Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Epistemology or What is true versus belief

Latest https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Epistemology

Two concepts are belief and truth. A counter case to belief is considered a mistake, the counter case to truth causes a revolution.

It is central to all discussions – people who disagree on axioms cannot usefully discuss unless the differences are irrelevant Showing irrelevance of difference is far more potent healer than endless arguments on establishing an accuracy of some axioms over others.

A truth is a necessary infallibly justified belief. Necessity separates all accidently true belief.

A justification is in terms of lower truths, hence you have infinite regress problem of continuous why? One sane way is to stop at some foundation. Another is “by evolution from big bang, details not known”. Another is admitting cycles. Infinitism says ”Infinite but I stop here for practical grounds”. Or you can drive the quizzer crazy by going into infinite loop yourself. In foundherentism, you finesse between foundationalism and circularity.
  • A priori knowledge is a knowledge that is known independently of experience (that is, it is non-empirical, or arrived at beforehand, usually by reason). It will henceforth be acquired through anything that is independent to experience.
  • A posteriori knowledge is a knowledge that is known by experience (that is, it is empirical, or arrived at afterward).

There is a distinction between "analytic" and "synthetic" propositions. Some propositions are such that we can know them to be true just by understanding their meaning. For example consider, "My father's brother is my uncle." We can know it to be true solely by virtue of our understanding what its terms mean. Philosophers call such propositions "analytic." Synthetic propositions, on the other hand, have distinct subjects and predicates. An example would be, "My father's brother has black hair."
As a matter of aaquantum-stoicism, the following are rejected whenever cost-possible. They do increment belief.
  1. Tradition
  2. Actions of greats
  3. Advice of greats
  4. Rules devised by greats
  5. Unexperimentable history
  6. Respectable tomes
  7. Religions
  8. Interpretations of greats
Acceptable truth is
  1. deductive truths from accepted axioms
Conditional Belief, usable as truth, absent trustworthy counterexamples, is
  1. High-sigma statistical truth (Legal to conclude swans are white unless reliable testimony of black swan, disprove costs must be below threshold from theory by tolerable people)
Central epistemology of aaScience is rational scepticism RS within rational stoicism for cost reasons. The reason for statistical RS or rational stoicism is cost – time or otherwise – but RS is not applied fairly but by expected fraud as a private citizen. It requires non-discriminatory rules to reduce costs by a public citizen.

Healthier Increased Lifespan


Healthier Increased Lifespan

My collection. More will follow if enough +ve reviews, one char +/- ok but must!
Who lives longer?

The Rich Have More Of Everything -- Including Lifespan

when can you expect 150 year lifespan?

All will be helped. Longevity' Could Reach Billions In 2019 - And Is No Longer Just The Preserve of Billionaires

150 years - 'Extraordinary' Breakthroughs In Anti-Aging Research 'Will Happen Faster Than People Think'

Will you live longer if you come from a family who have lived long lives?
Researchers found that seven conditions were significantly less common for siblings in a long-lived family, than for similarly aged controls:
· Alzheimer's,
· Hip fracture,
· Diabetes,
· Depression,
· Prostate cancer,
· Heart failure,
· Chronic kidney disease.

Living too long

The current focus of medical research on increasing the quantity, rather than the quality, of life is damaging our health and harming the economy

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Claim on Proxima Centauri B

latest https://wordpress.com/post/arunkumararya.wordpress.com/560
When it comes to planets outside our solar system, astronomers realize they only know the properties of the planets they discover as well as they know the properties of the stars these planets orbit:http://go.nasa.gov/2cS9xWY
Image composition of ESO observatories
A planet, in a habitable zone, in the nearest star to earth, namely Proxima Centauri has been discovered bare 25 trillion miles away. The star is about 4 light-years away. Journey to it will require only 10-15 years in the 22-century ships. Hard but doable, within communication range of concrete achievement of my faster-than-light design of communicator, only gedankan today. In line with tradition, I call it Proxima Century b.

Hence I lay claim to its ownership, minerals, and sky wealth in the name of aaquantum-stoicism https://wordpress.com/post/arunkumararya.wordpress.com/333 or in


And wish the best to intrepid celestial space person who would make my dream come true.


Faster-than-light communication is possible using existing principles consistent with no-go theorems of quantum mechanics. This seeming impossibility is resolved by non-material information. No material object can go faster than light, Entanglement speeds are at least trillion feet per second, vastly greater than light. A famous no-go theorem says nothing material can signal at greater speeds than light since the spooky correlations can only make sense with respect to classically transmitted bits. So frustrated are the quantum physicist that says one, “The universe seems to like talking to itself faster than the speed of light,” said Physicist Steinberg. “I could understand a universe where nothing can go faster than light, but a universe where the internal workings operate faster than light, and yet we’re forbidden from ever making use of that at the macroscopic level — it’s very hard to understand.

