Friday, December 3, 2021

Entry for lifespan add funding

 The latest link

Given this invite

Following is a small test I will fund myself anyway. The results are likely targeted at everyone. However, it makes for a substantial increase in size to make the results far more appealing due to more than single-digit applications being affordable now.

This project makes enormous sense because of the very low cost without any comprise on quality and handspun supervision by funding individuals for the benefitting individuals who would be required to submit monthly e-reports.

I have designed a clinical test with as many subjects as economically possible with three thread aging tests of Dr'.Sinclair, Dr de Grey, and Dr. Kennedy. As the page shows, joint testing is possible and any interference is correctable and useful to know.

A small part has already been done successfully. Assuming six months to Dr.Sinclair swab test, much better results than blood tests are likely.

Super-intelligent me?

 The latest link

How can I be that bombastic and stupid to sincerely say that? Well, I have considered Dr. Sinclair and Dr de Grey to be worthy of 2 Nobel Prizes each! What will you call a person who intelligently understood and self-applied three theories if these two and also Dr. Kenedy to reduce self-age and proceed with self-test and on the family after expanding, improving, and first comprehensive blood test results? Still await Dr. Sinclair's swab test for age.

The number of vouched for ageing supplements increases every day. One stupid way is to try random permutation subset of the supplements, hoping for no interaction. That is done by many in India, who treat illnesses and cures as buying a product, typically independent in effects. I have contempt for these consumers and call them meta-morons, not only once stupid but repeatedly so. Two cures or medicines can be composed only if the prescriber is a single registered doctor or interactions are precisely thought about and person runs a self-imposed clinical test, critical for fssai/2012 to know! There is unfortunately no credible data like that, side effect web sites indications are not reliable, and if written assurances are sought, most doctors are smart enough to use lawyer language that can include every known/unknown side effects so extensive that any rational patient will never try that drug or supplement! Between lawyers and doctors, the patient is fucked! 

Composing ageing recommendations rationally is my mission and explains why I look for a doctor/Nurse in my team to argue on effects as a devil’s advocate to my research. Beyond the three here and metformin even without TAME (4th), I await TRIIM-X end as 5, low dose rapamycin as 6, lot more like E5 not public yet. The stupidest idea is composing best of each, or try them all sequentially, singly, like 5 Pandavas or six wives.

The three theories, determined by me to be independent, hence composable, are NAD+ boost by NMN and NO from resveratrol as per Dr. Sinclair (and argnin by self); Senolysis through fisetin as per Dr. de Grey; and CaAKG (+ayurveda +vitamins) as per Dr. Kennedy.  FDA essentially monitors the safety and efficacy of chemicals, salutary for drugs but useless for drugs and supplements me - critical chemicals like new all ageing related chemicals. For these alone, I do derivations differently, by ethics not law.

My principal improvement is to sidestep bio-availability and drug delivery questions by using liposome forms of all chemicals (except NAD+ for BBB entry). Liposomes eliminate needed medical services and do even better than injections as they sidestep cell entry.

Safety is assumed due to low concentration safety from

1    Element of many fruits and vegetables with no credible known dangers

2    At least 20-30 year safe history as a drug or supplement

3    GRAS status in US law

4    Chemical name for a body compound or intermediate

Thus NMN follows from #4, Fisetin from #1, CaAKG from #4, argnin, and resveratrol from #2. This is personal safety and not community safety, for which alone, such arguments can be advanced. For random community, I recommend wait for FDA, unless inaction risk greater than ageing composition.

Efficacy arises from the fact that I consider these three developers to be like double Noble prize winners who advocate this thread.

Joint efficacy happens from apparent independence of the threads, NAD+ boosts is needed and empirically decreases. The de Grey thread arises from eliminating harmful senescent cells producing SASP and CD38 in particular, buy cancer immunity as side benefit. The AKG thread is unclear, may work due to effective bookkeeping of methylation marks, thus prolonging cell life. Safety does not end here. 

There are unknown dangers from dose size and interactions with other parts of these threads,  and wholly different drugs prescribed for other illnesses coincident with aging fixes. These are precisely circumstances when the patient is on their own anyway! Common sense says if the chemicals are safe in low doses and edible, they are likely so in higher doses, unless not natural or so recorded.

