Monday, May 16, 2022


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estructura de edad de la población

Después de 7 años después de 2015, dedicado a tiempo completo al estudio del envejecimiento y al análisis profundo de la ciencia para desentrañar el empirismo y la erudición, estoy listo para anunciar que tengo una nueva teoría superior y una estrategia sólida para deshacerla. Sé que la parte de deshacer es correcta ya que está validada, aunque no empíricamente por la FDA, por autoaplicación y casi 1000 pacientes durante seis años por

Alan S. Verde MD

Calle Westmoreland 44-01,

Pequeño cuello, Nueva York 11363

 (347) 255-3944

Le creo solo por 1 razón, ha usado la receta en sí mismo y en pacientes (700-1000) durante seis años y tiene informes entusiastas (ahora tiene 78 años, comenzó con 72, se sintió bien después de 3 meses). Además de la autoaplicación, considera que los matemáticos y los informáticos, no los biólogos y los médicos, son mucho más adecuados para el envejecimiento. ¡Qué hallazgo milagroso para mí!

Todos los demás que no puedan demostrar que estoy equivocado, incluidos los tribunales, la policía, etc., y en particular los médicos, ¡váyanse al infierno! Lo pruebo yo mismo, aquí o en el extranjero. Continuaré con los médicos que me creen, para lanzar la terapia de envejecimiento en el lateral, con objetivos inmediatos de singularidad 1.0.

Mi teoría es la teoría composicional del envejecimiento: recopila varias teorías del envejecimiento como correctas al mismo tiempo, tal como lo prueban los relojes de ADNm, y refleja el envejecimiento de diferentes sistemas corporales, de 3 clases amplias que se programan de arriba hacia abajo para detener los efectos de mTOR , de abajo hacia arriba en torno a los factores de Yamanaka y la adversidad saludable como la restricción dietética, y la extensión de los telómeros basada en el uso de oxígeno hiperbárico intermitente. Creo en términos teóricos que los métodos mTOR de arriba hacia abajo y los métodos de Yamanaka de abajo hacia arriba se pueden reutilizar varias veces y tendrán una prioridad mucho mayor. La extensión de los telómeros rara vez será material.

Envejecimiento hiperfuncional: quién ordenó el envejecimiento humano (aparte de un dios jodido)

Comprender la evolución del envejecimiento en humanos: el envejecimiento es uno de los grandes logros de la biología. Entre vertebrados; peces, anfibios y reptiles tienen NS de senescencia insignificante. El problema con NS es que los animales pueden descubrir cómo vivir demasiado tiempo. Este es un problema en un mundo cambiante y dificulta la evolución de nuevos rasgos porque la cría y el acervo genético están entonces dominados por animales mayores y más grandes dentro de la especie, en particular los campeones de la cadena alimentaria. Este problema fue resuelto por los mamíferos recién llegados hace unos 180 millones de años. La solución fue matemática pura. Los animales crecían rápido, se reproducían durante algunas generaciones y luego morían. El efecto de poda de la muerte de animales mayores brindaría espacio para que la nueva generación prospere y tenga el potencial de introducir variaciones genéticas favorables. El problema era que los animales se habían vuelto demasiado buenos para descubrir cómo vivir mucho tiempo. La solución fue una píldora venenosa integrada en el código genético. Los animales con la píldora venenosa de repente comenzarían a envejecer y morirían. Los animales sin la píldora de veneno vivirían más tiempo y solo sufrirían una muerte estocástica o una muerte no relacionada con el envejecimiento. 180 millones de años después el ganador es claro. Todos los mamíferos terrestres eligieron la muerte senescente y programada. En el pasado, durante 180 millones de años, los peces, reptiles y anfibios se han mantenido insignificantemente senescentes y les ha ido razonablemente bien. Sin embargo, no han cambiado mucho; mientras que los mamíferos han hecho avances extraordinarios.