To that I say - information in material form - yes, but information as a computed result - may go faster than light! When recursive Zeno games are played by two Mach-Zehnder interferometers instantiated from an entangled pair of particles, the same answer is delivered in two places, even a galaxy apart! Information, not dependent on materials, may be exchanged as a result of games on entangled particles!

The idea is simple enough. Particles are entangled. They are manipulated at the sender end so that games instantiated by them yield the answer of the bit to be sent. The receiver side computes the answer using entangled partners. The Principal problem is in the decay of entanglement over time! Mach-Zehnder interferometers are useful in that they can convert information into delays.


Faster than light – A gedanken experiment

It is so simple that I prefer to publish it in the hope that someone will point out my mistake, for the claim is biggest ever, communication faster than light.

When games are played by two Mach-Zehnder interferometers instantiated from an entangled pair of particles, the same answer is delivered in two places, even a galaxy apart! Information, not dependent on materials, may be exchanged as a result of games on entangled particles! The no-go theorems are well-proved and cannot be replaced by sane sci fi. They have to be side-stepped by encoding information non-materially.

The idea is simple enough. Particles are entangled. They are manipulated at the sender end so that games instantiated by them yield the answer of the bit to be sent. The receiver side computes the answer using entangled partners. The Principal problem is in the decay of entanglement over time! Mach-Zehnder interferometers are useful in that they can convert information into delays and or phase differences.

Following is a Mach-Zehnder Interferometer. Green is mirrors. Blue are half silvered mirrors.

Nothing reaches 2. Point is that i/2 light goes each way. The two paths to 2 suffer destructive interference while at 1 you get constructive interference. Now suppose you put s minute phase change before the first mirror. No interferences are complete and you can measure the phase properties by simple ratio of two intensities. Let us assume that phase 0 is 0, and 1 is 45 degree. AT sender, particles are introduced in bits order. One consequence is that right entangled particles are introduced by themselves at receiver end. The information is obtained from the ratio.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Super thesis

Every thing has changed ever since I discovered the magic way to change the paradigm of science itself! Remember that a paradigm shift makes the current greats irrelevant in the new world, with a disruptive change. Absent humour, what I say means irrelevance of current greats and new better science, called the 21st century science! What is different is the math - calculus is replaced by stochastic calculus - ito and stratonovich calculus. Apart from science, so will change economics and social science. Already it shows up in Finance as Black–Scholes model. Fundamental is time and stochastic integration. Surprisingly, normal quantum mechanics and economics are time free. Relativity is time based. The failure of unifying GR with QM in last 100 years, despite efforts of all the Nobel laureates including Einstein is due to time difference - time is not fundamental but a synthetic emergent concept without physical reality. Statistical time is from 2nd law of thermodynamics.

Gravity has gone through these paradigms - empirical (none). attraction of center of masses (newton), curvature of space (Einstein), thermodynamic (Verlinde).

Saturday, June 15, 2019

Conservative consolidation – I motivation

Why care - What is new in century 21

Movie from a from a single photo – tea with Mona Lisa


Historical argument

Really no different than past!


American madness

Any expenses by congress with a fiat currency means nothing!


HAPPY Birthday 2019

Sending you smiles for every moment of your special day…Have a wonderful time and a very happy birthday

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Aaquantum-Aging trick


As name implies, following is my thoughts, presented in hope of being useful and attracting criticism. All scholarly aaquantum-theories begin by epistemology i.e. who to believe and why. Masters abstracted are always subject to internal criticism and adding other statements may in fact cast doubts!

The masters I follow are Harvardian Dr. Sinclair and Ancient wizard Dr. Aubrey de Grey. Sinclair made enough money from red grape elements (likely no-greed), discovered aging in yeast and in rats (sirutins) and now selected by NASA for medical work on mars astronauts. Both use their thoughts on self and family. Grey was dept. head in oxford pre-retirement, has talked 20 years on aging, heads sens. He considers death as an unnecessary event. First is bio-chemist, second CS, likely not-slave to backward teaching.

Both have zero interest in extending age, only healthy part of life. Even if fail in extending life, following their prescription will at least extend healthy life. I will report on experiences too. Aging challenges science itself because one cannot wait for third party reports in a very dynamic area.

There is absolute distrust in me for the statement “I don’t know” from a doctor.  It is followed by internet search to view claimants and their belief systems. Fully discounted is glacial US legal system which still lives in  pregnant mothers safety! Very trustworthy are UK Cochrane reports and japan equivalent to fda.

Here is my experiences. Vitamin K2 is not even known to USA FDA. In MK-4 form, it is allowed in Japan. MK-7 is the better version! So I take K2/MK-7+_D3+Calcium+Mg for bone strength. Osteopenia and osteoporosis is common in developed and underdeveloped. In both elderly suffer kidney stones and arthritis. For bone strength people eat calcium and d3. But not K2! Can’t get enough K2 from diet unless you like rotting soybean! Lucky have K2-generating bacteria in stomach that make it from K1. Others miss k2! Why need it? To deposit calcium in bones! Deposit in arteries and veins is arthritis. In kidney are stones, even gall bladder. Right story – checked through doctors. But wrong to expect them to generate narrative, know re K2 etc..

