for only after that, time can be conquered. 2016 was the first time an experiment showed this statistical property was reversed in quantum experiments near absolute zero; don't have to await reversal by natural way of big bounce. Or one can imagine closed system refrigerators revitalizing some descendant for ever. Fortunately there is black energy, hence no big crunch in this universe.

Correct merging of uber-theories (perfect in their domain) of Einstein relativities and Bohr augmented with quantum field theory and gravity can be done two ways: tensor algebraic extension of Einstein to quantize it as in Loop Quantum Gravity, or extend Calculus particle physics to include gravity, the string theory approach. Both have the problem of no testable predictions!

In aaqgs, Unlike Epictetus, I deviate from traditional stoicism and consider honest praise a virtue. In my brand of stoicism, only the -ve emotions are to be purged, not all. It is possible to slowly develop the discrimination.

It all began with a math trick to sum huge number of Feynman diagrams using essentially an amplituhedron as the basis that made time-space as emergent properties of the amplituhedron basis. Turns out even Quantum Mechanics is emergent from Loop Quantum Gravity, a clever way to unify the uber-theories of quantum mechanics, special relativity and general relativity, which in coming years will show the emergence of cosmos from nothing but a big bounce to naturally reverse entropy. Making devices to conquer time by reversing entropy and reversing gravity to conquer distances are two central billion year research problems of aaqgs that will happen. Only faith required in aaqgs is to believe that all problems will either be solved, or proved impossible to solve, or prove such a proof can not exist, ...

Sep 25, 2016 – Even the questions make sense only if science has been rightly followed in the narrative so far!

On the Missing Universe: CERN Has Started Searching for “Dark Photons” - We, Particle & Theoretical Physics community, Have Been Skeptical and Careful but in The Same Time Studying and Taking Seriously The Possibility of A "Fifth Fundamental Force" of Nature For Two Years [If it turns out to be true then my career on Supersymmetry will go to garbage, but we will also mourn String Theory]
In brief:
Dark matter seems to outweigh visible matter roughly six to one, making up about 27% of the universe.
Physicists from CERN now believe there's a fifth universal force that rules the behavior of dark matter, and is transmitted by a particle called the dark photon.

Beyond the basics
I imagined my quest was ultimate – how something came from nothing. But one has legitimate questions on why there are physical laws, constants, obey  the laws, space, time. They don’t need creation, they were always so. Except not if all started in the big bang. Or the first time, even in a cyclic world! Surely these can not be emergent properties from something else! But they are highly likely so, from amplituhedron!
Even quantum nature and finiteness of Universe come from totally a barbarous assault on remaining sanity in quantum mechanics, called unitarity. Quantum mechanics arose from a barbarous attack on the intuition of locality human had for 3000 years – no magic, the only way to influence anything is to be in contact or exchange something. Quantum mechanics has entanglement where a system may influence another even faster than light if they are entangled Even quantum mechanics is sane,  says amplituhedron! Even amplituhedron mechanics are sane, says quantum gravity.

Beyond mystical designer scientists. Only in science does evolution happen faster than generation change.

Monday, November 28, 2016

Math versus Computational Science Approximation

I love it because I think I originated it. There are essentially two different ways of approximating a hard problem One, called Math approach is to decompose the region into large number of equi sized mesh and apply some sort of continuity at the edges. Another is to decompose into a much smaller number of quite complex elements which are not equi sized and independent subproblems. These subsolutions also have to satisfy some different continuity conditions. This I call computational science decomposition, essentially  similar to divide and conquer with no view of similarity of subproblems. The basic benefit is much smaller decomposition.

I encountered CS decomposition in finite element method in civil engineering which could run rings around finite difference methods. It is very common in computer science.

The impetus to raise to an essential contradiction was in quantum gravity understanding. One can view an amplituhedron as a clever CS trick to reduce the explosive number of Feynman diagrams to be summed from the number of atoms in the computer to under million for 5 loop problem.

It appears that that is basic to all others (a graviton can be viewed as two photons). CS decomposition might allow construction of quantum gravity theories from which quantum mechanic emerges, just as time/space 4 dimension emerge from quantum mechanics in amplituhedron approach!

