Thursday, January 12, 2023

living to 2090

You must like my writings on a favorite and highest importance topic after my retirement. I want to live to 140 or more.

Here is the biology outline. Humans were created by evolution. In our genetics is an aging death program, evolution cares not after kids, by age 35. That evil program can be defeated and old age compressed and delayed. The lengthening of age in real life to 60+ is very new, only a couple century old. All our 
maternal and paternal uncles died in the '60s and '70s, and Dad died in the ’80s. Only since 2005 with the parabiosis experiment, has true research into aging been started. Aging is not understood well, let us say we can now do age gain. It means I become provable 50 again. Even proving is very new. My hero Dr. Sinclair had great teachers at MIT, I independently achieved proof of his correctness and learning by completing cut-in hallmarks of aging. All the others are lesser and even better is my scholarly extended hyperfunction theory, that unites the Aging field without exceptions and extends Sinclair. I follow my own theory by eating consistent medicine.

I do not claim that my theory of aging is necessarily right! It is formed by union of success-claiming doctors and chemical drug engineers with the same mechanism derived union based on a credible mechanism to me. The idea is to err on the side of useless error. Conflicts will not be allowed to happen.     Newer things will be added only after clinical trial of a subset to all the others not taking the drug to be added. The start is addressing Sirutin, AMPK, MTOR reduction, forced garbage collection, igf-1, HBOT with blood dilution. Within a few years, two pipe blood fixes will be present for artificial white cells made in a lab. grown from the patient own white cell.
I look 55 at 68!Does not help me too much! 18 years later, why should age gain work again! Such is called by me <age-reset>, not age-gain. No one has proven age reset yet. It may not be possible in my extended lifespan! E5 is a well-known example. But OSK-based genetic methods are being developed at Stanford and may start working in the next 18 years and make me 50 again. But I will still be happy about failure! Different but great doctors have different incompatible mechanisms and hence likely statistically independent, a total of 30 years, and disciplined living yields 20 years. So 140-year healthy life is possible, for a pessimistic me. Who knows what developments happen age-wise in the next 70 years.

I will launch proven life extension company soon, saying your DNAm age reduces by 1+ year or your money back. Givem my gain of 13 years, one year guarantee look sound. So what if I fail!
2 Pursue in the company/ have an age-reset goal. 3 Ask Akansha, doctor daughter of Neelu and her doctor hubby to join. 4 Ask doctor kid/kids of Neeraj to join in some capacity consistent with NHS. I personally feel indebted to Britain despite its racial prejudices and loot for establishing modern medicine in India despite its own system and maintaining

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