Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Reversing Human Aging PDF

Dr. Fossel and aging

Author of a major book on Telomerase Therapy, which the Wall Street Journal named as one of the five best science books of the year, and working to bring telomerase therapy to human trials, Michael Fossel, M.D., Ph.D. (born 1950, GReversing Human Aging PDFreenwich, Connecticut) was a professor of clinical medicine at Michigan State University for almost 30 years and still teaches Biology of Aging as a university professor.
Founder and former editor-in-chief of Rejuvenation Research, he is best known for his views on telomerase therapy as a possible treatment for cellular senescence and human age-related disease. Dr. Fossel has appeared on many major news programs to discuss aging and regularly on National Public Radio (NPR). He is also a respected lecturer, author, and physician.

Prior to earning his M.D. at Stanford Medical School, Fossel earned a joint B.A. (cum laude) and M.A. in psychology at Wesleyan University and a Ph.D. in neurobiology at Stanford University. He is also a graduate of Phillips Exeter Academy. After graduating from medical school in 1981, he was awarded a National Science Foundation fellowship and taught at Stanford University Medical School. 

General aging

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Sub Nano oxide film

In oct 2017 comes a remarkable development important to me. What and why – why now is answered as unknown. Sub Nano is Aaquantum-neologism to indicate we talk of layers few atoms thick. It is important to me because the recipe can be used without deep knowledge on a kitchen stove. Thus production can be done in India at low cost. Oxide important because layering thin layer of oxide on conducing material forms a transistor. Thinness is critical because the frequency of resulting transistor is greater with thinness. In other words, with several-year-untrained workforce, it is possible to compete the shit out of best electronics producers in the west! Together with silver catalyzed conversion of CO2 to CO, Feedstock coming from chimneys of coal-fired power-plants, it is typical 21-centuty march in transition to the new quantum world in the fifties and I will be alive, enjoying the first singularity and working on my TBI!

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Mind-blowing expanding dimension theory

At the cross-roads of science (cosmology) and philosophy (cosmogony) is the fertile ground of tomorrow-science like string-theory (likely tested), multiverse theory (long time no test) and dimensional-expansion (short while certain tested). LISA, my deepest love, can tell if this mind-blowing theory makes sense. It says Universe was one dimensional at birth, then became two, finally 3 we see, and may have even become 4 in extra-galactic scale.
Why can LISA tell?

There are no gravitational waves in 1 or 2 dimensions. If LISA finds no g-waves, then either this is true or stoics were right and Universe came from nudging of two hyper-planes - big bounce, not big bang.

What can this mind-blow fix?

·  The incompatibility between quantum mechanics and general relativity. Quantum mechanics and general relativity are mathematical frameworks that describe the physics of the universe. Quantum mechanics is good at describing the universe at very small scales, while relativity is good at describing the universe at large scales. Currently, the two theories are considered incompatible; but if the universe, at its smallest levels, had fewer dimensions, mathematical discrepancies between the two frameworks would disappear.

·  The mystery of the universe's accelerating expansion. Physicists have observed that the expansion of the universe is speeding up, and they don't know why. The addition of new dimensions as the universe grows would explain this acceleration. (Stojkovic says a fourth dimension may have already opened at large, cosmological scales.)

·  The need to alter the mass of the Higgs boson. The standard model of particle physics predicts the existence of an as yet undiscovered elementary particle called the Higgs boson. For equations in the standard model to accurately describe the observed physics of the real world, however, researchers must artificially adjust the mass of the Higgs boson for interactions between particles that take place at high energies. If space has fewer dimensions at high energies, the need for this kind of "tuning" disappears.

Monday, October 16, 2017

21 century crawl begins – artificial pancreas

If a diabetic, like I am, you have to constantly keep track of your blood sugar levels and give yourself just the right amount of insulin. It's arduous, and more than a little frightening when you know that the wrong dose could have serious consequences. However, researchers might have a way to let diabetics focus on their everyday lives instead of pumps and needles. They've successfully trialed an artificial pancreas system that uses an algorithm on a smartphone to automatically deliver appropriate levels of insulin. The mobile software tells the 'organ' (really an insulin pump and glucose monitor) to regulate glucose levels based on criteria like activity, meals and sleep, and it refines its insulin control over time by learning from daily cycles. Effectively, it's trying to behave more like the pancreas of a person without diabetes.

