Wednesday, May 31, 2023

DrArunArya Hyperfunction Aging Theory


Dr. Arun Arya's Hyperfunction Aging Theory

Disclaimers: I am not a medical doctor, but a 20-year deep dive in biology and biochemistry, nor is Dr. Sinclair (NMN, Sirtuins) or Dr. Kennedy (Ca-AKG). I consider myself very smart based on the amazing scientific way they were discovered despite the deafening commercial din. The best way to benefit is to formulate a plan and discuss it with your doctor MD. Even I do it.

First, some intuitive facts that must be satisfied by any aging theory. Mine does and it is hard to even imagine any other compliant aging theory.

1. (Fact) No child is born old. Counter-free: Even in extreme populations crucial to valid theories, even in diseased extremes, there are no credible samples. Somehow the joint statistical DNA average age is reset to zero independent of the age of both parents.

2. (Fact) A child seems to be indistinguishably born from women under menopause and males to 75. Somehow, the parent's DNA is preserved during the entire parent's life.

From just these, one believable theory is the “Information theory of Aging” by Dr. Sinclair which says that DNA is preserved in life, and there is an epigenetic layer on top of it, perfect at birth, but degraded in life, simulating aging. He is the only bio-chemist known whose aging theory is consistent with these observations.

3. (Fact) All scientists must be assumed guilty unless proven innocent, particularly when dealing with the economics of their expertise. The only way to become truly believable is to use the recommendations on themselves and show credible gains. Every scientist suffers from aging! Dr. Sinclair does. So do I. It is stupid to believe that he or I are special, not random.

There are two empirical facts independent of whatever religion you believe. These are i) you and all biological life, including plants,  on earth are made of 1 to many trillions of cells that even look wrong on seemingly independent things like skin, bones, nails, hair, etc. ii) all life is a consequence of evolution, essential to understanding de-aging. [My belief in evolution is from my derivation of de-aging from it.]

4. (Fact) A cell is a list of cellular material and 1+ sacs of many kinds, particularly DNA, mitochondria, ribosomes, etc. DNA is a large double helix molecule that is geometrically wound tight with only some parts unwound, enabling the same sub-molecule to become one of many as reactions only happen at exposed parts. The ends are called telomere which shorten on every division. Ultimately, they shorten the DNA so much (after 50 - 60 divisions) that the cell does not divide anymore, every division happens (1-2) years. Each mitochondrion has its own DNA and each runs the Krebs cycle, in particular the ADP-ATP sub cycle which is for energy. Both mt-DNA and telomere are related to non-DNA aging. The biochemical miracle is evolution discovered perfect copying and shutting reproduction during division by total tightening of the entire molecule. This total exclusion is a mark of terrestrial life and may not have been discovered by any other evolution on another planet of our universe.

5. (Fact) While all cells depend on the organ they belong to, every cell has identical DNA, folded differently to expose different behavior, but all allow total tightening to prevent copying while error correction proteins are made active. That is unreal behavior to all biological molecules in which copying for propagation is fundamental, all DNA cells can and do no error fix while spawning. This allows evolution to happen, prevents errors, and is true for all DNA in all animals, microbial life, plants, and trees. Ultimately every DNA in every cell is the same and OSKM chemicals can convert any cell to its pluripotent form. Recently extinct animals can be revived but not dinosaurs.

 A hyperfunction takes many parameters and returns many results.  Assume that the complete status of the body is parameters. The aging hyperfunction returns a new value of all parameters and several diagnostic values being the overview along various aging dimensions and a Boolean (alive | dead) or integer that also states death state of heart-dead, brain-dead, <organ>dead, <ALCOR>dead, etc.

Body death is the earliest death in any dimension from the many dimensions eroding in parallel. My aging theory contains Professor Sinclair's theory of “information aging” as a small but vital part and is renamed “DNA sub-theory”. A full list derived by me, based on human anatomy and processes is


1. DNA sub-theory: It has 4 components of Sirtuins, AMPk, mTOR, and Igf-1, one way to focus on these is MIT doctorate with empirical studies, and another is mine using the greatest 2013 research paper on “Hallmarks of Aging”, computing graph dominators of its graph, getting these four and convincing myself that Dr. Sinclair is the only one focusing on these. He became my virtual professor like Eklavya and archery in Mahabharata. mTOR alone increases aging, almost all comforts of technological evolution substantially boost mTOR while the other 4 improve aging, somewhat each. NAD+ boost can be done through NMN (best) or NR, best for overall aging. There are supplements good for aging in Ayurveda like ashwagandha and Brahmi, 10-100 times cheaper than counterpart chemical medicine. At the organ level, Bones and reduction of osteoarthritis are Calcium, vitamin D3, and K2. D3 helps calcium deposit on bone, k2 prevents it from depositing in arteries and is a miracle superfood unjustly ignored. Pterostilbene is a useful anti-oxidant even better than resveratrol, either required as an anti-oxidant for an aged missing immune system.

