(Falsifiable = Scientific) theory of creation
It is possible to create theories of unfalsifiable creation for morons, about 90% of people, the remainder being agnostic, if not stated atheists. All human cultures have done so. Can there be a theory of creation which is testable? I believed not possible and delved into Cosmogonies (many) that at least looked like science in the limit - top being strings (now branes) and LCQ where every thing is quantized, space and time too. Both lead to rigorous deductions but alas are unfalsifiable IE not science. Both postulate a multiverse.
But Lee Smolin changed that - a very boring speaker with the first falsifiable theory. The standards he sets are so high, that ALL other stories are small and stupid in comparison!
Is cosmological natural selection a theory? Yes, because it is testable. Whatever the theory, it has to meet these goals as per me -
1. Explain physical constants and their values
2. Physical laws and their genesis
3. How is the theory falsifiable and why not falsified already
4. Where did space, matter, time come from?
5. How does science arise in the limit?
If you have even of iota of doubt about these issues the rest of this write-up is a waste. If you are dumb enough to think that ANY theory of creation can answer these or is listed in any set of tomes, you are a hopeless gone-case and the rest is a waste of time. Only if you are a rational skeptic, not a rational Stoic like I was for 35 years, and think it can't be done without some belief, go on please.
The essential theory is based on evolution, carving the values of constants over eons till they reach a universe which has human life; other beings find their sets in the multiverse. Because space and time are created in big bang in all universes, there is no problem of all universes share or not the same space-time, or not!
The Key to magic in the Smolin model is black holes in the chain that leads to us. Moment a black hole forms, it is provably cut off the parent! It is not magic but the derivable consequence of collapse of large stars. All matter that falls in a black hole falls to its center. When two black holes approach each other, their mutual dance leads to an eventual merge. More mass for center of joint new black hole.
How does science arise in the limit?
It need not as Sir Smolin's theory assumes no new science and is consistent with current science.
Does Arya agree?
There is a hole, why did compaction at the center bounce to produce a new big bang?
I postulate new quantum physics with a maximum space density equivalent. When the density limit is exceeded, you get a bounce IE new big bang. Left for undone physics of quantum gravity.
Where did space, matter, time come from?
Time appears to be universal. Space-time appears to be emergent from quantum gravity
QG and not fundamental.
Explain physical constants and their values
Physical laws and their genesis evolution, death and rebirth cycle are postulated (for QG) to be slightly different per finite cycle. A chain of finite sized universe, each a black hole, exists for our universe. Amount of matter per universe grows (likely) till the current universe which will never collapse! All the former parents may have finite lives or not, black holes must merge to our mass in the chain.
How is the theory falsifiable and why not falsified already
The universe of beings in our universe must have sentient life to subject the universe to logical and falsifiable evidence tests IE scientific inquiry. Such a universe will likely produce life (at 13.7 billion years) ONLY IF IT IS ABOUT as common as the average composition of the universe. At this time, most stars made from big bang materials (First generation) stars have died (mostly H & He) after fusion to iron. Stars die in explosions, in turn spreading their guts in their galaxy. In turn galaxies merge to become larger, as did Milky Way. Clusters of enriched gases had one with the solar system. Evolution produced life in one that was called the Solar system on a planet called earth.
It is falsifiable because it claims similarity in chemical constituents of universe and life. Every part of the story can be checked by astronomy which has components far away in time too. It has not been falsified already because quantum gravity has never developed despite the best human efforts.
God was never invoked in this narrative. Pointless to argue about unneeded deity. This world has a billion nonbelievers and does fine. Deity not needed for ethics. Explains my agnosticism - deity not needed, ALL believers without science (IE rational skeptic falsifiable) are stupid since 2020.
Excellent hour+
Sir Smolin says.