I strongly believe in Bayesian statistics and hence am suspicious of FDA clinical tests on new chemicals without a history of use. Most drugs approved post-2000 are cancer suspects! I believe a doctor or a vaccine solves a problem by instantiating more and hence is better avoided unless really needed and healthy disrespect to new chemicals but not foods.

With my thinking, a particular load was lifted after 1 month of self-test. Now I can advise the family to try if as upset with chronic diseases as me provided the risks are more anyway. My work and risks recorded did not crash so far. People who see no death hanging there anyway, or not a decrepitude life should await FDA blessings.

Thursday, December 2, 2021

On the holy grail: Stop 1 JWST


2001 I laid a holy grail for myself – live on to launch of JWST in 2010 and LISA later. I was a science agnostic, but had to find answers to the questions meaningful to me, answered without belief, i.e., empirically.


1.     Live on healthily to 100 years., goal in 2001. My wife then was an MD in USA and I knew well the horrors being alive on retirement communities in USA for people under million dollars. In 2021, still alive and wait for launch on December 18, likely see it unfurl and first observations, I consider myself fit, first human to lick TBI, health span with wish-death death likely and a profession of ultimate selling of similar health span likely. LISA in 2030’s with ESA, but enough for now. And NASA or successors will always be there!


2.     A believable theory of creation and genesis, found by 2019, changed me to atheist but reverted back to agnosticism given that I was a total failure at converting even one and loss of desire to do so, every one welcome to their stupidity! Given my conservative background, a more dedicated Hindu and less tolerant than before. Why tolerate those without tolerance for agnostic me?


3.     A questioning skeptic philosophy, converting me to ancient stoicism for 20 years. Reversion back to stoic-skepticism, invention pf triage RS, greatly stable and self-confident philosophy and theology.

Why JWST and LISA?

All I know about genesis and astronomy is validated by Hubble. JWST is the successor and will be the reason behind NASA and new astronomy. LISA validates Einstein and is new aspect to astronomy.  JWST got delayed by 10 years but Hubble kept finding. LIUSA tp 1930’s but scooped by.Even October 2021 of launch is delayed to December. For the jinxed project, even that delay is ok. Why should nature care for Arun? Modi did not care about return to power in 2019. Do the best whatever you do, wherever you are! All goals are achieved whenever. When will I achieve that stoic goal? I sill have the holy grail, just a new target.

Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Spanish ultimate selling

 Mi conclusión: ¡Significa que CaAKG es sumamente significativo! ¡Mi primera garantía mundial de "envejecimiento hacia atrás (rejuvenecimiento) o devolución de dinero" funcionará!

Por supuesto, anticipado Ningún 

verdadero diario puede hacerlo más rápido... Recibido: 5 de octubre de 2021; Aprobado: 15 de noviembre de 2021 Publicado: 30 de noviembre de 2021; debe ser súper importante

Priority Research Paper Volumen 13, Edición 22 págs. 24485—24499

Rejuvant®, una formulación de compuesto que puede prolongar la vida con alfa-cetoglutarato y vitaminas, confirió una reducción promedio de 8 años en el envejecimiento biológico, después de un promedio de 7 meses de uso, en la prueba de metilación del ADN TruAge.

Oleksandr Demidenko1, *, Diogo Barardo2, *, Valery Budovskii1, Robb Finnemore3, Francis R. Palmer III3, Brian K. Kennedy2,3,4,5, Yelena V. Budovskaya1

1 TruMe Inc., Alameda, CA 94502, EE. UU.

2 Programa de Investigación Traslacional de Longevidad Saludable, Facultad de Medicina Yong Loo Lin, Universidad Nacional de Singapur, Singapur 117456, Singapur

3 Ponce de Leon Health, Fernandina, FL 32034, EE. UU.

4 Centro para una longevidad saludable, Sistema Nacional de Salud de la Universidad, Singapur 117456, Singapur

5 Instituto de Ciencias Clínicas de Singapur, A * STAR, Singapur 117609, Singapur

* Contribución equitativa

Recibido: 5 de octubre de 2021 Aceptado: 15 de noviembre de 2021 Publicado: 30 de noviembre de 2021

Cómo citar

Copyright: © 2021 Demidenko et al. Este es un artículo de acceso abierto distribuido bajo los términos de la Licencia de Atribución Creative Commons (CC BY 3.0), que permite el uso, distribución y reproducción sin restricciones en cualquier medio, siempre que se acredite el autor y la fuente originales.