Sunday, October 8, 2017

NR or NMN – Robust Life Extension choices

Robust Life Extension has CSM (commonsense semantics) not discussed here. Both violate EBM (evidence based medicine), my epistemology, but are still discussed here. My belief is in EBM proof (CDA does), except when deviating for explicit zed discussable reason, like this, by all EBM believers, extrapolating from known science. Tomes, respected opinions, experience etc. are ignored.
My simplified Model break cellular energy Krebs cycle into three sub cycles – citric acid, ADP-ATP, and NAD+-NADH. ADP-ATP is catalyzed by a coenzyme which is assisted by Q10. Hence exists the coQ10 with known non-toxicity.  NAD+ also declines with age. There is no way to directly increase NADH known. NAD+ increment is the game. If not incremented directly, then do by precursors. There are many including NR, NAM,  NAN, NMN etc. One expensive way is Chromadex monopoly NR. Another way, mildly less expensive is NMN. Chromadex NP averages $1.5-$3.0 per day for 250-500 mg. NMN route is $0.87 for 479 mg/day. It is good to have competition. Of course company{alivebynature} implies but avoids stating superiority over NR. NMN is available starting middle October 2017.
My theory is availability for sane experimentation by extrapolation, strong belief in cutting edge supplementation for father, accept only EBM or experiments are sane if sane  researchers have started human tests.
This is the sales-write-up (like a paper hence at least respectful) I want readers to comment on. Looks safe to try, (recommended by Sinclaire, MIT-PhD, HARVARD-MD/discovered SIRT-1/Reservetrol/sold for 750M$/Can’t be hungry). Also it is said to have anti-diabetes side-effects.
Not recommended or disapproved by FDA. But at worst: a waste of money; at best: robust life extension towards singularity; neutral: expensive anti-diabetic. Note that anti-oxidants reduce the anti-aging properties of metformin in worms due to mitohormosis. But
The administration of metformin (MET), glibenclamide (GLI), and repaglinide (REP) exhibited significant reduction in the malondialdehyde (MDA) concentration and considerable improvement in the altered activities of antioxidant enzymes. This establishes the fact that they provide additional antioxidant protection as antidiabetic drugs, thereby protecting the pancreas from oxidative stress-induced damage during diabetic complications.
Moral is when top-level doctors disagree, it may make sense to shoot blindly if safe!

Wednesday, October 4, 2017


Even before a potentially stupid statement like this, it is important to examine my epistemology! This is an outline of the work. I consider ALL non-scientific evidence utterly stupid and consider anyone believing to be of suspect intelligence. Hence ONLY modern medicine doctors but NOT in chronic care. Question below add to my epistemology.

When is talk above from? June 2017.

When does the doctor present the paper? Dec 2017.

Why is chap trustworthy?

1.       Senior MD professor in top level UK university and relevant consultant to NHS

2.       Extensive relevant paper list

3.       Tested procedure

4.       Long talk in international conference to be attended by top-Brass in NHS, UK.

When do you think reasonable destruction of diabetes, somewhat like small pox? 5 years!

The talk does not hint at how! No it does not and deliberate to prevent expose before the paper!

But you smelled it? Yes, based on name and university of the doctor, found who he is and read his papers!

What does he do? By Two month 800 cal/day semi-starvation diet. Recover to normal diet over next two months, free of diabetes then!

How can it work? Fat in body is stored and released by liver. Control via insulin from pancreas. Too much fat means too much release, means clogging pancreas cells. The semi-starvation diet clears up liver in 3 days, hunger pangs within a week and defat of pancreas in months. The rejuvenated pancreatic cells return to normal production. They never died, just shut off from fat! With pancreas normal, diabetes dies! Too bad for 100,000 diabetes specialists!

Is it similar to some practices in India? Absolutely, it is how nature-cure people act! The professor can collect good empirical data on cures and psychological problems! Strictly speaking, Naturopathy is a fraud, as is most alternate  medicine! One must however never shy away using and reinterpreting fraudulent evidence, easy for me with no respect for proponents or victims of aburd other preaching, also applied to modern medicine with total epistemolgical respect for acute care and criticism of chronic care!

Things will not improve without action! And development means disaster for my people!

From the narrative above can be answered these

1.       Does diabetes have rebound effect – not unless patient splurges again! Not normal rebound!
2.       External support can be provided by a nurse handling 240 patients a month. Very cost effective.
3.       Patient family has a vital role to play!