Friday, February 24, 2023


 Language and Vocabulary

It is evident that the Filipino language and vocabulary was strongly influenced by the original Sanskrit. Local words like Guro (teacher) came from the Hindu word Guru. Karma, a Hindu concept, is culturally understood by Filipinos. The following are some of the Sanskrit words used in the Filipino. • bahagi (part, portion) in Tagalog, is bhag in Hindi, • diwata (god or goddess) is devata • dukha (poor, destitute) is duhkha • guro (teacher) is guru • katha (story, fiction) is katha • mukha (face) is mukha • yaya (nurse) is aya
Hinduism Today
Actual followers of Hinduism are mostly confined to communities of indigenous and native people as well as new converts. Nowadays, there are new noticeable Hindu practices like Yoga and meditation. The presence of various Hare Krishna groups like Sai Baba, Paramansa Yoganda (SRF) and Mekha Baba are also evident.

Sunday, February 5, 2023


 You are likely to be honest given your looks (films) and your FB page, I was a professor of computer science once in the USA, illegally let go as a TBI person, and have been in India for many years now retired now, as a TBI. Am a US citizen now in India. I am torn between vengeance and love for the great country. If I can be of use to you, I will feel very happy. I might write you an official invitation for something, which you can take to the Indian embassy, doubt if it will work for the USA embassy. You never need to know me anymore. The main point is that I have working Quantum computer security, human age reduction based on self-test, have reduced my age to 50, and am very bullish about space and my imagination. They follow - 3 links in what I uploaded.

Next to three lovely eng fi
Required 0  Required 1 Required 2
Scientific  with dynamic soaring: for Bio-immortality:
Immortality Travel the Universe Anti-senescence
There is nothing concrete about the three lovelies from my imagination except the validating test on myself of bio-immortality by strangers. Even the test is not complete, awaits bio-age test in the USA this May 2023. Given my deviations from Dr. Sinclair, most remarkable would be not much lessening of age that I show – it will validate my deviations! I would be happy enough with age reduction, for that would justify my deviation as nothing harmful. In any case, I will start a startup devoted to age reduction in MD surroundings for guaranteed age reduction.
Common to these three are 3 original imaginations of mine. Bio-immortality work has been done by several other persons, most importantly by Dr. Sinclair with whom my major difference is that I view DNA fix as only a small part of my much larger theory of Aging.
Running the startup with current title of “General Bio-Life” is definitely there. However, discovering and self-application of Bio-immortality BI is not enough. I intend to work towards full immortality FI. There is a major advantage of eng-fi over sci-fi becomes obvious – cost and time estimates can be made!
Working towards FI means brain download. The new-engineering method is placing the entire brain essentially in USA diaper compound solution. One can source brains from commercial butcheries for piga and lambs. These can be magnified to 40-50 ft balls and then tested to extract neural net values.
The entire set up will cost one to 10 lakh crore. Let us assume that given 10% seed, rest can be raised in market. So the question if first lakh crore by me. I do it in two parts. The first 100 crores in first 5 years and then and then 10000 crores in next 5, 100,000 next 5.
Consider Adani. He started big in 1990 and has progresses by factor of 10 every five years. That led him to 2nd most prosperous man in the world – not even a top engineer!
I am looking for 3 steps – 100 times each,100 10,000 1,000,000.
First step is converting the three imaginations into a novel or 3, together with General Bio-life GBL. Starting at 1 crore, I think 100 crore are reachable.
Next step is internationalized GBL, movie/set version of the 3 imagines. Small time movies like Pathan make 1000 crores. Gravity move  1000 million dollarsI see no problems in 10,000 crore target.
That is enough money to raise a 10000-crore company for manufacture a boost earth laser to boost small ships to within the solar system. 10 years have passed. Indian astronauts have gone to near earth and have done/are-doing the moon. For the USA, Mars is big. Indians are shooting low-cost dynamic soar missions to decide where to go.
It is then that I get enough money to do GBL scientific immortality.