Continúa la búsqueda de posibles intervenciones que retrasen y / o reviertan el envejecimiento biológico, lo que resulta en una mayor esperanza de vida y salud. Las intervenciones que retrasan el envejecimiento en modelos animales están bien establecidas; sin embargo, la mayoría carece de validación en humanos. La duración de la vida humana hace que no sea práctico realizar análisis de supervivencia. En cambio, se han desarrollado biomarcadores de envejecimiento, como los relojes de metilación del ADN (ADNm), para controlar la edad biológica. Aquí presentamos un análisis retrospectivo de la edad de metilación del ADN en 42 personas que tomaron Rejuvant®, una formulación a base de alfa-cetoglutarato, durante un período promedio de 7 meses. La prueba de DNAm se realizó al inicio y al final del tratamiento con la suplementación de Rejuvant®. Sorprendentemente, los individuos mostraron una disminución promedio en el envejecimiento biológico de 8 años (valor de p = 6.538x10-12). Además, la suplementación con Rejuvant® es robusta a las diferencias individuales, como lo indica el hecho de que una gran mayoría de participantes disminuyó su edad biológica. Además, descubrimos que Rejuvant® es un beneficio adicional para las personas mayores cronológica y biológicamente. Si bien se requieren pruebas continuas, particularmente en un diseño controlado con placebo, la reversión de casi 8 años en la edad biológica de las personas que toman Rejuvant® durante 4 a 10 meses es digna de mención, lo que hace que el cóctel de productos naturales sea un candidato interesante para afectar el envejecimiento humano. .

{Sea; abstracto accesible aoolicable. Brian Kennedy es el Dr., compañero de clase de Sinclair en el MIT, él mismo consumado, ex director del prestigioso instituto Buck (el único que envejece en el mundo) y ahora es un importante profesor de Singapur. Trabajó en CaAKG]


El envejecimiento es un proceso biológico casi universal que se manifiesta como un deterioro general de la salud y la vitalidad, que eventualmente conduce a la muerte. El envejecimiento está asociado con el desarrollo de una amplia gama de enfermedades crónicas, que incluyen cáncer, Alzheimer, diabetes, enfermedades cardiovasculares y muchas otras afecciones ...

El envejecimiento se mide típicamente cronológicamente en días o años, con una mediana de supervivencia humana del orden de ocho décadas. … {DNAm Age usa metilación de islas de citosina-fosfato-guanina en epigenética]]

… Sin embargo, la marca epigenética más estudiada es la metilación directa del propio ADN. ...

El reloj epigenético es un biomarcador atractivo del envejecimiento porque se aplica a la mayoría de los tejidos humanos, capturando aspectos de la edad biológica como la fragilidad, la aptitud cognitiva / física en los ancianos, la aceleración de la edad en la obesidad, el envejecimiento prematuro en el síndrome de Down y la infección por VIH, Parkinson. y neuropatologías relacionadas con la enfermedad de Alzheimer, así como cáncer y estrés de por vida. … De los compuestos anti-envejecimiento más prometedores descubiertos hasta la fecha es el alfa-cetoglutarato (AKG) [23].

AKG es [probado por moce] un metabolito intermediario endógeno en el ciclo de Krebs cuyos niveles declinan naturalmente durante el envejecimiento. … (Administrado en forma de sal de calcio - CaAKG) sobre la vida útil y la vida útil de los ratones C57BL / 6. … Se discuten los efectos de AKG sobre el envejecimiento biológico y la posible correlación de otros efectos fisiológicos.


Para este estudio, revisamos a 42 participantes que habían elegido tomar Rejuvant® por un período de 4 a 10 meses. [2 sexos]…. La edad cronológica media de esta cohorte fue de aproximadamente 63 años.

