Thursday, September 13, 2018

Stem cells - Parkinson and aging

Stem cells are basic to rejuvenation, as much as NAD+ improvements through NR, NMN, Niacin methods. The latter are like broad spectrum antagonists and work on variety of conditions like aging rejuvenation, weight control, cellular regrowth etc. Stem cell fixes are specific. Note that there are two of four ste4m cell kinds useful to us, mesenchymal and iPS. iPS are obviously better but could not be generated before publication in July 2018 of even a research! Noteworthy is what it means – at start of your life, you were a  totipotent built by union of cell from your mother and father! That gradually multiplied and built into iPS body + placenta, later multi-potent mesenchymal cells. Latter multi-potent cells are delivered to the region of interest so that they can specialize and divide in the interest region.

iPS are pluripotent i.e. can specialize into any mesenchymal. What you were at creation union were totipotent – pluripotent and also placenta specialization. This additional capability is no longer needed for rejuvenation.

You can become a modern day doctor for lack of long term medical education is no longer needed – delivery requires hypodermic solution – a skill very common. SCIIT can specialize into supplies of injectable stem cell delivery very similar to tooth labs or blood draw. It can deliver its products to doctors initially who can extract the skin cells or mesenchymal cells directly. They may need quality chemical processing for which SCIIT exists. The results are injected into the patient. It is essentially like blood draw system. Unlike every other mm method, there are NO unexpected side-effects as the pat5ient is injected its own stem cell! Long study and experience are solely needed for side effects which governs ingestion timing, amount and duration.

Rejuvenations possible without doctors

Doctors hate rural postings. With widespread video-connected coach-mounted equipment and low-skill stem cell fixes, one can and will build a low cost excellent health service net. Let us call my model STEM for ultra-modern-medicine. It can and will do far better than any competing homeopathy and better than any Ayurveda or Unani. It is sign of my contempt for products of Indian medicine education that it will do better than 60% of allopathics too!
I am working towards SCIIT and STEM. We will see in 5 years, won’t we!

Reason to shoot for 150 years is 1 above. Currently chased is 2. I am not interested in use of hibernation to extend life – while the total life is extended, waking time is not! The choice-death will happen in stages

1.      Stem cells to 150

2.      Transfection to 3000

3.      Download-consciousness for choice-death.

I am very close to determining whether I just wrote sci fi or not.

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