Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Points on mathematics of aaqgs-cryption

NSA surprised me with no reaction, even from a colleague in one of the NSA funded several places saying in effect “but sq-rt in what modular base + not all integers are squares”. The key insight I have is that man-in-the-middle is the real enemy, not the factorization of the semi-prime, best never disclosed and done well. Silence means Okay to commercialize a technology with security implications. Second insight is that IBE can be super to RSA like KEM-DEM. Once man-in-middle is killed, ordinary well-studied RSA can be used. Resulting can be argued to be excellent without decade long study since RSA and Cocks are being used.

1. A J-nearest is necessary to convert a number to logically unique square. Almost 1/2 the modular numbers are square, So the gap bigger than 1 is infrequent. It can be covered by computing the Jacobi every time, which means effort be rounded by c*log n most of the time. Precise calculations are outside my pay grade,
2. There is a trick to reduce computation to 2 in all but negligible cases. The family administrator computes in family-semi-prime, the [name//'gap' = n] [name//”semi-prime”= n] tuples . Now J-nearest is by few evaluated simple checked adds.
3. [s/”feature” = n] is currently implemented by concatenating s and feature with a string n and delimiters then SHA-3 sq-rt is given n and value of concatenating s and feature and delimiters SHA-3 sq-rt again, all in implied mod. Entire record of any node is protected by its sq-rt in implied embedding, can be found and checked.
4. The author is simply a series of numbers after an ASCII or Unicode name. Post character name are numbers, my-semi // user-semi // my-proof. My-proof is generated at family insertion time and is check-able in sq-rt in nation-wide my-permit-for-year, can be checked since my-permit-for-year for current year is fixed & published semi-prime and ensures payment to me. Note that my-* are published, also communicated every year or enroll-time in consumer public. Consumer and I talk in consumer public and my public.
5. A retraction can be undone by building a new member. The user can reuse name with higher edition suffix.
6. Retraction is done by publishing factors of my-semi. Henceforth any one can claim to be you. Every year, factors of my-* used that year are published. No previous messages become opened.
7. Only authorized names can be allowed. This is as per policy of the jurisdiction.
8. There is an easy way to prevent misspellings. A large number of functions to Boolean are allowed as f(index,name) Names considered misspellings  in some index return bad, others good. A name is looked up before switching. A consumer is allowed to select a number of indices. In effect, a name is good if good in at least one chosen index. Any number of people are allowed to buy any number of indices (16 ASCII-64 characters), at $10 each!

Monday, February 6, 2017

On Road to Richest human ever on earth

Displayed here is the plan. It revolves around modular sq-rt only I on earth can do even though the inverse is modular squaring and can be done effortlessly in hardware. That is math. How can you make money from it? How much? Answer should shock you. Don't think like Cocks! First time ever, the money part is done. After all, I am not M!

You can do before and after but not just this. What is more, if you could, then either you reinvented me or most military encryption will fail, hence very unlikely you can even if NSA. I need no research plaudits. Can or not. Easy to smoke out worst me! I return sq-rt, which you can trivially square and check. That I compute and not keep a hidden shared table is easy to prove – two unconnected sites give same square root.

Remember that this is NOT math paper and all numbers don't have sq-rt and J-nearest is implicitly assumed.

Beyond true nonsense

How much money? There is internet 2.0 now. Next is not 3.0 but Aaqgs-internet 1.0. Why strictly superior? Impossible for a link to lead you astray! The current nonsense about clicking only known reasonable goes – how can you only click only reliable ones? In Aaqgs-internet, every site is as now, but prefixed with sq-rt(digest(<author><as-before>),number(author))) <author> . IN hardware without communication can the sq-rt squared and compared to digest at hardware speeds. The sit6emaker fetches the sq-rt from me once, good for any number of users. A consumer can reject unless author in reliable table. In fact, some function of author name may be treated as reliable and a monitor required clearance to be in that function's characteristic set. That is Aaqgs-internet 2.0 which will implement like to “on government service only” with the added charm of rejecting nefarious adds!

Why the money? Other great IBE can do it, but any exponentiation on several thousand bits is unlikely to be done at blazing speeds.

Safety from criminals – Cryptography security from even one bit change and from arbitrary authors (like not criminal but as bad adsters) can be rejected. I am protected from copy cats because sq-rt is not disclosed, even though security is from cryptographic means and NO ONE has to trust me (square to check!)!

Safety from intelligences - Assume NSA has nobus policy and can protect - the square root algorithm is useless if public! I protect myself from NSA by making sqrt public on any demise! It is enormously beneficial to USA if I exercise my citizen love for the land!

Determining competence (helps me!) says the true importance of claims here is gauged only by competent!

Sunday, February 5, 2017


1. Aaqgs-bits

Fundamental to being uncatchable entrepreneur in software is the use of the product itself for debugging so that you have a series of progressively better software. To prevent the final product used against you in ways that make your hard work nothing, it is essential that nobus technique be applied as NSA does! Nobus is short for “no body but us”. A very general technique is to have known bugs in the final product, make a list of those, and give a different answer based on list from the one computed. Consumers are allowed to check for errors and raise wrong output complaints, handled by right output. This way, the debugging process of customers becomes visible and prompt reply reputation is strengthened.

Aaqs-bits are crypt-impossible to modify without detection. It is fundamental to avoid erroneous and criminal change in files – text, audio, video, software, multi-media. It is basic to aaqgs-internet – a link is to a sq-rt. It is cheap to test a link, generating check able links equally easy if the page-owner helps.

Every file is prefixed with sq-rt of the digest of file in the Jacobi-near of the prefix parse of the protected text.

