Thursday, May 25, 2017

Dr. Arya anti-aging plan II

Mind you, while goal is immortality, I refuse to take risks to equally satisfactory amortality (diseased only at ends). Diabetes Drug Metformin Could Slow Down Aging Process, Let Us Live 120+ Years! BTW 99.99% religious and 75% doctors indifferent to bio-chemist living in wolkencuckosheim of ancient medical college and books are STUPID, if you have better numbers for either, stop right here!

In general, I ignore the legal system as easily bamboozled morons when it comes to medicine and science, particularly which doesn’t self-recognize lawyers bullshit and take corrective steps! Quintessential example is allowing fats to be blamed in diabetes and 40 year legal delay in stevia. There is nothing stupider  than a judge trying to synthesize conflicting expert testimonies without an imposed external philosophy of science, proficiency required! At least, the imposition will improve on errors!
                Calcium and iron deficiencies are not uncommon in diets in developing countries where less meat is eaten and there is high consumption of phytic acid from beans and unleavened whole grain bread. Calcium-deficiency  causes osteoporosis while Fe-deficiency is anemia, both widely prevalent in india hence guilty-unless-innocent! Both reduce age also bad symptoms on aging ie anti-amortality in my neologism.

Mitochondria have 3 energy cycles, replenished by monosacchrides from food – citric acid, atp-adp, nadh-nad+;  increasing importance, energy-reduced order.

Anti-oxidant class:  for NAD+ and NADH: The energy storage in body uses Mitochrondia as chargeable cells. Electrons move from NADH to discharge as NAD+. Food recharges again. There is no direct path to NADH. NAD+ can be generated two ways – de novo - fresh new by amino acid synthesis and by salvage cycle. Nad+ increase is desired. Precursor are fastings, exercise, calorie-restriction and chemicals.  Each has a sweet spot, utility falls after. Too much fasting, calorie-restriction, exercise or chemical-precursor are harmful. Easiest and 99% thuggery of partial morons is in chemical-precursor where bio-availability matters and a thug-criminal can truthfully claim precursor-ness. You can do do better two ways – increase nad+ or decrease the oxidation junk.

Nad+ can be increased in many ways – (its salt). This list is NOT ordered by percentage or importance or free of BAD effects (like FAT). Its value-free scientific list. Needed for understanding exceptions. – indicates self-adopted. ? is may.
o    - 7) Fructose

Possibly dangerous Supplement chemicals

Supplements to Increase NAD+

  1. Nicotinamide Riboside
  2. Oxaloacetate
  3. Malic acid (R)
  4. Resveratrol (R)
  5. Apigenin (R)
  6. Leucine (R)
  7. Niacinamide – low doses (R).
  8. Lithium inhibits mir-34a, which inhibits NAMPT, the enzyme that makes NAD+ (R)  So lithium should technically increase NAMPT and NAD+ by taking the breaks away from its production.
  9. Succinic acid – to a lower degree than malate (R)
Next what to avoid, if possible, that increase ageing rates.

·         Factors that Decrease NAD+
o    2) Disrupted Circadian Rhythm (sleep-wake)
o    3) Overeating
o    5) Alcohol

Anti-oxidants reduce the wastage from oxidation in the cycle. An antioxidant is a molecule that inhibits the oxidation of other molecules. Oxidation is a chemical reaction that can produce free radicals, leading to chain reactions that may damage cells. Antioxidants such as thiols or ascorbic acid (vitamin C) terminate these chain reactions. The term "antioxidant" is mainly used for two different groups of substances: industrial chemicals which are added to products to prevent oxidation, and natural chemicals found in foods and body tissue which are said to have beneficial health effects.

