Sunday, January 29, 2023

Scientific Immortality


 My guru - Computer Scientist, MD, founder of SENS, first UK, now USA


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Scientific             with dynamic soaring:       for Bio-immortality:

Immortality          Travel the Universe           Anti-senescence


What is this about?

This is not sci-fi but my defined engineering fiction or eng-fi, different as no new science is assumed and hence a meaningful time estimate is possible. It recognizes future sciences, but they can only add, making the estimates only better!

Death is neither welcome nor has a singular cause, simply the most applicable of many. Broadly, the causes are intrinsic, extrinsic, or unclassified. Currently, several intrinsic are related to aging. They can all be overcome as here. This is called bio-immortality. There are many machine replaced parts that will make us cyborgs and give us strengthened bio-immortality.

Quite distinct are extrinsic causes, what this essay is about. biologically immortal living being can still die from means other than senescence, such as through injurypoisondisease, predation, lack of available resources, or changes to the environment.

Stop here for a moment and think about whether it is possible at all, given the condition that no new science can be proposed! If not then you have just expanded your mind!

What does the title mean?

Not only introducing new thoughts, what follows is essential for subhumans who would seek parallels in this work and their belief. Vanish, O sub-animal morons, this is not for you!

The word scientific comes from science which has two definitions as all words accepted by me and you - a positive definition of what is science and a negative of what isn't science! Negative is everything not experimentally determined. Positive is rationally skeptical. Central to science is success through logical argumentation against all skeptics. All faith-based methods, seniority, experience, politics, pseudo-science, etc. die before the requirement that only experimental truths are facts and the logical derivation from scientifically accepted facts is science and Scientists make correctable mistakes.

Immortality is no death in any logical manner despite how improbable the event is. Having said this, I reserve the right to defeat infinite calamities by constructing a counter for every finite event, if the calamity happens in nonfinite time, I assume it will not happen.

How many distinct immortalities are needed like bio-immortality?

The method here governs every mode of extrinsic death, even intrinsic death beyond a point. The idea is to download the brain of the entity, provided here is an upload possible to a cyborg. By spreading the downloads, one continually makes one entity's success more reliable! In any finite case, one has reliabilities against failures so far! The eventual limiting reliability is non-zero! While an entity might be unlucky, not all will be.

1. By duplicating the download in several lightspeed-apart regions, one can get reliability against all failure histories addressed by the count.

2. Simple broadcasts will allow a reliable copy to be updated to the latest exploits of the active entity. It will happen at all star systems visited in say, the last million stars, as much as tens of million lightyears apart in as many or fewer millions of years.

3. No boredom can happen despite tens of light-year distances between galactic stars and millions between galaxies. Photons feel no time difference, no matter how far they go.

4. First CRC=cyborg-restore-catch stations between galactic stars will be done by slow ships using dynamic soaring. The first intergalactic stations will be robot set later, possibly a chain of CRC.

Did we say no new science, how about brain download?

Everything else is smart engineering. The only fundamentally new thing is the central idea here of brain download. Science is there and requires a few centuries of engineering beyond MIT science.

The basic idea is this, Given any human/animal brain, it is possible to inflate it, without injury, to a 40-50 feet diameter object, using a university-owned solution. Presumably, it is straightforward engineering to do the expansion in reverse.

Why this expansion is crucial to expose all neurons and connections in nerves and breaks with macro wires. The memory and computation are maybe digital, most likely analog. These can be viewed as a floating point with some precision. The entire brain can be modeled as a large AI network that requires weight computations. Crucial to engineering is the fact that such nerves can be read iteratively and experimentally till all applicable circuits are approximated well.

But why zero time at finite light speed?

What does this project mean to you?

Neptune in 1.5 years, anyone? Bus service between earth and mars! Anyone who predicts I will be bored for the next 1000 years is nuts! Long-lived trees equal life for me. Uploaded life means 10000 years and the defeat of all other modes of death and travel at lightspeed unbored universe travel. Optical unbored quick travel is for a million years. It is a big universe out there. Optical travel could be billion or trillion years. That is enough time to think about the next quadrillion years. Stars would begin to die without replacement then. Traveling to other multi-verse objects keeps you busy the next quadrillion years living off black holes meanwhile.

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