Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Healthier Increased Lifespan


Healthier Increased Lifespan

My collection. More will follow if enough +ve reviews, one char +/- ok but must!
Who lives longer?

The Rich Have More Of Everything -- Including Lifespan

when can you expect 150 year lifespan?

All will be helped. Longevity' Could Reach Billions In 2019 - And Is No Longer Just The Preserve of Billionaires

150 years - 'Extraordinary' Breakthroughs In Anti-Aging Research 'Will Happen Faster Than People Think'

Will you live longer if you come from a family who have lived long lives?
Researchers found that seven conditions were significantly less common for siblings in a long-lived family, than for similarly aged controls:
· Alzheimer's,
· Hip fracture,
· Diabetes,
· Depression,
· Prostate cancer,
· Heart failure,
· Chronic kidney disease.

Living too long

The current focus of medical research on increasing the quantity, rather than the quality, of life is damaging our health and harming the economy

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