The oxidation junk produced accumulates – that is what aging is. Key preventions are anti-oxidants like resveratrol, glutathione

Drug class: For ATP-ADP cycle, best is metformin.
I am scared of new ones, accepting ONLY with century use ( i.e. GRAS and beyond), hence stevia is ok, Atkin’s diet is ok despite expert noises. The legal system has no techniques in importance management beyond the dumb dice-roll of higher court allowance to listen! Fortunate to me, enough hard work has been done to distil to three chemicals and organise methods around them.
                A miracle drug is metformin used for 1st line diabetes-2 drug, safe enough to be used in non-diabetic. Available as plant product from Goat's rue, French lilac, Italian fitch, and professor weed are all names for the same plant: Galega officinalis.

Beside anti-aging and anti-diabetes, metformin is also useful for anti-cancer. Safe enough to be used by non-diabetic. Historically, plant extracts have been used in Europe to treat plague, worms, snake bites, miasma, dysuria and St Vitus dance..

Rejected hence are precursor-chemicals and HGH (human growth hormone) after dispassionate extensive study.


                1 hum,anm growth harmone

                stem cells: Based on functioning of trees with 4000 year life span, it appears that not much selectivety is required and pluripotent stem cells take over automatically nearby (touching?) normal cells on failure. Hence I would like to see some experiments irrigating dividing cells by iPS cells and determining failures after the new division. In humans, the cells could be placed by injecting diseased ssites by injecting.

                NAD : Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide - Wikipedia,

severe problems

Go: A critical side journey

Top goals for me are money+enormous/repect by IoT-hackfree, immortality/amortality by bio-science, understanding by aaqgs. Go is a computer language vastly superior to C++ or lisp derivatives. It fits enormously well in IoT-hackfree. Let me explain.
Starting 2019, planet will change revolutionary ways making all non-IoT-skills useless – majority of 25yr+ people. IoT is internet of things – All objects can talk to one other. For example, your fridge can decide on too low on curd, and auto-order from your-choice store. Medical-autodoc can decide anemia and auto order medicine from choice-store. Car might decide safe person to drive and open doors. All kind of objects can dial to police and report stolen! …

The image is too sane, problem s are cost and security. Cost has fallen to the point IoT is viable 2018. Security means IBE. One is by discrete exponent ion. Others lesser known. Then mine based on huge square-roots, solving the known difficult problem and making results available without a shot at reverse-engineering. I  have some  teething problems and am writing a research paper in main IoT conference in UK this October, making all known as open software but how roots are extracted.
So where does Go fit?

Between 80’s stay in Bell labs and today, the BIGGEST changes are mobile phones and remotes. A 7000R phone is available with IR Blaster. How do remotes work? Shoot IB beams between remote and device. An IRB mobile can easily become universal remote – with right software – for TV, ac, lights,…. One can even have BBC like thought players that change channels by thinking! Also a Chinese company sells PC on a stick with HDMI and USB for 5000R. Stick it into HDMI enabled tv (Most new ones are) and one can write programs to manage TV at any smart level. Both bought.  Both things can now have user choice downloadable interfaces (buttons, dials etc). Lag-free computation is heart of any real=time problem (that’s what Ada was about), C++ doesn’t, c# DOESN’T, Go does! Bye bye, Microsoft!

So many mobiles create the classic distributed database problems. Hard but slowly killed in last 40 years. The most unusual solution is blockchain and it requires NO DDDB synchronization. Some programmers do, most find it mystical. The fresh ones find it easy!
Go is very unusual – 40 years of distributed database management through synchronization is eliminated. The uniqueness of ownership and dynamically changing it does what synchronization does! Slogan -
Do not communicate by sharing memory; instead, share memory by communicating.

In my 5 year stint at labs (1980+), CSRG was full of self-appointed prima-donna but unknowns outside cs. My belief is unix became what it is to avoid massive ego-clashes on shared-code, solved by small one/two person cooperating but distinct modules, communicating only by pipes. Standard UNIX sold by AT&T had shared distributed memory to simplify things for less egotistic engineers, became an art in Microsoft through DLL. Thirty seven years later, Massive Fuck is just starting.