Saturday, February 4, 2023



What is the secret of happiness? Bertrand Russell's 1930 answer ―
"The secret of happiness is this: Let your interests be as wide as possible, and let your reactions to the things and persons that interest you be as far as possible friendly rather than hostile. The world is vast and our own powers are limited. If all our happiness is bound up entirely in our personal circumstances it is difficult not to demand of life more than it has to give. And to demand too much is the surest way of getting even less than is possible. The man who can forget his worries by means of a genuine interest in, say, gardening, or the life history of stars, will find that, when he returns from his excursion into the impersonal world, he has acquired a poise and calm which enable him to deal with his worries in the best way, and he will in the meantime have experienced a genuine even if temporary happiness."
Bertrand Russell, The Conquest of Happiness (1930), Part II. Causes of Happiness, Chapter X: Is Happiness Still Possible?, p. 140
"I was not born happy. In adolescence, I hated life and was continually on the verge of suicide, from which, however, I was restrained by the desire to know only more mathematics. Now, on the contrary, I enjoy life; I might almost say that with every year that passes, I enjoy it more.
This is due partly to having discovered what were the things that I most desired, and having gradually acquired many of these things. Partly it is due to having successfully dismissed certain objects of desire — such as the acquisition of indubitable knowledge about something or other — as essentially unattainable. But very largely my current happiness is due to a diminishing preoccupation with myself.
Gradually I learned to be indifferent to myself and my deficiencies; I came to center my attention increasingly upon external objects: the state of the world, various branches of knowledge, and individuals for whom I felt affection. External interests, it is true, bring each its own possibility of pain: the world may be plunged into war, knowledge in some direction may be hard to achieve, and friends may die. But pains of these kinds do not destroy the essential quality of life, as do those that spring from disgust with the self.”
Bertrand Russell, The Conquest of Happiness (1930), Part I. Causes of Unhappiness, Ch: I, What Makes People Unhappy?, p. 9
The Conquest of Happiness (1930) by Bertrand Russell pre-dates the modern genre of self-help popular/philosophy by decades. This work lays out Russell's rationalist prescription for living a happy life, mainly the importance of cultivating interests outside oneself and the dangers of passive and base pleasure. The Conquest of Happiness (1930) is often cited as one of Bertrand Russell's most accessible and favorite books.

I consider him to be the greatest philosopher ever, even bigger than the top stoic roman emperor Marcus Aurelius.

Spanish immortality

 Mi gurú - Informático, MD, fundador de SENS, primero Reino Unido, ahora EE. UU.


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Obligatorio 1         

Científico con vuelo dinámico: para Bio-inmortalidad:

Obligatorio 2

Inmortalidad Viajar por el Universo Anti-senescencia


¿De qué se trata esto?

Esto no es ciencia ficción, sino mi ficción de ingeniería definida o eng-fi, diferente ya que no se asume ninguna ciencia nueva y, por lo tanto, es posible una estimación de tiempo significativa. Reconoce las ciencias futuras, pero solo pueden agregar, ¡lo que hace que las estimaciones sean solo mejores!

La muerte no es bienvenida ni tiene una causa singular, simplemente la más aplicable de muchas. En términos generales, las causas son intrínsecas, extrínsecas o no clasificadas. Actualmente, varios intrínsecos están relacionados con el envejecimiento. Todos ellos pueden ser superados como aquí. Esto se llama bio-inmortalidad. Hay muchas piezas reemplazadas por máquinas que nos convertirán en cyborgs y nos darán una bioinmortalidad fortalecida.

Muy distintas son las causas extrínsecas, de lo que trata este ensayo. Un ser vivo biológicamente inmortal aún puede morir por medios distintos a la senescencia, como por lesiones, veneno, enfermedad, depredación, falta de recursos disponibles o cambios en el medio ambiente.

¡Deténgase aquí por un momento y piense si es posible, dada la condición de que no se pueda proponer ninguna ciencia nueva! ¡Si no es así, acabas de expandir tu mente!

¿Qué significa el título?

No solo presenta nuevos pensamientos, lo que sigue es esencial para los subhumanos que buscan paralelos en este trabajo y su creencia. ¡Desapareced, oh imbéciles subanimales, esto no es para vosotros!

