Monday, June 12, 2023

Derivation of Aging from evolution by Dr. Arun Arya


We start with science and the scientific way. God is unnecessary concept for this essay, I have nothing to say on it or require it for understanding life and aging. Evolution is simply a definite physical process made of steps taken over real time periods, interesting because life results.

While law above statement level is codification of all the insulting propositions in a society, it is unabashedly lovely in definition of words as true or false depending on the context, there called series of tests applicable independent of the case. Almost all nouns and verbs require this definition.

Science satisfies all of the following tests - constrained and specified to eliminate all other pseudo-theories.

1. Repeatdly Observer independent test - Every concept introduced must be repeatedly empirical i.e repeatably testable.

2. Philosophically it must be rationally skeptic, derived from empirical axioms.

3. Repeated empiricism must have rational mechanism.

4. All concepts in it must be testable.

Test1 eliminates unrepeated observation and hence usually makes law and history distinct from science.  Test2 forbids statements like NASA never went to the moon, or went to the moon. However NASA believes so is scientific. Test3 eliminates statistics which works by example. Test4 eliminate things like meta verse now. Being unscientific does not mean reverse is scientific! 

Evolution is sequence of scientific steps but taken in statistical unmotivated manner other than optimisation of some local goal which may have no relevance to the desired life. crucial is survival of the fittest. Biology implies production of almost but not fully identical copies. Sexual evolution leads to a stochastic average of the traits of parents. Science requires mechanism, in  this case double helix of the DNA preserved of life in every cell. Througthout life, all protein are built in all cells using visible sub molecules visible through the epi-genome. A DNA is a very long molecule tightly wound that shows only a small part making it into a different sub molecule, dozens in the body. Entire identical DNA molecule comes out of incubation history reversion by 4 Yamanaka factors to pluripotent DNA.

An empirical wonder since 2013 is that the intermittently low concentration total small period use of individual OSK Yamanaka factors is non-toxic and loses age without losing any specialization like all the way to pluripotent form. In other words - effortless deaging. That is still away, and so evolution can be used to find the other evolution theory for next 20 to 50 years, while simple cell Yamanaka factors use is in infancy and related reuse of evolution theory is doubtful.

To do so, think of evolution pruning. All life form share the same environment and are part of food chain - on land and in sea. Fishes can be neglected, All land animals are evolution-descendants from small underground animals (survivors)  that survived the dinosaurs catastrophe about 60 million years ago (science proven by rock boundary changes and site cores gradations among others). That constrains the biology and plant-life we see.

In particular one can often use simple animals for robust drug tests (science mechanism).

Evolution works by pruning. In life there is strongest mechanism of fight to death, within and between species. Interspecies conflicts determine the alpha male or sometimes alpha female Between species is to determine who eats who, every predator marks its territory to reduce non-sexual inter-species conflicts.

Who survives the conflict depends on agility and strength. The agility and strength displayed depend on earlier work. Death is the supreme motivator. Every animal operates at peak efficiency at the conflict moment.  For senses to operate at highest efficiency, the animal must have a peak better than normal (science mechanism). For humans today, perceived difficulties and challenges relive the death-like moments of some ancestor.

It's only recently (~ 4000 years) have humans cancel adversities by technological means. Every such development rapidifies aging. Almost all gurus of classic martial forbid modern conveniences and force reversion to primitive form So do most modern. Training against perceived adversity builds strength and energy.

It follows that you must train against all perceived difficulties. Evolution peaks are best perception. Strength and agility comes from gym and sports. Food adversity from fasting, Temperature from shirt-less morning on snow, sauna-ice bath, etc. Microbial adversity from playing in dirt, drinking bad water.... All adversities are not perceived and may be natural in poor society.Sauna-icebath is summer and winter bath etc.

I do. not advocate senseless adversities.They will happen painlessly with Yamanaka factors in 50 years. Survival to that day can be managed well without.

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