Friday, September 28, 2018

Personal reported experiences

1 Dr. Sinclair discovered it, followed scientific rules, reported results at Harvard. Feeds his father – first Resveratrol now NMN. He could afford before. I can now.


Taking my cue from above, I need sugar profile, lipid profile and inflammation profile. Means

Sugar: Hba1c, daily readings
Lipid: LDL, HDL, triglycerides

I expect and will test above.

[Diabetes] Sugar, expect HgA1C of 5.6 or lower after 6 months, now 6.5
[Heart] Lipid maintain curent wonder 47 LDL < 100, 40 HDL > 50, 101 Triglyceride < 120
[body Age] Inflammation: 0 .75 CRP  0.5, TNF <= 0 .5, I6P <= 1.0

I test with 500mg NMN sublingual, go to 750 mg sublingual if UNLIKELY fail in goals, reduce to 250 mg/day if met unlikely very well! I suggest weaker drugs, not placebo, weaker switching to higher doses, for trials. BASED ON nmn STOPPING, i WORRY ABOUT INFLAMMATION = AGE AND LIPIDS = HEART. Nothing human can keep my NMN away!


To be a scientist, one must be a rational doubter, none better than ScientificAmerican!

morning sugars day1=sep27 seems to gyrate around 110 now with < 100 GOAL
1) 122 2)114 3) 100 4)112 5)99 6) 106

Improvement so fast! My sugars were near 120! Uniformly under 100 means non-diabetic!
NMN helps in body aches. Might even remove need for nortryptalline fore head injury headeaches and leg pain on sleeping in a.c.! Also heart meds for LDL and HDL! NMN IS modern wonder better than anything in 5000 years of medicine.

I am NOT going to be a spokesperson or have annotated support! Every patient sees improvements after expensive procedures - usual citizen reports for medication are massive idiotic, anecdotal praise abusively lie based, and NOT be admitted! Only improvements I admit are blood-work readings. I will set up my baseline in this week and compare it with readings in 3 months.

Modi has done THE absolute great thing - common medicine at 10% the price! Suddenly Modi is not just a good but person to sacrifice life for and true Fuck of opponents! It probably matters not or may be does, my anti-corruption through encryption will start working and enable a true gift from me!

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