Philosophical unification of Bohr and Einstein views, essential combining of perfect yet incompatible theories on quantum mechanics and gravitational universe happens non-deterministically and accurately by the macroscopepicity concept. Proper development into a collapse-magic view-free QM, compatible with non-locality in entanglement is possible in BBB (deBroglie-Bohm-Bell) variant that emerges from QG without the perplexity of required higher intelligence for universe to develop!

The relation to Stoicism is simple, understanding nature is a required virtue. Ultimately, despite all the differences, Stoicism and adi-shankaracharya (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adi_Shankara) both believe in unity of God and nature, we are pieces of divine just trying to understand the whole.

Adi Shankara (pronounced [aːd̪i ʃəŋkəɾə]; early 8th century CE]) was a philosopher and theologian from India who consolidated the doctrine of Advaita Vedanta He is credited with unifying and establishing the main currents of thought in Hinduism..His works in Sanskrit discuss the unity of the ātman and Nirguna Brahman "brahman without attributes" He wrote copious commentaries on the Vedic canon (Brahma Sutras, Principal Upanishads and Bhagavad Gita) in support of his thesis. His works elaborate on ideas found in the Upanishads. Shankara's publications criticised the ritually-oriented Mīmāṃsā school of Hinduism.He also explained the key difference between Hinduism and Buddhism, stating that Hinduism asserts "Atman (Soul, Self) exists" as does stoicism, while Buddhism asserts that there is "no Soul, no Self"

Saturday, November 26, 2016

Aaqgs-optimization through general reduction of strength

Strength reduction - Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strength_reduction

One can view aaqgs-strength-reduction as a specialization of aaqgs-generality or generalization from reduction in strength in appropriate cases. The idea is this
  1. We must compute f(f-region), We also have a cheaper equivalent function g that returns the same answer but on a smaller contained region g-region. Then is the discriminant function d which can be applied to every point in f-region is sufficiently cheap, it pays to apply it first and see if f is really needed or g computation will suffice. Note that we talk of arbitrary f,g,d; hence this is a very general optimization
  2. Consider my proof done at Bell labs 30 years ago. Let us consider sorting by any method. It computes compare repeatedly. Suppose the records being sorted already had, at creation time, an approximation. The approximation has the property that it keeps the record order, except that it evaluates equal for many records. Now compare is evaluated on approximation first. Only if equal is the real compare called. Empirically, sorts (all of them) were sped up by 3-5.
  3. Consider another proof. Part of compiling any language is lexing input to tokens and interning them in the symbol table. Some words (like reserved) already have approximations. Every token has approximation computed while scanning. The table lookup is twice as fast. Lexing is major part of what compiler does. Empirically, 30 percent faster compiles were seen. The benefits now will be larger with things with any length.
  4. Consider health care. Let us consider a hierarchy of spouse, pharmacist, nurse, general doctor, specialist. Each is a reduction in strength and assumed ethical, that is not asserting knowledge missing. Each then looks at a case and either fixes it, or passes on to next in line. This roughly what happens any way and can be systematized for low cost very powerful medicine. Going directly to a physician then a specialist buys you NOTHING. The Aaqgs-improvement essential to above is improve on expected problems. a) retelling your story repeatedly is stupid. Further using diagnoses done earlier for brevity is not only stupid but destructive to the quality of new care! A multimedia record is build able and givable. b) The right specialist may be away. You can achieve aaqgs-safe intercontinental consultation since internet goes every where and has a milli-second delay! The idea then is make a compelling low cost medicine with even better quality and acquire the losers.
MATH versus Computer Science Approximations

Other Applications

Links next apply to all kind of things.

Using Images in Email #Infographic - GetResponse Blog

This infographic shows how images in emails improve the performance of your newsletter campaigns. Essentially an image if reduction in strength of the whole topic.

proposed Revisions to the Strength-Reduction Factor for Axially Loaded Members - reliability and axial loading can be improved with clever reduction in strength.

Strength reduction FEM in stability analysis of soil slopes subjected to transient unsaturated seepage - soil mechanics.


Photoshop Basics

Page/Pages Icon print copy

Sharpening and Noise Reduction

Application to images.