In other words, C++,D,c#,…. Die. Most programmers become redundant. Next revolution is on us. I am technically active, competent, makes me very rare indeed. The first set of OIE idiots are MOST professors – race irrelevant.

Google-go is it! I consider self as about the best human on earth, equal to Bjarna (c++)  or Bill Gates (Microsoft). Only two living people have impressed me as likely smarter – Ken Thompson (unix) and  Rob Pike [very clever, plan 9, unknown outside CS, master of images]. These are two progenitors of Go. Any further delay is at my peril!

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

A gas station in space


When enough fuel [on moon] is being produced, and the shuttle delivery system is tested and reliable, our plan calls for building a gas station in space. The shuttles would deliver ice directly to the orbiting fuel depot, where it would be processed into fuel and where rockets heading to Mars or elsewhere could dock to top up.

The depot would have large solar arrays powering an electrolysis module for melting the ice and then turning the water into fuel, and large fuel tanks to store what's made. NASA is already working on most of the technology needed for a depot like this, including docking and fuel transfer. We anticipate a working depot could be ready in the early 2030s, just in time for the first human missions to Mars.

To be most useful and efficient, the depot should be located in a stable orbit relatively near both the Earth and the moon. The Earth-moon Lagrangian Point 1 (L1) is a point in space about 85 percent of the way from Earth to the moon, where the force of Earth's gravity would exactly equal the force of the moon's gravity pulling in the other direction. It's the perfect pit stop for a spacecraft on its way to Mars or the outer planets.

Dr. Arya anti-aging plan for self

Mind you, while goal is immortality, I refuse to take risks to equally satisfactory amortality (diseased only at ends). Diabetes Drug Metformin Could Slow Down Aging Process, Let Us Live 120+ Years! BTW 99.99% religious and 75% doctors indifferent to bio-chemist living in wolkencuckosheim.

In general, I ignore the legal system as easily bamboozled morons when it comes to medicine and science, particularly which doesn’t self-recognize lawyers bullshit and take corrective steps! Quintessential example is allowing fats to be blamed in diabetes and 40 year legal delay in stevia. There is nothing stupider  than a judge trying to synthesize conflicting expert testimonies without an imposed external philosophy of science, proficiency required! At least, the imposition will improve on errors!

                Calcium and iron deficiencies are not uncommon in diets in developing countries where less meat is eaten and there is high consumption of phytic acid from beans and unleavened whole grain bread. Calcium-deficiency  causes osteoporosis while Fe-deficiency is anemia, both widely prevalent in india hence guilty-unless-innocent! Both reduce age also bad symptoms on aging ie anti-amortality in my neologism.

Mitochondria have 3 energy cycles, replenished by monosacchrides from food – citric acid, atp-adp, nadh-nad+;  increasing importance, energy-reduced order.

Anti-oxidant class:  for NAD+ and NADH: The energy storage in body uses Mitochrondia as chargeable cells. Electrons move from NADH to discharge as NAD+. Food recharges again. There is no direct path to NADH. NAD+ can be generated two ways – de novo - fresh new by amino acid synthesis and by salvage cycle. Nad+ increase is desired. Precursor are fastings, exercise, calorie-restriction and chemicals.  Each has a sweet spot, utility falls after. Too much fasting, calorie-restriction, exercise or chemical-precursor are harmful. Easiest and 99% thuggery of partial morons is in chemical-precursor where bio-availability matters and a thug-criminal can truthfully claim precursor-ness. You can do do better two ways – increase nad+ or decrease the oxidation junk.