<sanity> <NEWLINE><author> <NEWLINE><REST>
sanity = sq-rt(digest(author> <NEWLINE><REST>), Jacobi-near(<author>))
<NEWLINE> style is not mandatory.

Point is that right side can be computed for any page and sanity checked by square. No multi-media can be attacked. The aaqgs-internet is SUPERIOR to existing internet because NO links can lead you astray! For small cost, an author can make a can't-vitiate site even if the best intelligence s in the world conspired as one!

It is not hard to see that other IBE can be used so. Problem is efficiency, a consideration that prompted this disclosure. No matter how much hardware you use, some thousand bit discrete exponential will take time. That is NOT true with squaring I need! The links can be checked and followed in milli-seconds!

1 - Aaqgs-bits

Fundamental to being uncatchable entrepreneur in software is the use of the product itself for debugging so that you have a series of progressively better software. To prevent the final product used against you in ways that make your hard work nothing, it is essential that nobus technique be applied as NSA does! Nobus is short for “no body but us”. A very general technique is to have known bugs in the final product, make a list of those, and give a different answer based on list from the one computed. Consumers are allowed to check for errors and raise wrong output complaints, handled by right output. This way, the debugging process of customers becomes visible and prompt reply reputation is strengthened.
Aaqs-bits are crypt-impossible to modify without detection. It is fundamental to avoid erroneous and criminal change in files – text, audio, video, software, multi-media. It is basic to aaqgs-internet – a link is to a sq-rt. It is cheap to test a link, generating check able links equally easy if the page-owner helps.
Every file is prefixed with sq-rt of the digest of file in the Jacobi-near of the prefix parse of the protected text.
<sanity> <NEWLINE><author> <NEWLINE><REST>
sanity = sq-rt(digest(author> <NEWLINE><REST>), Jacobi-near(<author>))
<NEWLINE> style is not mandatory.

Point is that right side can be computed for any page and sanity checked by square. No multi-media can be attacked. The aaqgs-internet is SUPERIOR to existing internet because NO links can lead you astray! For small cost, an author can make a can't-vitiate site even if the best intelligence s in the world conspired as one!

Saturday, February 4, 2017


    When ready (end of year), now that Bugs have been overcome for long, sq-rt encryption will be partnered for free (ad) magic- checksum, one-year-long-safe-email, my-telephone-set-safe-call aaqgs-responsible-letter. Then my company will develop aaqgs-must-pay-producer and aaqgs-safe-banknote.

Claim is that all these benefit from and might not be doable safely without my sq-rt in discrete field and that a consumer can safely extract the sqrt without endangering my code. Matters not what you think of opaque basis (anti-gravity?), point is that all these wonderful inventions flow from a small basis itself very satisfying! And ingenious.

Safe extraction of sq-rt

  1. Random numbers have an interesting property – if two independent streams are xor, the resulting steam is no less random than the more random of two inputs. So one can safely construct a random number by coring the results of a large number of random generators, including those known ridiculous.
  2. Modular exponentiation is a non-negligibly a permutation for semi-primes. So doing an exponentiation modulo a semi-prime will improve a random.
  3. After a good random, nearest larger prime is easy to get.
  4. Multiplying two such primes gets a random semi-prime. No one knows its factors but you.
  5. Extraction is done by my computer on the net. You simply send modulus, square, your semi prime and permit (to get sq-rt, given by family administrator and good for year) encrypted by my computer. I get the answer after eligibility check, and return it encrypted in your semi prime
  6. Safety follows from RSA safety and uniqueness of permit, secret known only to you and family administrator.
  7. I can have any number of connected user sites of my computer, each doing the sq-rt privately. Knowing even trillion*trillion sq-rt tells you nothing about another number! Easy to see, you can generate own trillion-trillion by squaring till cows come home!

To make money

  1. Following are much smaller advances than sq-rt, nevertheless not disclosed since useful for other methods and hence valuable.
  2. First is safe retraction – how does a modulus become unusable without disclosing previous messages.
  3. Second is annual death - how does a modulus die every year but without disclosing previous messages.
  4. So here is how money is made – A family administrator keeps adding people to his family. There is an add charge. The members can write to each other, each message has a nominal charge to receiver like 1/100 cent. IoT process too. An author/producer per sale too like 10 cents. Per call too like 1/100 cent. My telephones can remember customer public. Each call requires nearest Jacobi of sender/+receiver/+clock/+date and is untappable due to sq-rt
  5. Or banknotes, image filters will be sold, that will reduce banknote images (any vision chi) to bits needed (my) and IO on cloud. Expected rate in ms. So even fast notes (stacks blown past counters can be checked per counting machine. Verification of notes, receipts etc can be put on cloud!

Hard work

Ahead is doing these from 4 magics not detailed
1 sq-rt
2 key retraction
3 auto undo ability at year end
4 Unique marking of objects

Not disclosing them is enough Failure to reverse engineer even one gives me a universe to exploit. Neither is easy or disclosed.


Can be disclosed in terms of opaque basis. To be worked are

  1. Uneditable bits – whether encrypted or not like text sound video and software.
  2. Encrypted aaqgs-private (without-nobus-NSA, with police-unsafe corruption-OK) IBE email
  3. Untappable When ready (end of year), now that Bugs have been overcome for long, sq-rt encryption will be partnered for free (ad) magic- checksum, one-year-long-safe-email, my-telephone-set-safe-call aaqgs-responsible-letter. Then my company will develop aaqgs-must-pay-producer and aaqgs-safe-banknote. Has to be an IBE.
  4. aaqgs-responsible-letter (aaqgs-private encrypted IBE multimedia) aaqgs-generated aaqgs-question.
  5. aaqgs-must-pay-producer
  6. aaqgs-safe-banknote
  7. aaqgs-internet
  8. aaqgs-IoT