La palabra científico proviene de ciencia, que tiene dos definiciones como todas las palabras aceptadas por mí y por usted: ¡una definición positiva de lo que es ciencia y una negativa de lo que no es ciencia! Negativo es todo lo que no se determina experimentalmente. Positivo es racionalmente escéptico. Central a la ciencia es el éxito a través de la argumentación lógica contra todos los escépticos. Todos los métodos basados en la fe, la antigüedad, la experiencia, la política, la pseudociencia, etc. mueren ante el requisito de que solo las verdades experimentales son hechos y la derivación lógica de los hechos científicamente aceptados es ciencia y los científicos cometen errores corregibles.

La inmortalidad no es muerte de ninguna manera lógica a pesar de lo improbable que sea el evento. Habiendo dicho esto, me reservo el derecho de vencer calamidades infinitas construyendo un contador para cada evento finito, si la calamidad ocurre en un tiempo no finito, asumo que no sucederá.

¿Cuántas inmortalidades distintas se necesitan como la bio-inmortalidad?

El método aquí gobierna todos los modos de muerte extrínseca, incluso la muerte intrínseca más allá de un punto. La idea es descargar el cerebro del ente, siempre que aquí haya una posible subida a un cyborg. Al difundir las descargas, ¡uno continuamente hace que el éxito de una entidad sea más confiable! En cualquier caso finito, ¡uno tiene confiabilidad contra fallas hasta ahora! ¡La confiabilidad límite eventual es distinta de cero! Si bien una entidad puede tener mala suerte, no todos la tendrán.

1. Al duplicar la descarga en varias regiones separadas por la velocidad de la luz, se puede obtener confiabilidad contra todos los historiales de fallas abordados por el conteo.

2. Las transmisiones simples permitirán actualizar una copia confiable a las últimas vulnerabilidades de la entidad activa. Sucederá en todos los sistemas estelares visitados en, digamos, el último millón de estrellas, con una diferencia de decenas de millones de años luz en tantos millones de años o menos.

3. No puede haber aburrimiento a pesar de las distancias de decenas de años luz entre estrellas galácticas y millones entre galaxias. Los fotones no sienten la diferencia horaria, no importa lo lejos que vayan.

4. Las primeras estaciones CRC = cyborg-restore-catch entre estrellas galácticas se realizarán mediante naves lentas que utilizan vuelos dinámicos. Las primeras estaciones intergalácticas serán establecidas por robots más tarde, posiblemente una cadena de CRC.

¿Dijimos que no hay ciencia nueva, qué hay de la descarga del cerebro?

Todo lo demás es ingeniería inteligente. Lo único fundamentalmente nuevo es la idea central aquí de la descarga del cerebro. La ciencia está ahí y requiere algunos siglos de ingeniería más allá de la ciencia del MIT.

La idea básica es esta: dado cualquier cerebro humano/animal, es posible inflarlo, sin lesiones, a un objeto de 40 a 50 pies de diámetro, utilizando una solución propiedad de la universidad. Presumiblemente, es una ingeniería sencilla hacer la expansión a la inversa.

Por eso esta expansión es crucial para exponer todas las neuronas y conexiones en nervios y roturas con macro cables. La memoria y el cálculo son quizás digitales, muy probablemente analógicos. Estos pueden verse como un punto flotante con cierta precisión. Todo el cerebro se puede modelar como una gran red de IA que requiere cálculos de peso. Crucial para la ingeniería es el hecho de que dichos nervios se pueden leer de forma iterativa y experimental hasta que todos los circuitos aplicables se aproximen bien.

¿Qué significa este proyecto para ti?

Neptuno en 1,5 años, ¿alguien? ¡Servicio de autobús entre la tierra y marte! ¡Cualquiera que prediga que me aburriré durante los próximos 1000 años está loco! Los árboles longevos igualan vida para mí. La vida cargada significa 10000 años y la derrota de todos los demás modos de muerte y viajes a la velocidad de la luz, viajes universales no aburridos. El viaje rápido óptico sin aburrir es para un millón de años. Hay un gran universo ahí fuera. El viaje óptico podría ser de mil millones o billones de años. Es tiempo suficiente para pensar en los próximos cuatrillones de años. Las estrellas comenzarían a morir sin reemplazo entonces. Viajar a otros objetos de varios versos te mantendrá ocupado durante los próximos cuatrillones de años viviendo en agujeros negros mientras tanto.

