Friday, December 30, 2022

Dr ARYA Theory of Aging – scholarly unification of mechanism

Dr. Sinclair
( Must type/link this URL if failure in link).
Link content useful but not relevant. Link there to allow people to watch 52 year old Dr. Sinclair. Not true, unbelievable, but my claim 31 years.

The latest link


None of my writings on aging are tolerant because I consider my time very valuable, so fuck opponents, partial objectors, politicians, and pseudo-friends, drop this and be an idiot, learn nothing. There definitely are improvements, and they require reading, learning, and then suggesting improvements by explicit reference of improver (by improver, me) reference.


My basis of acceptable sources


It is definitely not doctors or FDA. I consider Aging a disease. It can be fixed by supplements. If any good, the recommendations must be self-improvement (by proponents, as all age) In the short run and unlikely to have long-term ill effects. I look 50 at age 68, and my hero Dr. Sinclair looks 31 at 52, both consume their own recommendations and illness drugs.


Scholar versus science


Only experiments or repeatedly confirmed observations are admitted in each. Hence falsifiability defines both. A scientist performs experiments and postulates mechanisms. A scholar devises a theory of unified mechanism.




It is based on extensive reading, understanding, and questioning since 2000. Like science, empirical experimental concepts and explicit mechanism theories all the way to cosmology with a total boycott of experience, saintliness, religion, and faith is required, unless accepted solely for reasons of lack of self-test by other generally considered scientists only. 




Generally, to ignore all pseudo-self-proclaimed or like subhumans. A useful trick I follow is to ignore all forever who have achieved any past pseudo-science notoriety and have not recanted.


Which mad god originated aging for all humans and most animals?


None did. All life on earth is a collection of one or more cells. Sub-life are viruses that act like salts until they invade cells and take over the replication machinery. All diseases are caused by small life, viruses, and physical processes. One can divide illnesses modeled by some live particle and its destruction, clinically tested medicine and food in modern medicine, or effects on virtual fluids (pitta, etc.) and pain centers in Ayurveda, Unani, roman, Chinese, etc. medical systems, and false dangerous criminal techniques of homeopathy. Each medical system except modern is plagued by unknown chances. Some yoga and some physical systems target aging (proven) and are excluded as not medicine. Illness is universal in geography and time; all others are clubbed together as stupid shamans. Old age solely is an evolutionary imperative that is short life for populations that evolve faster even though fought valiantly by individuals, for population benefit. The few animals that live on as they are at the top of the food chain, die eventually of cancer and have not developed anti-aging at all.


What is special re humans?


Humans developed written language for recording experiences conjoining them beyond individuals to sets, and speech for fast complex communication. This enabled them to use fire and wheel. Taming of animals beyond just food, and agriculture led to housing and villages and slow communication between villages. Humans are special due to language and speech leading to ant-aging since 2010.


How does the field of Aging improve?


Science and scholarship are clearly distinct means. A scholar is not required to investigate by experiment. Instead, responsible for splicing several isolated facts together to determine a common mechanism. Equally common is creating unbridgeable gaps between mechanisms of the fact set. Both are distinct from unbridgeable plain empiricism which does not state a mechanism. Both lead to theories of mechanism which lead to new facts – a scientist examines them while a scholar just posits them.


The extended hyperfunction theory?


There are many isolated interventions that lead to provable improvement of age. 99.9% of doctors are aging idiots still believing in don’t know or telomere idiocy. The entire commercial aging fix process meets scientific standards but is very incomplete. A case is E5. It has led to life extension. Showed by rats. Continued treatment beyond the initial age gain does not happen. Perhaps by dosing better, the gain may be improved. It does not meet my standards of mechanism. Even the best aging doctors state that their method is the basic aging method.


Extended hyperfunction theory?


I wish to reuse the word singularity by appending it. I use age-reset to imply that age is permanently improved and can be re-improved by repeating the method. Age-gain is not exciting as age-reset is. E5 led to age-gain, likely further improvable by current new does but I assume it will not lead to reset unless proven otherwise.


Dr. Arya's selections?


Based on the mechanism of action, I have 4 classes, each disjoint, and each necessary. All four act individually without a common clock, so while each has reset methods since death arrives by whichever fails first, all have to be worked on.


1.     Bottom-up reductions within a cell on DNA

2.     Top-down organ fix methods

3.     Restore immunity methods

4.     Cell-division telomere methods




The urgency of the method?


1. Bottom-up methods deal with DNA-based error recovery that otherwise leads to cell failure or becoming an inappropriate cell What is more, apoptosis ignoring failed cell destroys neighbors. That leads to a positive feedback failure cascade, Best handled by NAD+ precursors and vitamin k2.

OSK methods help.


2. senolysis

3. others

4. Top-down organ problems, handled by stem-cell. Depends on the organ affected. Hyaluronic acid for skin, nails, etc. (rub liposome or ingest as liposome)


5. Immune system destruction fat-converted thymus that happens by 60. Existing white cells live but are not replaced, total; total loss by age 85!


6. Telomere methods like HBOT are the lowest priority.

New Direction

Aging control is likely to be the biggest service industry rest of this century after singularity-reset with true age-reset by 2030. Most of it will be education. The second vital industry. close second will be organ preservation, vital to the extension of life by yet undone medical procedures. This will enable people to benefit from still-alive cadaver parts, distant travel like new planets and moons (beyond the solar system in million years), and rebirth in grown-self-external-bodies with brain-transplant. (Grown -external self to solve the organ-compatibility problem). All of this leads to singularity-non-violence by the end of the century. The need for a fit body can not be met by reinventing the current body repeatedly.

Organ transplant and singularity-non-violence?

The singularity Arises from Dr. Arya's method in all disruptions which are

1. An immediate need is solved by some new method

2. So funded, the method is applied to new needs by method experts

3. The new application becomes a new disruptive industry

4. The growth is shielded by some first-mover advantage

By this analysis, the century-end singularity-non-violence will be one of the developments from organ shipping.


The following results are believed and their mechanism has been unified.

1. bottom up

a} Dr. Sinclair precursors of NAD+, Vitamin K2, D3, Reservetrol

b) Dr. Kennedy

c) OSK methods at Stanford

2. Top-down

a) stem cells


c) Molecular weights based E5

3. Immunity based

a) Dr. Fahy's work on igf-1

b ) CAR T  cell developments on white cells

4. Telomere


5. others MTOR - AMPK +

a) Metformin

b) rapamycin

6. senolysis

a) spermidine

b) Fisetin

c) quercetin


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