 Comprender el envejecimiento es fácil si su campo son las matemáticas puras o los programas informáticos; sin embargo, parece casi imposible si su campo es la biología. Desafortunadamente, la teoría del envejecimiento fue desarrollada por biólogos y no por matemáticos o programadores informáticos, y el biólogo se equivocó por completo. Hoy en día, una teoría del envejecimiento está dominada por un campo que se autodenomina "Biología del envejecimiento". Su teoría es que el envejecimiento no tiene valor, ningún gen promueve el envejecimiento, y el envejecimiento en humanos es esencialmente lo mismo que envejecer en objetos inanimados, como un zapato viejo o un auto viejo. En resumen, la teoría del envejecimiento se fue por la madriguera del conejo.

Para entender el envejecimiento; compara un cocodrilo de 100 años con un humano de 100 años. El cocodrilo de 100 años es un animal extremadamente robusto; más grande y más fuerte que el cocodrilo de cincuenta años, sin mostrar signos de envejecimiento. Esto está en marcado contraste con un humano de cien años. Los mamíferos terrestres, incluidos los humanos, son animales senescentes, mientras que los reptiles, como los cocodrilos, muestran una senescencia insignificante NS.

La senescencia es un programa de muerte intencional que utiliza el envejecimiento programado. El plan es hacer que los mamíferos se deterioren y mueran. Esto crea más espacio para la nueva generación. La idea es que la nueva generación pueda tener nuevas mejoras genéticas y el objetivo del envejecimiento es eliminar a los animales más viejos para que sus genes no dominen el acervo genético. Todo es un gran plan para desarrollar mejoras genéticas. El plan es pura matemática. Animales sin mucho éxito en el desarrollo de mejoras genéticas a lo largo de los siglos. 

Sunday, May 15, 2022



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population age structure

After 7 years post, 2015 Full time devoted to the study of Aging and deep analysis of science to unpack empiricism and scholarship, I am ready to announce that I have a new latest superior theory and a solid strategy for its undoing. I know that the undo part is correct since it is validated, though not FDA-empirically, by self-application and almost 1000 patients over six years by 

                    Alan S. Green MD

44-01 Westmoreland Street,

Little Neck, New York 11363

 (347) 255-3944

He is believed by me for just 1 reason, he has used the prescription on himself and patients (700-1000) for six years and has glowing reports ( He is now 78, started 72, felt good after 3 months). Other than self-application, he considers mathematicians and computer scientists, not biologists and doctors, far more suited to Aging! What a miraculous find for me!

Everyone else who can not prove me wrong, including courts, police, etc, and particularly doctors - go to hell! I try it on myself - here or abroad. I will continue with doctors who believe me, to launch aging therapy on the side, with immediate singularity1.0 objectives.

My theory is the compositional theory of Aging - collects various theories of aging as being right at the same time as tested by DNAm clocks, and reflects the aging of different body systems, from 3 broad classes being top-down programmed built around halting mTOR effects, bottom-up around Yamanaka factors and healthy adversity as dietary restriction, and telomere extension based using intermittent hyperbaric oxygen. I believe on theoretic grounds that top-down mTOR methods and bottom-up Yamanaka methods can be reused multiple times and will have much higher priority. Telomere extension will be rarely material.

Hyper function aging - Who ordered human aging (other than a fuckedup god)

Understanding the Evolution of Aging in Humans: Aging is one of the great accomplishments in Biology. Among vertebrates; fish, amphibians, and reptiles have negligible senescence NS. The problem with NS is animals can figure out how to live too long. This is a problem in a changing world and makes it difficult to evolve new traits because breeding and the genetic pool are then dominated by older and bigger animals within the species, particularly food chain champions. This problem was solved by the newly arrived mammals some 180 million years ago. The solution was pure mathematics. Animals would grow up fast, reproduce for a few generations and then die. The pruning effect of the death of older animals would provide space for the new generation to thrive and have the potential to introduce favorable genetic variations. The problem was animals had become too good at figuring out how to live a very long time. The solution was a poison pill built into the genetic code. The animals with the poison pill would suddenly start aging and die. The animals without the poison pill would live longer and only suffer stochastic death or non-aging-related death. 180 million years later the winner is clear. All terrestrial mammals chose senescent and programmed death. Over the past, 180 million years fish, reptiles, and amphibians have remained negligible senescent and done reasonably well. However, they have not changed very much; while mammals have made extraordinary advances