2). Brain sub-theory: The brain is what distinguishes humans from other bio-life, central to the technological revolution, but vulnerable to Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, etc. Not understood well are memory and short-term to long-term memory. Blood-brain barrier BBB censors molecules by size allowing only small molecules. Faster entry than blood is through the nose. Electric signals are sometimes nerves, but largely through backbone bundles passing through in the C section. Very complicated.

Targets today which do all essential known today are amyloids (fixing Alzheimer's and Parkinson's), hippocampus interface to blood for short-term memory, and dilution of blood repeatedly. Critical to memory is that there are no magic proteins, past useful proteins become aging with time and hurt less with dilution.

3). Immune sub-theory: Critical to safety from attack by small molecule bacterial+ components of evolution is the immune system which has white blood cells that miss after age 85+. Covid is just one with the massacre of the elderly. The biggest tension is reducing senolysis at age 80+. Short term is immune drugs, and conversion of others like dendrites, CAR T cells, anti-oxidants, etc. Long-term is reinfusion of lab-grown white cells by me as that will be possible and white cells do all necessary to annihilate dangerous viruses and bacteria.

4). Telomere sub-theory: Divers have elongated telomeres from slow rise to avoid bens, short-term high-pressure oxygen administered intermittently does the trick in a medical environment. Reducing the costs necessary to pay development from the third and second world requires mouse BOD/mask research now that some pointers are there.

5) Mitochondrial DNA Sub-theory: Its decline triggers falling strength with age. They are ten ways to boost mt-DNA, including help from NMN, PQQ-like supplements and Ayurveda mixes like Shilajeet.

My DNA De-aging is simply the removal of damage to the epigenome. Child production is the statistical merging of male/female DNA, resetting the age of new DNA to zero, and letting the mix grow into a baby in a womb. Within 50 years, I expect the development of mechanic wombs for the journey of the fertilized egg.


History of aging

Measurement is science and these days you can pick the current age and life remaining from the methylation of Cp islands in DNA. The baby is born and grows to age 9 to 13 years which is when the immune system peaks (thymus best). There is a slow decline to the start of adulthood (Thymus is still good). From then to age 60, Thymus declines (Immunity decreases) till it becomes all fat (Thymic involution). Some immune activity survives as blood has white cells made and unreplaced now.  Declining immune activity continues for another 20-25 years. By 85, the immune system is dead. Lifespan becomes the Poisson process after that. About 112 is Earth's record.

Belief in this theory can be from examining death data over the entire world. People die from bacterial and viral infections in the third world to 60. It is mostly lifestyle diseases and advanced infections in the 2nd world to 80. It is still there even after 80 in the first world, based on genetics, diet, and exercise. Genetics matters only about 20%. A realistic goal for vigilant, based on now is 100 to 120 even ignoring Yamanaka factors. Expect them to yield ages of 120 to 200 years with them. Lifespan increment of 500 years in the next 200 years. You, perhaps, and I, certainly, will be alive then. The reason is that MIT, Boston, already can blow up brain, tap neurons, and make a start toward personality download and upload to Cyborgs.

So, the idea is live to ninety years with today’s tech and genetics, 90-120 with base NMN and senolytes + Brain Dilution surgery + Israel’s telomere extension + brain fix by dilution + mt-DNA by PQQ and Ayurveda;120-200 based on advanced Yamanaka factors, my lab-grown immunity by infusion of lab-grown white cells, my telomere fixes by BOD, advanced brain surgery, and my mt-DNA mix.

Body systems go beyond human DNA. The reason evolution smiles on human animals is from rapid death from creatures programmed to die from programmed old age. Rapid technological evolution means humans are ready to demolish old age by negligible senescence and de-cancers by effective senolytes and liposomes programmed with cancerous-cell extrusion matches. The goal is to strengthen immunity, and kill diagnosed (better blood decoding) killable cancers.

Note that while negligible senescence animals exist, they are protected from cancers by close packs of cells and don’t live beyond 500 years. Only human animals can solve aging and cancers, solely thru the technological evolution of 4000 years in million years past the first humans.

 Never in above have I bothered to consider evolution in looks – left to worry by the small part of women considered stupid and part of men considered stupid like many actors. Not anymore after a viral fever disease that made me look bad. I studied and have started on Hyaluronic acid and collagen. Restored my cap to cover the genetic bald spot.

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