Saturday, April 15, 2017

Eukaryote and prokaryote

In nature over all species (bacteria – mammals) are found two kinds of cells – AA-eukaryote is any organism whose cells have a nucleus and other organelles enclosed within membranes. Eukaryotes belong to the taxon Eukarya or Eukaryota; prokaryote have sackless cells, only very low in animal world. DNA is part of nucleus and crucial because of its need in relevant protein synthesis. Prokaryotes multiply by fission.

Even though simple, the prokaryotes may have a wiggly organ outside the cell, allowing it some motion. It helps a lot in making a bacterial film which has even some intelligence by stigmergy!

Why do these entomological terms make sense?

1. They need to be understood for the essential point very difficult for hierarchical human minds to digest - Non-intelligent-id evolution with emergent intelligence!

2. Absolutely needed to understand swarm-intelligence in AI and also emergent reliability and emergent functionality! Human body can fight microbial diseases without intelligence and low level of intelligence (vaidya or hakim or shaman systems) to emergent anti-disease.

Fascinating insights emerge from study of tree-cell from trees with 4000 year life-span - it is difficult to believe  these cells have undergone so many divisions and restorations without sickness!

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Outline of new concepts past dakiyanoos of 1975

First short article, then expand, collect in a book. First of blockchain, stigmergy, black swan, Antifragile, bayesian statistics, forensic image analysis, IBE cryptography, cp completeness, quantum physics, responsible letters, hypersocial beings, envy-free cake division, trapping forgers. I suspect our group fairly represents the best minds of India 75 and most will apologies over (under half the list).

If you became adult in 1970s, many fundamentally hard new concepts have to be learned to have even some idea of new world, if you have experience managing people, it is a waste. What is it that such a powerful statement makes sense – it is that decentralised control, very hard, but is still possible in many areas, like economics, government, administration, economics etc, that was not possible for before three thousand years. Past can be captured very well as analog of UNIX file system with links – hierarchies with symbolic and hard links. It gives rise to the wonder of Microsoft and client-server computing that describes the last 25 years and the rise of internet. It fails in the world after 2010, past to die by 2025.

The first very powerful idea is a block-chain, which can be viewed as a decentralized distributed database. You may have heard the term ‘blockchain’ and dismissed it as a fad, a buzzword, or even technical jargon. But I believe blockchain is a technological advance that will have wide-reaching implications that will not just transform the financial services but many other businesses and industries.

In money like bitcoin, a needed minimum of distribution, I call quorum, is ensured by these kernel elements being there by the idea of mining, where the elements benefit monetarily by discover, even while the computation maintains the transcripts in devolved ways. Cheating is prevented by suicide in search by cheating, error-freedom by majoritarian decision making safe against majority of cheaters, mining limited to a theoretical maximum and NO known ways to mine except by linear search. Net result is a minimum of transcript keeper who don't cheat for self-interest and whose decision-making is by majority. Excellent but for one thing – near impossible to change! I have built a way around. When aaqgs-bitcoin is created, after suitable anonymity is achieved, with slow change possible.
Blockchain-bitcoin is just a start.

Blockchain technology continues to redefine not only how the exchange sector operates, but the global financial economy as a whole.” –  Bob Greifeld, Chief Executive of NASDAQ