Tabla 1. Características descriptivas de los participantes del estudio.

Participantes totales


Genero femenino masculino)



Edad cronológica (mediana; rango)

64,09; 43,49 a 72,46

BiológicoEdad al inicio (mediana; rango)

62,15; 46,4 hasta 73

Edad biológica en T7 * (mediana; rango)

55,55; 33,4 hasta 63,7


Edad cronológica (mediana; rango)

62,78; 41,31 a 79,57

Edad biológica al inicio (mediana; rango)

61,85; 41,9 hasta 79,7

Edad biológica en T7 * (mediana; rango)

53,3; 33 hasta 74,9

* Indica la edad biológica medida por la prueba TruMe después de un promedio de siete meses de tratamiento.

Evaluamos el error de predicción de la prueba epigenética TruAge, como se describió anteriormente. La comparación de los valores de edad pronosticados y reales arroja un error absoluto mediano de 4,23 años. ...

La estimación de la edad de TruAge y la edad cronológica de referencia están correlacionadas linealmente. La edad biológica de TruAge tiene una correlación alta (R cuadrado ajustada = 0,77) de manera estadísticamente significativa (valor de p = 2x10-9) con la edad cronológica de los 42 pacientes.

Figura 1. La estimación de la edad de TruAge y la edad cronológica inicial están correlacionadas linealmente. La edad biológica de TruAge tiene una correlación alta (R cuadrado ajustada = 0,77) de manera estadísticamente significativa (valor de p = 2x10-9) con la edad cronológica de los 42 pacientes.

También consideramos si había un sesgo sexual ...

La estimación de edad de TruAge y la edad cronológica de referencia están correlacionadas linealmente, en ambos sexos. El eje x representa la edad de metilación del ADN estimada por TruAge y el eje y la edad cronológica de los 42 pacientes al inicio del estudio. Los gráficos de correlación lineal rosa y azul representan la correlación lineal estadísticamente significativa igualmente alta entre ambos ejes, para pacientes masculinos y femeninos, respectivamente.

Figura 2. La estimación de la edad de TruAge y la edad cronológica de línea de base están correlacionadas linealmente, en ambos sexos. El eje x representa la edad de metilación del ADN estimada por TruAge y el eje y la edad cronológica de los 42 pacientes al inicio del estudio. Los gráficos de correlación lineal rosa y azul representan la correlación lineal estadísticamente significativa igualmente alta entre ambos ejes, para pacientes masculinos y femeninos, respectivamente.

Tabla 2. Efecto de Rejuvant® sobre la edad biológica de los participantes del estudio.

Distribuciones de edad biológica

Participantes masculinos (en años)

Participantes femeninas (en años)

Edad biológica mínima al inicio



Edad biológica media al inicio



Edad biológica media al inicio



Edad biológica máxima al inicio



Edad biológica mínima en T7 *



Edad biológica media en T7 *



Edad biológica media en T7 *



Edad biológica máxima en T7 *



Cambio mínimo de edad biológica



Cambio medio en la edad biológica



Cambio medio en la edad biológica



Cambio máximo en la edad biológica



* Indica la edad biológica medida por la prueba TruMe después de un promedio de siete meses de tratamiento.

Los participantes completaron una encuesta al inicio y al final de la prueba. Este cuestionario autoinformado incluía información sobre la dieta, la ingesta de alcohol, el consumo previo de Rejuvant®, la salud, la altura y el peso (que permitió estimar el IMC), la duración del sueño, el tabaquismo, la frecuencia del ejercicio, el nivel de actividad física, la frecuencia de las comidas, los refrigerios. frecuencia, número de suplementos dietéticos adicionales consumidos y frecuencia, estado del cabello, educación, mentalidad de estilo de vida saludable y confianza en los suplementos dietéticos (Tabla complementaria 1).