 Understanding aging is easy if your field is pure mathematics or computer programs; however, it seems to be nearly impossible if your field is Biology. Unfortunately, aging theory was developed by Biologist and not Mathematicians or Computer programmers and the Biologist got it totally wrong. Today, an aging theory is dominated by a field that calls itself, "Biology of Aging". Their theory is that aging has no value, no genes promote aging, and aging in humans is essentially the same as aging in inanimate objects, like an old shoe or an old car. In short, the aging theory went down a rabbit hole.

To understand aging;  compare a 100-year-old crocodile with a 100-year-old human. The 100-year-old crocodile is an extremely robust animal; bigger and stronger than the fifty-year-old crocodile, showing no signs of aging. This is in sharp contrast to a hundred-year-old human. Terrestrial mammals, including humans, are senescent animals while reptiles, like crocodiles, show negligible senescence NS.

Senescence is an intentional death program using programmed aging. The plan is to make mammals deteriorate and die. This creates more space for the new generation. The idea is that the new generation may have new genetic improvements and the goal of aging is to remove the older animals so their genes do not dominate the genetic pool. It is all a grand plan to develop genetic improvements. The plan is pure mathematics. Animals not highly successful in the development of genetic improvements over the ages became extinct. 

Aging is a way to give animals a relatively fixed life span and then prune them.  Aging Is the secret to the success of terrestrial mammals. A poison pill in the plan for genetic improvement. 

Forewarned is forearmed. Once you know your body is running an ancient genetic program to kill you; then you have a chance to turn off the death program. Successful anti-aging medicine is about the discovery of pro-aging programs and finding ways to block these programs. The chief culprit is mTOR, particularly mTOR2. All non-critical aging chemicals have an important role - even reducing the main aging has some effects and legacy effects that may not rise to critical but are still implicated in health decline. thus compositional aging means all factors need to be addressed, only duplicated effect producers can be ignored

What is science?

Ultimately. operable definition of science is scholarship constrained to empiricism alone. Pure objective empiricism is NOT science as a collection of chosen unrelated facts is pseudoscience! 99% of well-adjusted viewed intelligent engineers have zero offering in non-specialization orthogonal subjects. I know it well from watching my father who was number 1 in disaster topics but very poor in business subjects, most products, and politics.

A theory becomes science when it correctly predicts an easy-to-see orthogonal subject. As a computer scientist, I add a clever requirement to usual philosophical points, the predicted phenomenon must be a non-polynomial extrapolation to all data used. An interpolation point result can be obtained by standard numerical science methods.

Science must be refutable! It must be empirical. My claim to "LATEST NEW SUPERIOR THEORY and UNDO OF AGING" must be empirically established. Till then, it is a theory, better than all others with documented applications.

Why computer science?

I have no reason advanced by the Good doctor. I state things that are to difficult answer by biologists and chemical scientists. How can one answer completion questions? In other words, collect all methods that are likely to result in bio-age reversal and more important determine the consequences of repeated use of age reversal.


For my purposes, I consider Singularity in 4 parts. Everyone is likely to undergo all of them,

Singularity1.0 is an extension of healthspan without the necessary increase in lifespan. There are many reasons for it including the reduction in the severity of chronic age-related chronic diseases and survival to singularity2.0 to enjoy their benefits. It has started, and singularity2.0 is expected to arrive by 2030.

Singularity2.0 is proven to increase a healthy lifespan. Since life-span increases, the singularity3.0 is the point to which the extension is needed. It is likely that singularity3.0 arrive by 2050. There are 8 years to singulrity2.0, all the methods needed are available in the non-proven form, and enough josh is available to reduce the costs of therapies for use by limited-corrupt or advanced states.