In financial markets there’s always a mechanism to correct an attack. In a blockchain there is no mechanism to correct it — people have to accept it.”- Robert Sams, founder and chief executive of London-based Clearmatics.
Blockchain technology has the ability to optimize the global infrastructure to deal with global issues in this space much more efficiently than current systems.” – Marwan Forzley, Founder of Align Commerce
A blockchain is a public ledger of all bitcoin transactions that have ever been executed. A block is the “current” part of a blockchain which records some or all of the recent transactions, and once completed, goes into the blockchain as permanent database. Each time a block gets completed, a new block is generated. Blocks are linked to each other (like a chain) in proper linear, chronological order with every block containing a hash of the previous block. To use conventional banking as an analogy, the blockchain is like a full history of banking transactions. Bitcoin transactions are entered chronologically in a blockchain just the way bank transactions are. Meanwhile, blocks, are like individual bank statements. The full copy of the blockchain has records of every bitcoin transaction ever executed. It can thus provide insight about facts like how much value belonged to a particular address at any point in the past. Some developers have begun looking at the creation of other different blockchains as they do not believe on depending on a single blockchain. Parallel blockchains and sidechains allow for tradeoffs and improved scalability using alternative, completely independent blockchains, thus, allowing for more innovation.
gyft, an online platform for gift cards where you can buy, sell and redeem gift cards.
 Chain to offer gift cards for SMBs using blockchain.
Forbes info for investment-level idiots!
Current money players are
Deutsche Bank: innovation labs in London, Berlin and Silicon Valley (July 2015).
NASDAQ: (May 2015) NASDAQ Private Market Platform. leverage the Open Assets Protocol. June 2015, Chain, a blockchain infrastructure provider for FIs and enterprises.
DBS Bank:
Coin Republic, a Singapore-based bitcoin company & Startupbootcamp FinTech. (May 2015)
BitX, Blockstrap and Colu provided the APIs for the two-day hackathon series. Omnichain (first place), Nubank (second place) and BlockIntel (third place,).
Euro Banking Association (EBA) (in May 2015)
US Federal Reserve:
(Mar 2015)
Chief Innovation Officer of Standard Chartered Bank, said that blockchain leveraged to cut costs and improve the transparency of financial transactions. (July 2015)
derivatives companies CME Group, Deutsche Boerse, clearing houses DTCC (depository trust & clearing corporation) and EuroCCP are working on projects around the use of blockchain as clearing. Also, there has been news that money transfer service provider Western Union could possibly look into Ripple technology to understand blockchain.
Fidor Bank: Kraken ,, a P2P BTC, Ripple Labs.
LHV Bank: June 2014. Cuber Wallet in June 2015. Coinbase & Coinfloor,digital security with blockchain.
CBW Bank, Cross River Bank:
Ripple Labs = risk management system + lower cost remittance services. Pay pal is passe!
Rabobank, ABN Amro, ING Bank: Exploring blockchain for various banking services.
Goldman Sachs: Circle Internet Financial Ltd.’s $50M funding round.  Future of Finance.
BBVA Ventures: Coinbase.
UBS: cryptocurrency lab in London, smart bonds. Iduct called “utility settlement coin” with Clearmatics. I
BNY Mellon: “BK Coins” for gifts and other rewards.
Barclays Bank:
Safello, Everledger, Barclays’: CBA, Ripple Labs,USAA Bank, ANZ Bank, Ripple
BNP Paribas:
Societe Generale: [Need me bad!] BTC, blockchain and cryptocurrency expertise.
Citibank: “Citicoin,”

Saturday, April 8, 2017

MZM, not transistors, 50 years and electronics next

What is MZM etc.

Compare Majorana MZM systems and non-Abelian topological quantum systems in general with the field-effect transistor (FET). Both are sweet theoretical solutions to the problem of efficient processing of signals and the information they carry. (For FETs, of course, this theoretical solution has turned out, through Moore’s law, to be an astounding practical engineering success as well, leading to the modern information technology universe we live in.)

The kinds of information (classical versus quantum) and the energy scales (eV versus meV) are different, just as the two ideas are temporally separated by more than 50 years, but each proposes a radical solution to an information processing roadblock.

In each case, the roadblock was not absolute but sufficiently daunting to inspire serious and sustained effort. There were pretransistor electronic computers, and it may well be possible to build a pretopological quantum computer through an extraordinary investment in error correction using ordinary non-topological qubits.

Thursday, April 6, 2017

Crazy-sounding doable ideas

Consider one already done by me, hence extrapolation source far bigger than the dismissed madness of faith. It is sqrt in 2000 bit integers and how to make money from it. There are sci fi ideas like Jules Verne loved anti-gravity matter that made moon shot possible but reject able by me as contrary to anti-gravity devices being opposed to a no go theorem of aaqgs-physics. There is the fertile field of tech fi which allows uncharted imaginary voyages by fertile imagination in undone ideas but those not prohibited by no go theorems. Devices opposing 2nd law of thermodynamics may be (criminal) sci fi, but are never tech fi.
Apart from the pleasure of writing only possible fiction and reading it, the tech fi term has benefited me enormously in three extra applications
  1. A way to trap motherfuckingly people who invent pseudo-scientific empirical data to bolster their shit
  2. Forced learn of exotics like QM and GR to trap and escape traps. Along with second order languages, thermodynamics, church-thesis, P=NP and cheerful brown innocent stoic looks, even lawyers and politicians can be motherfucked using very strong language on trapped fools. Anecdote: Sir INS took my citizenship viva. Question: Why should the president be American citizen by birth? My answer - to avoid second order linguistic anomalies. Sir INS was sure I was wrong, tried to correct me with absurd ities, got very confused and blurted out the correct expected answer - Not me but my child can be! Strong language part is clear NO NO!
  3. Exotic research like this.