Aprovechamos la información de la encuesta de línea de base para verificar si había otros factores de confusión en nuestra cohorte, realizando una regresión lineal multivariable. Debido al considerable número de variables predicativas, realizamos una regresión lineal escalonada. Aunque se seleccionaron covariables adicionales en el modelo escalonado, cuando se comparó, mediante análisis de varianza, con la regresión lineal univariante más simple utilizando únicamente la edad estimada de TruAge, el valor p obtenido fue 0,12 (Tabla complementaria 2). Esto indica que en términos de comparación, los dos modelos no son estadísticamente significativamente diferentes y, por lo tanto, se seleccionó el modelo más simple.

Fue interesante determinar si la diferencia entre la edad cronológica y la TruAge está relacionada con el estilo de vida o con factores demográficos. … Por lo tanto, es probable que uno o más de estos parámetros de estilo de vida influyan en la edad biológica medida por la prueba TruAge y que un conjunto de datos más grande revelaría asociaciones.

Resultados del consumo de CaAKG sobre la edad biológica

El objetivo del estudio fue determinar el efecto de la suplementación con Rejuvant® [similar a CaAKG] sobre el envejecimiento biológico humano midiendo la metilación del ADN. … Al finalizar el período de tratamiento elegido por ellos mismos, los participantes enviaron sus muestras de saliva para el análisis de su edad biológica utilizando pruebas TruMe disponibles comercialmente.

Con base en los cuestionarios enviados al inicio y al final del ensayo, identificamos un subconjunto de 13 personas que no informaron cambios en el tipo de dieta, la frecuencia de consumo, la ingesta adicional de suplementos dietéticos, la duración del sueño y la frecuencia del ejercicio. Por lo tanto, este subconjunto homogéneo se utilizó para la evaluación preliminar de laefecto independiente de CaAKG, ya que las otras covariables están controladas por diseño.

Al inicio del estudio, este subconjunto o nuestra cohorte era en promedio 2,06 años biológicamente más joven que su edad cronológica. Al terminar …. Usando la prueba t de dos muestras apareadas de Welch unilateral, esta diferencia en m… Es digno de mención que todos los sujetos de este pequeño grupo disminuyeron su edad biológica. [¡Significa que CaAKG es el máximo signeficant! ¡Mi primera garantía mundial de "envejecimiento atrasado o devolución de dinero" funcionará!]

CaAKG disminuyó la edad de metilación en una subpoblación homogénea. Los diagramas de caja emparejados representan los efectos del tratamiento a nivel del paciente y del grupo (n = 13), entre el inicio y el final del ensayo (que en promedio tuvo una duración de 7 meses). Los diagramas de caja representan la mediana y los cuartiles 25 y 75.

Figura 3. CaAKG disminuyó la edad de metilación entre una subpoblación homogénea. Los diagramas de caja emparejados representan los efectos del tratamiento a nivel del paciente y del grupo (n = 13), entre el inicio y el final del ensayo (que en promedio tuvo una duración de 7 meses). Los diagramas de caja representan la mediana y los cuartiles 25 y 75.

Ultimate selling?

My conclusion: Means CaAKG is maximally significant! My first in world guarantee of a "backward ageing (get younger) or money back" will work!!

Of course, anticipated

No true journal can do it faster… Received: October 5, 2021; Accepted: November 15, 2021   Published: November 30, 2021; must be super-important

Priority Research Paper Volume 13, Issue 22 pp 24485—24499

Rejuvant®, a potential life-extending compound formulation with alpha-ketoglutarate and vitamins, conferred an average 8 year reduction in biological aging, after an average of 7 months of use, in the TruAge DNA methylation test

Oleksandr Demidenko1* , Diogo Barardo2* , Valery Budovskii1 , Robb Finnemore3 ,Francis R. Palmer III3 , Brian K. Kennedy2,3,4,5 , Yelena V. Budovskaya1

  • 1 TruMe Inc., Alameda, CA 94502, USA
  • 2 Healthy Longevity Translational Research Programme, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University Singapore, Singapore 117456, Singapore
  • 3 Ponce de Leon Health, Fernandina, FL 32034, USA
  • 4 Centre for Healthy Longevity, National University Health System, Singapore 117456, Singapore
  • 5 Singapore Institute for Clinical Sciences, A*STAR, Singapore 117609, Singapore

* Equal contribution

Received: October 5, 2021       Accepted: November 15, 2021       Published: November 30, 2021
How to Cite

Copyright: © 2021 Demidenko et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 3.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. 