Nad+ can be increased in many ways – (its salt). This list is NOT ordered by percentage or importance or free of BAD effects (like FAT). Its value-free scientific list. Needed for understanding exceptions. – indicates self-adopted. ? is may.
o    - 7) Fructose

Possibly dangerous Supplement chemicals

Supplements to Increase NAD+

  1. Nicotinamide Riboside
  2. Oxaloacetate
  3. Malic acid (R)
  4. Resveratrol (R)
  5. Apigenin (R)
  6. Leucine (R)
  7. Niacinamide – low doses (R).
  8. Lithium inhibits mir-34a, which inhibits NAMPT, the enzyme that makes NAD+ (R)  So lithium should technically increase NAMPT and NAD+ by taking the breaks away from its production.
  9. Succinic acid – to a lower degree than malate (R)
Next what to avoid, if possible, that increase ageing rates.
·         Factors that Decrease NAD+
o    2) Disrupted Circadian Rhythm (sleep-wake)
o    3) Overeating
o    5) Alcohol

Anti-oxidants reduce the wastage from oxidation in the cycle. An antioxidant is a molecule that inhibits the oxidation of other molecules. Oxidation is a chemical reaction that can produce free radicals, leading to chain reactions that may damage cells. Antioxidants such as thiols or ascorbic acid (vitamin C) terminate these chain reactions. The term "antioxidant" is mainly used for two different groups of substances: industrial chemicals which are added to products to prevent oxidation, and natural chemicals found in foods and body tissue which are said to have beneficial health effects.
The oxidation junk produced accumulates – that is what aging is. Key preventions are anti-oxidants like resveratrol, glutathione

Drug class: For ATP-ADP cycle, best is metformin.
I am scared of new ones, accepting ONLY with century use ( i.e. GRAS and beyond), hence stevia is ok, Atkin’s diet is ok despite expert noises. The legal system has no techniques in importance management beyond the dumb dice-roll of higher court allowance to listen! Fortunate to me, enough hard work has been done to distil to three chemicals and organise methods around them.
                A miracle drug is metformin used for 1st line diabetes-2 drug, safe enough to be used in non-diabetic. Available as plant product from Goat's rue, French lilac, Italian fitch, and professor weed are all names for the same plant: Galega officinalis.
Beside anti-aging and anti-diabetes, metformin is also useful for anti-cancer. Safe enough to be used by non-diabetic. Historically, plant extracts have been used in Europe to treat plague, worms, snake bites, miasma, dysuria and St Vitus dance..

Rejected hence are precursor-chemicals and HGH (human growth hormone) after dispassionate extensive study.

                1 hum,anm growth harmone

                stem cells
                NAD : Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide - Wikipedia,

severe problems


Dr. Arya self-imposed copyright laws

1 It is free, I say what I like. No incentives or disincentives.
2. Hope brief (certain) useful (to me at least) researched (references)
3 I don’t distinguish between charging adster help, product sellers, donation seekers, product sellers, criminals and thugs. ANY law agency that seeks to impose that distinction by necessity is a criminal violator of my natural rights and will be searched for unnatural punishment for life, everywhere.
4 Only legitimate way to charge for information is to sell the key to an encrypted copy that works only on one copy and forbid availability in any other key or none. I will accept the copyright of my jurisdiction and forced armed neutrality to avoid all other personal cases in all other jurisdictions.

A legitimate copy can be referenced, requiring a veracity-checker to obtain a copy somehow.

The information on this page and in the book, and the references cited are for information purposes only, and are not intended to treat, diagnose or prescribe for any illness or condition. For your specific diagnosis and treatment, consult with your doctor or health care provider. Only a Legally recognized Doctor can take responsibility!

The information on this page and in the book, and the references cited are for information purposes only, and are not intended to treat, diagnose or prescribe for any illness or condition. For your specific diagnosis and treatment, consult with your doctor or health care provider. Only a Legally recognized Doctor can take responsibility!

Disclaimer: The information on this page and in the book, and the references cited are for information purposes only, and are not intended to treat, diagnose or prescribe for any illness or condition. For your specific diagnosis and treatment, consult with your doctor or health care provider. Only a Legally recognized Doctor can take responsibility!