Friday, September 28, 2018

Personal reported experiences

1 Dr. Sinclair discovered it, followed scientific rules, reported results at Harvard. Feeds his father – first Resveratrol now NMN. He could afford before. I can now.


Taking my cue from above, I need sugar profile, lipid profile and inflammation profile. Means

Sugar: Hba1c, daily readings
Lipid: LDL, HDL, triglycerides

I expect and will test above.

[Diabetes] Sugar, expect HgA1C of 5.6 or lower after 6 months, now 6.5
[Heart] Lipid maintain curent wonder 47 LDL < 100, 40 HDL > 50, 101 Triglyceride < 120
[body Age] Inflammation: 0 .75 CRP  0.5, TNF <= 0 .5, I6P <= 1.0

I test with 500mg NMN sublingual, go to 750 mg sublingual if UNLIKELY fail in goals, reduce to 250 mg/day if met unlikely very well! I suggest weaker drugs, not placebo, weaker switching to higher doses, for trials. BASED ON nmn STOPPING, i WORRY ABOUT INFLAMMATION = AGE AND LIPIDS = HEART. Nothing human can keep my NMN away!


To be a scientist, one must be a rational doubter, none better than ScientificAmerican!

morning sugars day1=sep27 seems to gyrate around 110 now with < 100 GOAL
1) 122 2)114 3) 100 4)112 5)99 6) 106

Improvement so fast! My sugars were near 120! Uniformly under 100 means non-diabetic!
NMN helps in body aches. Might even remove need for nortryptalline fore head injury headeaches and leg pain on sleeping in a.c.! Also heart meds for LDL and HDL! NMN IS modern wonder better than anything in 5000 years of medicine.

I am NOT going to be a spokesperson or have annotated support! Every patient sees improvements after expensive procedures - usual citizen reports for medication are massive idiotic, anecdotal praise abusively lie based, and NOT be admitted! Only improvements I admit are blood-work readings. I will set up my baseline in this week and compare it with readings in 3 months.

Modi has done THE absolute great thing - common medicine at 10% the price! Suddenly Modi is not just a good but person to sacrifice life for and true Fuck of opponents! It probably matters not or may be does, my anti-corruption through encryption will start working and enable a true gift from me!

Monday, September 24, 2018

Start with NMN- self-directed study based on Dr. Sinclair

 Ageing Res Rev. 2015 Mar;20:46-62. doi: 10.1016/j.arr.2014.11.005. Epub 2014 Dec 19.


MIT PhD, tenured faculty Harvard Medicine, Discovered Resveratrol and Siruins, Could afford 10 yr. self-test for Resveratrol and NMN for self and father (after IPO a billionaire), NMN now $700/year, mice experiment great, NASA appointed director for Mars astronauts, truly liberal Giant running Lab through crowdfunding!

               Duration 3 month. Can reasonably decide thereafter!
               What: 500 mg/day 4 sublingual doses, wakeup, sleep, and 2 diabetic intervention subsumed
How: Dissolve 3gm per week in 12 ml water, intake under-tongue by eye-dropper of 3 cc


1.      Solution stable for 1 month
               Too low for external seller company
NMN very soluble water, easy to do it (once per week, eye dropper sublingual)
2.      Plenty of EMFUBAR capitalist selling 50 mg and/or or in ingest form (Why bad? Entry amount near zero, too small amount, likely MANY consumers fooled)
3.      Method adopted blessed by my seller
4.      I have covered NMN in past, see no reason to repeat – Aging medicine is here, NOT FDA approved yet. TRY ONLY ON SELF RISK AFTER EXTENSIVE READ.

NMN, Resveretrol, & Sirtuin - How to live a lot longer - with a pill? David Sinclair

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Stem cells - Parkinson and aging

Stem cells are basic to rejuvenation, as much as NAD+ improvements through NR, NMN, Niacin methods. The latter are like broad spectrum antagonists and work on variety of conditions like aging rejuvenation, weight control, cellular regrowth etc. Stem cell fixes are specific. Note that there are two of four ste4m cell kinds useful to us, mesenchymal and iPS. iPS are obviously better but could not be generated before publication in July 2018 of even a research! Noteworthy is what it means – at start of your life, you were a  totipotent built by union of cell from your mother and father! That gradually multiplied and built into iPS body + placenta, later multi-potent mesenchymal cells. Latter multi-potent cells are delivered to the region of interest so that they can specialize and divide in the interest region.

iPS are pluripotent i.e. can specialize into any mesenchymal. What you were at creation union were totipotent – pluripotent and also placenta specialization. This additional capability is no longer needed for rejuvenation.

You can become a modern day doctor for lack of long term medical education is no longer needed – delivery requires hypodermic solution – a skill very common. SCIIT can specialize into supplies of injectable stem cell delivery very similar to tooth labs or blood draw. It can deliver its products to doctors initially who can extract the skin cells or mesenchymal cells directly. They may need quality chemical processing for which SCIIT exists. The results are injected into the patient. It is essentially like blood draw system. Unlike every other mm method, there are NO unexpected side-effects as the pat5ient is injected its own stem cell! Long study and experience are solely needed for side effects which governs ingestion timing, amount and duration.

Rejuvenations possible without doctors

Doctors hate rural postings. With widespread video-connected coach-mounted equipment and low-skill stem cell fixes, one can and will build a low cost excellent health service net. Let us call my model STEM for ultra-modern-medicine. It can and will do far better than any competing homeopathy and better than any Ayurveda or Unani. It is sign of my contempt for products of Indian medicine education that it will do better than 60% of allopathics too!
I am working towards SCIIT and STEM. We will see in 5 years, won’t we!

Reason to shoot for 150 years is 1 above. Currently chased is 2. I am not interested in use of hibernation to extend life – while the total life is extended, waking time is not! The choice-death will happen in stages

1.      Stem cells to 150

2.      Transfection to 3000

3.      Download-consciousness for choice-death.

I am very close to determining whether I just wrote sci fi or not.

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Phase transition study

self link
Certain properties are ensemble population invariant – called phase properties. For example a spoonful of water freezes at same temperature as an ocean, namely 0 degree centigrade and boils at 100 degrees. These are ensemble properties. How many molecules small? Just 2 molecules of water will not have even concept of boil and freeze!