The search continues for possible interventions that delay and/or reverse biological aging, resulting in extended healthspan and lifespan. Interventions delaying aging in animal models are well established; however, most lack validation in humans. The length of human lifespan makes it impractical to perform survival analysis. Instead, aging biomarkers, such as DNA methylation (DNAm) clocks, have been developed to monitor biological age. Herein we report a retrospective analysis of DNA methylation age in 42 individuals taking Rejuvant®, an alpha-ketoglutarate based formulation, for an average period of 7 months. DNAm testing was performed at baseline and by the end of treatment with Rejuvant® supplementation. Remarkably, individuals showed an average decrease in biological aging of 8 years (p-value=6.538x10-12). Furthermore, the supplementation with Rejuvant® is robust to individual differences, as indicated by the fact that a large majority of participants decreased their biological age. Moreover, we found that Rejuvant® is of additional benefit to chronologically and biologically older individuals. While continued testing, particularly in a placebo-controlled design, is required, the nearly 8-year reversal in the biological age of individuals taking Rejuvant® for 4 to 10 months is noteworthy, making the natural product cocktail an intriguing candidate to affect human aging.

{Be;ievable aoolicable abstract. Brian Kennedy is Dr, Sinclair MIT classmate, himself accomplished, previous director of prestigious Buck institute (only sole aging in world) and now a top Singapore professor. Worked on CaAKG]


Aging is a near universal biological process that manifests as a general decline in health and vitality, eventually leading to death. Aging is associated with the development of a wide range of chronic diseases, including cancer, Alzheimer's, diabetes, cardiovascular disease and many other conditions…

Aging is typically measured chronologically in days or years, with median human survival on the order of eight decades. … {DNAm Age uses methylation of Cytosine-phosphate-Guanine islands in epigenetics]]

… However, the most widely studied epigenetic mark is the direct methylation of DNA itself. …

The epigenetic clock is an attractive biomarker of aging because it applies to most human tissues, capturing aspects of biological age such as frailty, cognitive/physical fitness in the elderly, age-acceleration in obesity, premature aging in Down’s syndrome and HIV infection, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease-related neuropathologies, as well as cancer and lifetime stress. … of the most promising anti-aging compounds discovered to date is Alpha-Ketoglutarate (AKG) [23].

AKG is [moce tested] an endogenous intermediary metabolite in the Krebs cycle whose levels naturally decline during aging. … (delivered in the form of a calcium salt - CaAKG) on healthspan and lifespan in C57BL/6 mice was reported. …The effects of AKG on biological aging, and the possible correlation of other physiological effects, are discussed.


For this study, we reviewed 42 participants who had elected to take Rejuvant® for a period of 4 to 10 months. [2 sex]…. The mean chronological age of this cohort was approximately 63 years old.

Table 1. Descriptive characteristics of the study participants.

Total Participants


Gender (Female/ Male)

14/ 28


Chronological Age (median; range)

64.09; 43.49 to 72.46

Biological Age at Baseline (median; range)

62.15; 46.4 to 73

Biological Age at T7* (median; range)

55.55; 33.4 to 63.7


Chronological Age (median; range)

62.78; 41.31 to 79.57

Biological Age at Baseline (median; range)

61.85; 41.9 to 79.7

Biological Age at T7* (median; range)

53.3; 33 to 74.9

*Indicates biological age as measured by TruMe test after an average of seven months of treatment.

We assessed the prediction error of the TruAge epigenetic test, as previously described. Comparison of the predicted vs. actual age values yields a median absolute error of 4.23 years. ...

TruAge age estimation and baseline chronological age are linearly correlated. The TruAge biological age is highly (adjusted R-squared = 0.77) statistically significantly (p-value = 2x10-9) correlated with chronological age of the 42 patients.

Figure 1. TruAge age estimation and baseline chronological age are linearly correlated. The TruAge biological age is highly (adjusted R-squared = 0.77) statistically significantly (p-value = 2x10-9) correlated with chronological age of the 42 patients.

