Thursday, August 27, 2020


 One reason that communism flourished is that it was built around Marx researches which had a critical difference from thinkers then, a long researched empirical work to couch in scientific theory but suffers from significant selective bias since many empirical truths were ignored and only supportive facts were retained. In my vernacular, hge was a semi-scientist, a person whose theory is explanatory but inextensible.

I am tired of nuts who consider only public and private as two modes, in between is public-private-partnership my style which interpolates between private models, that were a big failure in South America and Europe. Or the communist public model in the erstwhile Soviet union and satellites. Or offensively successful economically in china which escaped the very anti-progress of Mao to freedom less china today. Without shame for my upbringing, comfortable upper middle class in India with many achievements despite family, surviving as a refugee from the USA but only as a TBI and great oppression by a University to a mentally disabled person. But I gained some clarity after 30 years as a TBI and passage of my father. My parents accepted me after 25 years of escape to a new country and despite my status and illness to a self-chosen minimal  existence and divorce.
America or post-Mao china are examples of my PPP model. Reason underlying my hatred for China, despite great progress, is the simple extinction of liberty. Or non-republican America is a practice of socialism and likely definite extinction of liberty there. It is very common and wrong to advocate American exceptionalism and socialism as solutions in the USA. Even more stupid is libertarian view that US progress is in any way related to Laissez-faire  and weak government. The reason as per me is like this talk here - Well done state capitalism . Even the solution presented here is very good - government must retain a definite fraction of ALL companies and eliminate most taxes. All people without jobs must be paid by the government even as the government sells unemployed labor to companies. Competition must be required in all government jobs, removing all restriction on political membership, and formulate non-discrimination rules. At least 2 persons must be in all rules, one from each collection in politics.

It is wrong to argue privatization without a funding by the government. Clever investment must be needed in this model since the government will starve without taxes. Will enough be generated for the government? Think of the government 20% ownership of all US companies and no taxes! It can be done! Is that ethical - any day better than taxes! Taxes are evil ways and much likelier to be unfair, whoever you are. Note the included destruction of publicity based communists and religion based tax free religionists! You can not hide director level discussions or great corruptions without some director squealing.

Monday, August 17, 2020

Amelioration of Ageing

NAD+ is known miracle chemical. In all humans, it declines continuously in ageing. It is known to be very important in Krebs cycle, which has a circuit of  NAD+ and Na-DH.

Na-DH.  NAD+ And NAD Benefits, Side Effects, Dosage And Stacking

The intravenous application of NAD+ is currently the only recommended therapy.

Augmenting either is good enough. NAD+ is made two ways - de novo (from amino acids) and synthesized (from Na-DH) while Na-DH is not made, just a step in the cycle NMN and NR are two precursors, both are made in body from vitamin B3. 

Flushing and Non-flushing (amide) form s of B3 i.e (Niacin,Niacinamide) are equally good. B3 effects, if at all, take 2 years. NMN or NR takes days.
Now there is bio-availability caution. NAD+ is useful inside mitochondria. Getting it there is hard. First difficulty is stomach-blood barrier. Next is Liver barrier. Next is cell-wall barrier from blood. Finally is mitochondrial penetration. There is an extra hard barrier for me - blood-brain barrier to fix ageing error for me - pseudo-Pakinson essential tremor. Past each barrier penetrates a small amount, measure in single digit percent. As you can see, minuscule amounts 0.00000001  percent will reach! one can raise it enormously by eliminating first 2 barriers by directly getting it into blood. Sublingual is one (as heart med, under 5he tongue). I failed in that. Another is nasal spray. Much better is iv or injection. Requires convincing and cooperation of a doctor, even getting injection/iv product.


Injection/iv product is very hard to get.
Published experience says iv form of NAD+ is under a day, while NMN lasts a week. USA has a breed called bio-hackers who try things on themselves and often suffer. iv and injectiblke forms of Nad+ are not for sale. One can get them  as powder and make injection forms by sterile water.Very bad idea as clear from this hacker!

more methods

Watch these links, they reflect only two other independent kinown methods  not dependent on exclusion circuit. No other method is known, consistent with all known science, physics, chemistry, biology and evolution. Without mercy, such a method is a religious farce and from a criminal mind.

This independence is great - do all at once, since each is independent!



Parabiosis is surgical joining of two mammals such that their blood systems are joined. Tried successfully on two mice - one young and other old. The repairs in old were like young. Don't get nightmares as the effect survives plasma infusion. A bad idea if just extracting young blood without replacement. Exchanging blood worsens the young. Now what?

Escape from bio-criminal scientists of Nazi Germany is possible by undone experiment that likely will be done eventually by me!  Plasma add is well developed technique where the blood is drawn from a young but distilled to plasma and red blood cells. All the cells are immediately returned to Donor. This technique allows the recovery of donor twice as fast! The red-cell-sans plasma has all the benefits of whole blood! Serum banks in Delhi are made to donations from recovered covid infected. The plasma technique works for most diseases, was in act routinely used before antibiotics.



A telomere names the end of DNA like thin fluffy ends. There is progressive shortening on every rebirth of cell. After 30-40 doubling,the size becomes so small that cell wont double any more. The length of Telomere correlates well with bio-age of the species. It is governed by the chemical Telomerase.

Lengthening telomeres for humans correlates to lessening of methyl marks. This is another way developed even more than Sinclair ways. 

Lengthening fully makes cell immortal i.e. cancerous!
One of the largest studies to date on telomeres shed some light on telomeres’ effect on a person’s health. Researchers collected saliva samples and medical records of more than 100,000 participants. Their findings showed that shorter-than-average telomere length was associated with a boost in mortality risk — even after adjusting for lifestyle factors like smoking, alcohol consumption and education that are linked to telomere length.

It stands to reason that if science found a way to increase Telomerase production, telomeres would remain long, lengthening life spans and possibly reducing the risk of some diseases.

In fact, one 2010 study published in Nature performed on rodents seems to confirm that theory. Mice engineered to lack telomerase aged prematurely and became decrepit. But when the enzyme was replaced, they bounced back to health. By reawakening telomerase in human cells where it’s stopped working, normal human aging could be slowed. “This has implications for thinking about telomerase as a serious anti-aging intervention,” said Ronald DePinho, a cancer geneticist who led the study.

However, there are still serious doubts about whether reversing or slowing down aging via telomerase activity is the answer. Because while telomerase does lengthen telomeres, in humans with cancer, the enzyme helps existing tumors grow faster. At this stage, it doesn’t seem we know enough about safely harnessing telomerase to ensure that it works only to lengthen telomeres and doesn’t actually stimulate cancer. Somehow the DNA genome and epigenome lose methyl marks.


Sunday, August 16, 2020


alivebynature discount coupon 4292305
Aging products
pterostilbene better than resveratrol - more bioavailable from putting two methyl groups 200gm=1000gm of resveratrol
bad idea to qualFF nad+, must take in iv form, or nasal spray to bypass liver
nad+ and nmn do same thing - nmn becomes nad+, but nmn injections every week WHILE nad+ every day!
NO iv/injection products BUT atulji sister has agreed to help. Prefer nad+ way because it crosses into brain, will/must improve my parkinson-like shakes now quite bad. Important test for me,  will know after 6 months.
Some references

To be done

Tobe done, whenever

No one can speed me up