Sunday, May 21, 2023

Aubrey de grey



Science queen has always been physics. In physics are two incompatible perfect theories of quantum mechanics, applicable to two real sizes small or quantum mechanics QM and large or theory of relativity ER. They are perfect in the sense of nonempirical counter-example when applicable. They are not comprehensive because there are no scientific answers to some valid empirical questions. It is not clear what the exact dividing line is, given that QM answers are probabilistic with exponential decreases with increasing size.

These two incompatible ways to solve a problem are top-down MANAGERIAL and bottom-up or SCIENTIFIC. Science never cares what the eventual goal is and its results can be used for many goals.

Aging is also a problem So far, I have many seemingly unconnected small health sub-problems that may lead to an unknown theory of aging; but also disease-free long life, surgical and holistic health science, reduction in the rate of aging, improved consumption of medicines by liposomes, etc. It is the scientific bottom-up Dr. Sinclair's theory of information.

At the other end is the managerial top-down theory of Dr. de Grey, which worked on in SENS ( strategies for engineered negligible senescence ) for 23 years and continued without him dependent on an important ethical question related to sex "( did substantiate instances of poor judgment and boundary-crossing behaviors, Dr. de Grey is not a sexual predator ).", fired from SENS the foundation be founded which has led him to start a new foundation LEV (Longevity Escape Velocity Foundation).

Dr. de Grey is a computer scientist. Cambridge awarded de Grey a Ph.D. by publication in biology on 9 December 2000. The degree was based on his 1999 book The Mitochondrial Free Radical Theory of Aging, in which de Grey wrote that obviating damage to mitochondrial DNA might by itself extend lifespan significantly, though he said it was more likely that cumulative damage to mitochondria is a significant cause of senescence, but not the single dominant cause.

He worked as head of the department in medical school at Cambridge and retired (official work only) to the USA.( Aubrey de Grey: How We Will Beat Aging )

Only he can claim comprehension based on the fact that no newer unclassifiable topic has been found in the last 23 years, despite tens of thousands of full-time health scientists in aging! It is stupid to claim the finality of any theory in science. Managers can!

The intersection of top-down and bottom-up always yields wonders. Unix sprang so, bottom-up, every part independently usable built on the common kernel, the top-down. Essentially, it was so powerful because of the joining of independent processes on a single processor created by fork and join, not directly possible on true parallel processors without a common kernel. The next great system is mine called Botix (Multics => Unix => Botix).

The rest of my early life is to chase the intersection of Dr. de Grey and Dr. Sinclair. The first human to live 1000 years exists and is me. In a 2008 broadcast on the Franco-German TV network Arte, de Grey claimed that the first human to live 1,000 years was probably already alive, and might even be between 50 and 60 years old already (50-60 then, if Dr de Grey can, so can I).

ProgramRejuvenation BiotechnologyAging DamageYear Discovered
Immunotherapeutic clearance
Extracellular aggregates
Targeted ablation
Death-resistant cells
AGE-breaking molecules; tissue engineering
Extracellular matrix stiffening
19586, 19817
Novel lysosomal hydrolases
Intracellular aggregates
19419, 184210
Allotopic expression of 13 proteins
Mitochondrial mutations
Removal of telomere-lengthening machinery
Cancerous cells
19592, 19823
Stem cells and tissue engineering
Cell loss, tissue atrophy

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