Sunday, January 29, 2023

Scientific Immortality


 My guru - Computer Scientist, MD, founder of SENS, first UK, now USA


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Scientific             with dynamic soaring:       for Bio-immortality:

Immortality          Travel the Universe           Anti-senescence


What is this about?

This is not sci-fi but my defined engineering fiction or eng-fi, different as no new science is assumed and hence a meaningful time estimate is possible. It recognizes future sciences, but they can only add, making the estimates only better!

Death is neither welcome nor has a singular cause, simply the most applicable of many. Broadly, the causes are intrinsic, extrinsic, or unclassified. Currently, several intrinsic are related to aging. They can all be overcome as here. This is called bio-immortality. There are many machine replaced parts that will make us cyborgs and give us strengthened bio-immortality.

Quite distinct are extrinsic causes, what this essay is about. biologically immortal living being can still die from means other than senescence, such as through injurypoisondisease, predation, lack of available resources, or changes to the environment.

Stop here for a moment and think about whether it is possible at all, given the condition that no new science can be proposed! If not then you have just expanded your mind!

What does the title mean?

Not only introducing new thoughts, what follows is essential for subhumans who would seek parallels in this work and their belief. Vanish, O sub-animal morons, this is not for you!

The word scientific comes from science which has two definitions as all words accepted by me and you - a positive definition of what is science and a negative of what isn't science! Negative is everything not experimentally determined. Positive is rationally skeptical. Central to science is success through logical argumentation against all skeptics. All faith-based methods, seniority, experience, politics, pseudo-science, etc. die before the requirement that only experimental truths are facts and the logical derivation from scientifically accepted facts is science and Scientists make correctable mistakes.

Immortality is no death in any logical manner despite how improbable the event is. Having said this, I reserve the right to defeat infinite calamities by constructing a counter for every finite event, if the calamity happens in nonfinite time, I assume it will not happen.

How many distinct immortalities are needed like bio-immortality?

The method here governs every mode of extrinsic death, even intrinsic death beyond a point. The idea is to download the brain of the entity, provided here is an upload possible to a cyborg. By spreading the downloads, one continually makes one entity's success more reliable! In any finite case, one has reliabilities against failures so far! The eventual limiting reliability is non-zero! While an entity might be unlucky, not all will be.

1. By duplicating the download in several lightspeed-apart regions, one can get reliability against all failure histories addressed by the count.

2. Simple broadcasts will allow a reliable copy to be updated to the latest exploits of the active entity. It will happen at all star systems visited in say, the last million stars, as much as tens of million lightyears apart in as many or fewer millions of years.

3. No boredom can happen despite tens of light-year distances between galactic stars and millions between galaxies. Photons feel no time difference, no matter how far they go.

4. First CRC=cyborg-restore-catch stations between galactic stars will be done by slow ships using dynamic soaring. The first intergalactic stations will be robot set later, possibly a chain of CRC.

Did we say no new science, how about brain download?

Everything else is smart engineering. The only fundamentally new thing is the central idea here of brain download. Science is there and requires a few centuries of engineering beyond MIT science.

The basic idea is this, Given any human/animal brain, it is possible to inflate it, without injury, to a 40-50 feet diameter object, using a university-owned solution. Presumably, it is straightforward engineering to do the expansion in reverse.

Why this expansion is crucial to expose all neurons and connections in nerves and breaks with macro wires. The memory and computation are maybe digital, most likely analog. These can be viewed as a floating point with some precision. The entire brain can be modeled as a large AI network that requires weight computations. Crucial to engineering is the fact that such nerves can be read iteratively and experimentally till all applicable circuits are approximated well.

But why zero time at finite light speed?

What does this project mean to you?

Neptune in 1.5 years, anyone? Bus service between earth and mars! Anyone who predicts I will be bored for the next 1000 years is nuts! Long-lived trees equal life for me. Uploaded life means 10000 years and the defeat of all other modes of death and travel at lightspeed unbored universe travel. Optical unbored quick travel is for a million years. It is a big universe out there. Optical travel could be billion or trillion years. That is enough time to think about the next quadrillion years. Stars would begin to die without replacement then. Traveling to other multi-verse objects keeps you busy the next quadrillion years living off black holes meanwhile.