Thursday, May 20, 2021

Rebirth - Triage Rational Skepticism for neochain = BLM NFT DAO smart blockchain

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Assumes familiarity with Triage at deep level.

I consider self as reborn after my study (vitaDAO and deep linking) convinced me that that it was possible to evolve a DAO (=Decentralized Autonomous Organization) over normal items and NFT (= non-fungible token). Such a DAO could be started on evolution path using AMM (=automated market maker) in blockchain, Complete DAO means all can be assumed to be individual sinners (or maximal bastards in my think) and under 1/3 as a group (impossibly hard to synchronize secretly to 1/3 of population).

DAO, AMM and NFT are common usage of new paradigm you must intern to even read in new earth. One example use is vitaDAO. This company has two greatest human alive starting it - Dr. deGrey of age/health extension and in bit-coin-like blockchain space. To achieve this, VitaDAO utilizes a combination of novel governance frameworks and decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs), non-fungible tokens (NFTs), and financial engineering tools such as algorithmic automated market makers (AMMs). Their initial experiences will certainly be studied in launch of DAO-NFT-AMM (neochain) to which all earth will evolve to. End of traditional entrepreneurs and startup-companies. This and not communism or socialism, destined to become gali! There is no other way to build truly and always autonomous outfits forever free of abuse by descendants of early investors! The motivation is not money but self-use of the product!

Religion of all kinds and I differ. Every religion assumes 'you are innocent unless proven guilty'. I take the non-stoic view that 'everyone is guilty unless proven innocent' applies to all with any iota of power over me (over-me-power)! Thus, all politicians and inspectors and all others. Unlike real world, failure of corruption, regardless of duration does not prevent corruption for 50 years or 1000 years, alive or dead! With that much cynicism, there is only one open path - cryptography. But my style - all letters can be fraudulent, so can all credentials, unless proven safe. Hard technology solutions are needed and can be seen in my resear4xh Banknotes are largely safe, and that is my minimum level of desired security for all credentials and recommendations and elections and product-quality votes and ...

It has taken me 65 years of life to even imagine a world such as above could exist in reality and could be evolved into. Smart contract blockchains are the essential meaning of truth and autonomy. AMM acts as a DAO. Encapsulated items NFT (and medicine by liposome) permit even abstract entities to be monetized. A music, art piece, medicine as intellectual property of creation etc. can all be NFTed and be on blockchain(by my define smart blockchain with DAO, AMM and NFT). So can all legal documents and insurances. These can all be done by companies totally decentralized by empower in every customer as a proportional owner! A company then can be official less using smart contracts (by my define smart blockchain with DAO, AMM and NFT). Every official and middlemen can be eliminated! Human civilization henceforth is in a new paradigm. All existing religions, ideologies and virtues become redundant. Essential are necessary but insufficient neochain so far.

And no virtuous guides are needed! Evolution and competition are only needed. Evolution will guide us into a new society, far more virtuous as driven solely by Triage Rational Skepticism TRS which will win because of inherent superiority in competitive  situations and partially used by all scientists, so much so that its use can define its user a scientist!

A blockchain is really the truth. It holds despite attempts to lie! This is done several copies of truth and an incentive scheme to pay for its infrastructure.

The whole blockchain scene is new and requires small number of new entrepreneurs. It is too complicated for normal human and there is no shortage of thugs (hackers) who exploit the error of even the virtuous. One deficiency exists which makes the field a playground of the criminals. Logical since crime requires anonymous smart contracts safe from law enforcement and other criminals (honor in thieves is stupid idea, killing is only justice). Even Tor was hacked, new one was needed.

Some things are missing. Three identified (by me) so far are are flaws of government/citizen disbelief (dictatorship-of-stupid), by dictatorship-of-power and dictatorship-of-attorny. All blockchains are evil (dictatorship-of-stupid), useful only for criminals, has been drilled into most Indians. Further neochain outfits have no way to prevent power concentration, giving rise to multi generation dictatorship-of-power, solved by no transmit of power and total extinguish with death. This requires explicit forbid of all transfers of power, achieved by five year halving of power (blockchain votes floored by minimal share for all). Like patents, some incentive is good, but only for some time, and flattening of power by progressive taxation on the very rich is needed. A smart person can set up overlap patents but limited by death! Rich will have some transmission of power but constitutional block necessary. Compare it to tax-free inherited accumulations possible due emfubar subanimal politicians in the USA in some states!

Dictatorship-of-the-attorny is my reaction to my experience of Arya Samaj prior to Agnosticism - members are very interested in detailed conflict rather than good relations and being helpful. Seen since 15 years ago, then I appeared for an exam to law diploma for Cyber Law, happened in Bombay. No one but Baldev Rohra agreed to put me up! That has taught me an unforgettable lesson - disagree but be civilized. BTW I passed to become a diploma-lawyer and never needed to stay as exam was cancelled that date and I flew back before nightfall. Arya Samaj has degenerated into discussion club of skin-the-hair pseudo-lawyers.

 What are the basic concepts

The goal must include

DAO Decentralized autonomous organization
AMM automated market maker. Loos simple but very hard and solved by millions of company public-makers by paying outrageous fee of banks.

NFT non-fungible token are essential to blockchain technology to assets like housing papers, insurance, law in general, art, music, government in general etc.!

Blind signature
zero-knowledge proof

and these for my enthusiastic support to solutions to

dictatorship-of-the-attorney requires some laid down principles for treatment of violators. The worst way is to let lawyers and judges make the law.

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