Thursday, June 15, 2017

Century 21 newness -2

Last year, I talked 2 things – wives pa frustration and Li-fi. This year block chain = distributed database by replication of transcript. There are two more C21 things which will impact human as much as mobile – IoT (internet of things) and AGI (general AI = self-programming AI). You better understand – they are ready and will be used for C21 products – 1000 start-ups and fuck china!
AGI gets self-programming from massive neural nets. CS people don’t fully understand why it works so well. Show million chess games to MPNN ( Massively parallel  neural nets), million photos, million sounds, million market graphs etc. The result surpasses any human. You get some thousand weights. With them, you can program cheap devices! Usual AI – someone wrote the program! AGI – no one knows why so good! Neural nets for 48 years. AGI 2 years. Few hundred programmed nodes. Massive neural nets don’t run on fast CPU like old AQAI. They run on GPU (Graphics processing units), GPU companies are ecstatic – not just extreme gamers!

Amazon provides learning interface to all on clouds! If you know AGI and can target human-rich expensive tasks, you got a start-up. What happens to replaced humans and taxes  –  growls are starting. These days, india is  -2 year late to USA. By own experience, touching tech before 1-2  YEAR AFTER LAUNCH IS STUPID.  India then is a great place to launch from – low cost workers and stabilized tools.

So here is how start-ups function my style – use amazon like cloud service to get weights. Use them in low cost devices.

Aaqgs-why-it-works Speculation given that not known why MPNN work! Also why human brain works! The MPNN are 20-30 layers of neural nets. The elements are planar linear elements. Non-linearity is from qall the layers. Recognition excites only a few  cells of the final layer. Those are the recognition centers. The system reaches a lowest energy configuration on recognition. By this can be done million face photos, million different accent sounds, million stock market graphs.

Remember my li-fi. Why is li-fi better than wi-fi (started 1992). Radio-waves penetrate walls, hence no privacy! Light vaves can carry 10000 more bandwidth! Transmission Stuff needed already there- LED bulbs. Lot has happened in 6 yrs – cost of modulation and demodulation stuff. Ready USA this year USA. So india 2018. Big use – IoT!!!!!!

So Take it from Aaqgs-himself – C21 = blockchain + IoT + li-fi + AGI + …

Read-up on these! Just to be informed human. Remember, I predicted java when it came out, statins 1998, to metmorfin (1916), IV (NAD+) 1917.

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