Monday, June 20, 2022

Arun Diet

 To who it concerns

Rest is a summary of what is my diet.  Purposes at the start are to select dishes for the benefit of RD to allow them to figure out calorie consumption of 1900 per day and ensure 60 gm of advised protein per day for a diabetic heart patient.

Essential is my strong belief of aging requires intermittent fasting and diabetes same time. I wish to go from a light dinner for good numbers of sugar every morning to intermittent fasting of 16 hours and a full fast 1 day per week.


oats milk with 10 gm egg white powder + 10 gm whey +

10 gm almond powder + 2  wall-nuts + 2katora lowfat milk

10 am snack

small apple + seasonal fruit + tea


1katori each (dal + seasonal veg + curd) + 1 roti

4 pm snack

3 Marie-biscuit + 3 spoon  cheese-ling + tea

7 pm dinner

1katori (lauki-etc + curd) + 1small-roti + 1katora lowfat milk

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