Monday, September 24, 2018

Start with NMN- self-directed study based on Dr. Sinclair

 Ageing Res Rev. 2015 Mar;20:46-62. doi: 10.1016/j.arr.2014.11.005. Epub 2014 Dec 19.


MIT PhD, tenured faculty Harvard Medicine, Discovered Resveratrol and Siruins, Could afford 10 yr. self-test for Resveratrol and NMN for self and father (after IPO a billionaire), NMN now $700/year, mice experiment great, NASA appointed director for Mars astronauts, truly liberal Giant running Lab through crowdfunding!

               Duration 3 month. Can reasonably decide thereafter!
               What: 500 mg/day 4 sublingual doses, wakeup, sleep, and 2 diabetic intervention subsumed
How: Dissolve 3gm per week in 12 ml water, intake under-tongue by eye-dropper of 3 cc


1.      Solution stable for 1 month
               Too low for external seller company
NMN very soluble water, easy to do it (once per week, eye dropper sublingual)
2.      Plenty of EMFUBAR capitalist selling 50 mg and/or or in ingest form (Why bad? Entry amount near zero, too small amount, likely MANY consumers fooled)
3.      Method adopted blessed by my seller
4.      I have covered NMN in past, see no reason to repeat – Aging medicine is here, NOT FDA approved yet. TRY ONLY ON SELF RISK AFTER EXTENSIVE READ.

NMN, Resveretrol, & Sirtuin - How to live a lot longer - with a pill? David Sinclair

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