Critical to my thinking are societies like India. The fact that India was biological backwaters to 2 years back, but developed vaccines, their huge production, and distribution, speaks volumes about limited corruption, excellent politics, enormous intellectual energy, and advancing commerce. In India, we have, in mythology, the dream of a Ram-Rajya. I have no doubt in my mind that Modi-Yogi will lead to the first Modi-Yogi Rajya which provides the first life, free of the horrors of chronic diseases, and an extended healthy lifespan. There is no doubt in my mind that they will become as central to Indian culture as Ram-Rajya.

Singularity3.0 is expected in 2050. By definition, it will provide a healthy life extension of 1+ years per year for 500 years. You will still die from accidents and murder, but not from senescence. It is not too much to ask since there exist animals without senescence for this goal and trees that live 5000 years. That lifespan is possible for a normally not-unlucky careful person.

Singularity4.0 happens 500 years when brain-download becomes possible. Accident and crime deaths are eliminated then by brain download and redundancy safety. Assuming limited natural effects, one can live for trillions of years and roam the universe without travel boredom despite light-speed limits since traveling photons do not feel the path, and time increment is zero for them!

Singularity5.0 happens trillions of years later. Some smart Ph.D. theses will collectively lay the foundation for exiting the current universe and going anywhere in the multiverse.

My aging theory

Algorithms can solve a problem in top-down or bottom-up manners, like a manager or a scientist. The problem of aging can be understood by top-down hyperfunction, or bottom-up DNA fix errors reduction. From our viewpoint, a body is made up of trillions of identical cells specialized to current existence by folding and unfolds of the DNA.

As time passes, errors in DNA show up in mRNA or the cell even forgets what it is. Either case, it turns senescent and a source of further problems. Cells have other communications too, like commands from exosomes or secretions of hormones. These are in addition to blood-derived chemicals from near neighbors. The exosome makes the sender behave like a hormone production organ. Top-down E5 likely improves stem cells for building senescent cells using exosomes to restart youth-like stem cells frozen from lack of orders.

What is death?

Death is a cessation of function. It is easily understood by analogy with a car going to a destination. After the setup is done, the car goes into a freeway and can drive fast. Near the destination, it exits the freeway to normal speeds. But bio-systems do not reduce speed. The car travels normal roads at a bad speed and winds up dead in an accident.  Meanwhile, the car rusts. In most cases, it is totaled. In rare cases, rust gets it eventually. we can draw multiple lines under the process of transport. Disruption can occur in transport due to one of many causes, each with a probability that is itself a function of time, For a car is totaled with about the same speed but rusting death becomes more probable with time.  One proof is the nearly constant annual probability of death from all causes past 80.


Unlike Sirutin, AMPk, and igf-1, which reduce aging on a boost, mTOR increases aging and is boosted by every boost in technological evolution. All good modernities cause accelerated aging. They include better food, better communication, screened devices, time savers, you name any modernity and it increases aging, To improve aging, you must fast repeatedly, joint ice-water/steam bath,  whole morning shirtless bare chest walk in snow mountain, etc. Healthy adversity is good.

What is hyperfunction solution -  6mg rapamycin every week once. Controls mTOR, has no FDA test yet, can't be wrong given Dr, Green, stupid for all without being his patient, can choose an MD by clicking on the link when there. I suggest boosting Sirutins and AMPk on the side and doing singularity1.0 also. All the other steps are from Dr. Sinclair and ensure health bottom up even as hyperfunction ensures mTOR!

Composition of methods?

There are many processes of Aging. They are all progressing in parallel. One can divide the aging undo methods into 3 classes -

1. small increment in lifespan but larger in healthspan. These include boosts. senolytics. Kennedy. Fahy.
2. some increments in lifespan but substantial healthspan, a limited small number of reuses. Senolytics. Sirtuin and AMPK boost.
3. Repeated reuse possible. Yamanaka factors, E5, rapamycin

#1 is good for singlarity1.0 #2 is good for singularity1/2, and #3 is good for singularity 1/2/3. Being healthy old requires lesser aging fixes, so start early in all methods.