Extrapolation, not faith, says that if I ever were to do supreme-quality research like one to crack discrete sqrt, it will be a fulfilled tech fi, and excellent tech fi till done (also fulfilled by a killer no go theorem).

  1. Faster-than-light travel: Space can never be the final adventure since there is a GR no go theorem which forbids any matter achieving super luminous speeds. It is also wrong to say that hence information speeds are light limited, as we know entanglement speeds are at least 1000 times faster. After many false starts, multiple entanglement is left. Note that if entanglement is used to material transfer, the particle at source end is destroyed while being copied across. This means that if information is send across, the sender particle dies. Which is OK only if multiple entanglement means another particle takes place of the dead!
    The claimMultiple entanglement 
  2. Matter and Anti-matter should have destroyed each other at creation time, but did not, we are proof of that! But we can create positrons for PET (even banana do it incorporating miniscule radioactive potassium with positron decomposition of like 1 per hour) and trap anti-proton. How come? When matter and anti-matter annihilate, neutrinos are produced, which might be majorana (self-anti). Neutrinos are not strange. Sun produces them. Earthian nuclear reactors in electric plants do. They can even be focused.
    ten-things you might not know about antimatterTen Questions for the Philosophy of Cosmology
  3. Living for ever but not thru BS religious or sci fi tools. Forces me to understand aetiology of diseases, possibility of electronic information transfer, brain-electronics interfacing, black swans and bayes statistics, anti-fragility etc. Last two are not understood by any one I know, aspects Talib invented in advanced stoicism. longevit -aspects of ecp, Controversial belief

Each is at least novel long fulfillable tech fi. 

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Never-wrong data

I am not referring to almost never wrong, even crypto-true but perfectly true! How can that be?

1. Religious nonsense which you can reinterpret till true, or can't formulated a truth-test!.
2. Hidden perfect choice that always selects the right thing.

Beyond these are acceptable methods
1. Definitions like force = mass * acceleration
2. Axioms and implied theorems like 2+2 = 4
3. Empirical fact like water boils at 100 centigrade at one atmosphere pressure
4. no go theorem narrowed choices - below

Only 4 will be new. One cannot achieve things forbidden by no go theorems. These are so only by complicated derivations. Several examples follow

1. Entropy always increases as in second law of thermodynamics
2. Information of the universe always increases (like 2nd law extended to quantum mechanics
3. No one can defeat one time pad encryption
4. one cannot compute inverse exponentiation in polynomial time unless a shor-capable quantum comp-uter or knowing the factors of the modulus

Monday, April 3, 2017

Stoic view on other's wars

I consider myself a stoic, so I begin with begging excuse for my levity. Malvinas for you have the name of Falkland Islands for me, but I can imagine the seriousness you feel commemorating the fallen. The big question to me is the stoic attitude to others war. Falkland was difficult for USA, since both participants were dear friends. Whatever be the reason, USA chose the side of Great Britain in favor of the status quo.

Quite independent of my thinking, this favor of status quo is recognized internationally for non-participants in major international wars. This logic can be seen in Korea, re Japanese islands, Taiwan, Vietnam fight and so on. Change of borders have serious consequences no matter who is right. The security council and UNO are organizations without clout but their pronouncements extend to me as stoic and serve as replacements for detailed study of the issues. Presumably, these judgments have force and judgment calls balancing each other, which explicitly is a position against pure justice; but a compromise between justice and military power.

It is this analysis that allows me to salute your responsible patriotism even when the aims of war are dismissed by me. It is a chapter where I will support you fully in responsible commemoration it deserves from a patriotic you, even when I have doubts about the wisdom of implement ability of goals.