Thursday, May 27, 2021

ME Research - Mind expanding on AC

AC means air conditioning. It is basic to development. Tall buildings are normally sealed against outside air. It also concentrates disease starters, virii and bacteria1A FAVORITE ARM CHAIR RESEARCH OF MINE EXPLAINS THE VAST COVID-19 LOSS IN DEVELOPED WORLD AS UNJUST REWARDS OF AC!

As an international collaboration of researchers from institutions in the U.S., Canada, Europe and Singapore, we developed a simple, cheap, scalable solution to keeping people comfortable without regulating indoor air temperature.

What's ME about this? Forever, I Thought of AC as comfortable temperature of Air. It is not, never mind thermostat and likes! Heat flows by conduction, convection and radiation. If you are in a surrounding with hot inner surfaces, then radiation is the first mode. Trivial to me, the inventor of generic triage!, only excusable by rec ency effects That is how you feel warm in winter air in sun!

So the point is to only do AC on surfaces, flowing air freely to natural state! You can run AC with windows open! Cost 50% energy! If that ain't ME, nothing is! This is century 21!

Now triage has another ME application. Why do Ramdev medicine (essentially ayurvedic cocktail of antiseptics), HIV cocktail of drugs and latest cure for Covid-19 (that uses cocktail of two monoclonal antibodies) work? In each case. The target disease is partially cured by each component, but removing just 1 cause simply means the disease depends on other paths. Testing will not certify each component as cure. But it will a cocktail!

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