We also considered whether there was a sex bias …

TruAge age estimation and baseline chronological age are linearly correlated, in both genders. The x-axis depicts DNA methylation age estimated by TruAge, and the y-axis the chronological age of the 42 patients at baseline. The pink and blue linear correlation plots depict the similarly high statistically significant linear correlation between both axes, for female and male patients, respectively.

Figure 2. TruAge age estimation and baseline chronological age are linearly correlated, in both genders. The x-axis depicts DNA methylation age estimated by TruAge, and the y-axis the chronological age of the 42 patients at baseline. The pink and blue linear correlation plots depict the similarly high statistically significant linear correlation between both axes, for female and male patients, respectively.

Table 2. Effect of Rejuvant® on biological age of study participants.

Biological age distributions

Male participants (in years)

Female participants (in years)

Minimum Biological Age at Baseline



Median Biological Age at Baseline



Mean Biological Age at Baseline



Maximum Biological Age at Baseline



Minimum Biological Age at T7*



Median Biological Age at T7*



Mean Biological Age at T7*



Maximum Biological Age at T7*



Minimum change in Biological Age



Median change in Biological Age



Mean change in Biological Age



Maximum change in Biological Age



*Indicates biological age as measured by TruMe test after an average of seven months of treatment.

Participants completed a survey at the start and end of the trial. This self-reported questionnaire included information about diet, alcohol intake, previous consumption of Rejuvant®, health, height and weight (which allowed for estimation of BMI), sleep duration, smoking status, exercise frequency, physical activity level, meal frequency, snacking frequency, number of additional dietary supplements consumed and frequency, hair status, education, healthy lifestyle mindset and trust in dietary supplements (Supplementary Table 1).

We leveraged baseline survey information to check if there were other confounders in our cohort, performing a multivariable linear regression. Due to the considerable number of predicative variables, we performed a stepwise linear regression. Although there were additional covariates selected in the stepwise model, when this was compared, by means of analysis of variance, with the simpler univariate linear regression using solely the TruAge estimated age, the obtained p-value was 0.12 (Supplementary Table 2). This indicates that in terms of comparison, the two models are not statistically significantly different, and, therefore, the simpler model was selected.

It was of interest to determine whether the difference between chronological age and TruAge is related to lifestyle or demographic factors. … Therefore, it is likely that one or more of these lifestyle parameters influence the biological age as measured by the TruAge test and that a larger dataset would uncover associations.

Results of the CaAKG consumption on biological age

The goal of the study was to determine the effect of Rejuvant® supplementation [CaAKG similar] on human biological aging by measuring DNA methylation. …completion of the self-chosen treatment period, participants submitted their saliva samples for analysis of their biological age using commercially available TruMe tests.

Based on the questionnaires submitted at baseline and the end of the trial, we identified a subset of 13 individuals who reported no changes in diet type, drinking frequency, additional dietary supplements intake, sleep duration and exercise frequency. This homogeneous subset was therefore used for the preliminary assessment of the independent effect of CaAKG, as the other covariates are controlled for by design.

At baseline, this subset or our cohort was on average 2.06 years biologically younger than their chronological age. By the end …. Using one-sided Welch two sample paired t-test, this difference in m…It is noteworthy that every subject in this small group decreased their biological age. [Means CaAKG is maximally signeficant! My first in world guarantee of "backward aging or money back" will work!!]

CaAKG decreased methylation age among a homogeneous sub-population. The paired box plots represent the treatment effects at the patient and group level (n=13), between baseline and end of the trial (which on average had a duration of 7 months). The box plots depict the median and the 25th and 75th quartiles.

Figure 3. CaAKG decreased methylation age among a homogeneous sub-population. The paired box plots represent the treatment effects at the patient and group level (n=13), between baseline and end of the trial (which on average had a duration of 7 months). The box plots depict the median and the 25th and 75th quartiles.



NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration

The cosmic eye is just a nebula


3D Hubble image of a nebula


Thursday, November 18, 2021

The modern healthspan book

 Part 1 Biological Immortality

applied skepticism

applied rationaliam

applied triage

Part 2 Philosophy for Cyborg



New products


Part 3 Economics of Cyborg earth

chapter 1 First century history - 21st century of the ce calendar