At last my mother got sick with aggravated heart-like symptoms – doctor prescribed medicines basically K2, D3 and Ca with Mg. Six time more expensive, short duration, will happen again. I think escaped. Incidentally my teeth pain/cost has shrunk. Its all k2 magic!

I think two magics make wait for top doctor-advised regime later. One is energy add through nmn/nad+ but must be some right. Stupid to- eat nmn except sublingual, escape worry about side-effects or miss crossing brain-blood interface!

Other is the amazing power of garbage collecting senescent cells that manage to dodge apoptosis! It is essential to benefit from reduced count for organ-rejection, cancers and aging. Rapamycin and friends, but dangerous as depress immune system! Very complex supplement dosage!

Monday, May 27, 2019

Theoretical Genuine FTL to be experimented with


1.      It is known that entanglement is at least 10000 times faster than vacuum light! Bell violation extends over 12 hours!

Every one says my goals not possible. Here is why.

It is possible in regular QM. The no communication theorem applies if the shared states share semi-systems are modified by anything except entanglement! The state matrices in this case are expanding and contracting only!

.First mybelief is that quantum weirdness dissipates once wormholes are admitted astimeless connections (wlog (without loss of generality) even finite entanglement speeds greater than light ok) and travel to past requires exceeding entanglement speeds!

2.        Quantum tunneling is simply from evanescent waves. Simultaneous states are from wormhole connections. Entanglement is also so. Quantum-ness is from appreciable effects at quantum sizes, larger objects have exponentially reducing weirdness, till Schrodinger-cat macro objects having probabilities requiring wait-intervals vastly greater than known possible universe life!

Thus the region between light speeds and entanglement speeds is just Cerenkov radiation. Note that going from macro to micro has been answered without qualitative differences but nanotechnology is 21st century different.

Now consider a claimed post-light experiment that sends info-FTL. It is based on three facts

1.       Entanglement travels faster than light and extends no matter what the space distance.

2.       It is possible to detect if a state is entangled or not by local product information.

3.       Entanglement is only operation that does not kill entanglement with remote particle.

What it means is allowing the send of one bit per death! Consider an entanglement vector where each particle-vector is carried several light years away. Let us assume that the sites have synchronized clocks. At predetermined intervals, the states are viewed for entanglement. To send a binary message, wlog let us assume that to send a 1, the particle at send end is destroyed (apparent) and nothing done if zero. The ESD is apparent with multiple entanglement, as the remote join is preserved and can be restored with newer entanglement. Note that we do not require any quantum information capabilities at all. Clock synchronization but for reference frame relative speeds can be done by an event entangled bit that turns on to start the reading part.

ESD for natural causes requires redundancy but no new theory beyond classic.

The reason why it works faster than light is that I think the loss of entanglement information propagates at entanglement speeds, but may at light speed limit, hence needing an experiment!

Consider 4 light years away or even a spacecraft a few light hours away, what new things with faster than light communication possible, even if no mass or information can exceed light limit, maybe entanglement alone! For one, quantum teleportation becomes superluminal!

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Using no entanglement to communicate faster than light

In some sense, this is a climb-down. It follows because entanglement is not necessary! It requires nothing fancy to do better than 1 bit@liight-speed! If you capture an image in a telescope, you get lots of bit at once! If you focus at a spot and take the image MANY TIMES, THE SPEED OF INFORMATION CAN EXCEED LIGHT SPEED. If image is of bits, not any image, you are communicating faster than light. That is what is happening in entanglement write-up – entanglement makes it harder to see, and indeed the method is a different way to communicate. But not faster in any way.

Assuming entangle information takes zero time, imagine groups A and B distant by 4 light years. You can get the state of sending particles at once but not even fraction of a bit before 4 years. The pattern makes only sense after applying that image.

Once started, pipelining is possible.

So is earlier methods good for anything? Automatic delay-proof encryption! 

Does it mean that faster communication is dead? My work so far. I have no idea of how to do it, if at all, without sacrifice of entanglement proportional to the length of message but doing so attacks a theorem that it can’t be done. That is certainly Nobel Prize work i.e. highly unlikely to work except at high probability, which gets around the no-go theorem.

Monday, May 6, 2019

Using entanglement to communicate faster than light - image and sending

latest link

What does send mean with entanglement? Proper question after agreeing 1 bit faster than light send.

How is an image get sent so that all its bits are transmitted in parallel? Let us assume that many images are transported to communicate each other fast by pipeline. At the sender, we have the notion of each list of particles being updated based  on bit vectors, being prepared in parallel. The first bit is dedicated to signalling when the image-vector is ready by say 0, shortly changed to 1 and kept at 1 till the image is used again. The receiver reads the corresponding entangled bits by local entanglement in parallel. So a 00011010 is parsed (00)(01)(10)(10). If second 1 means previous right, then first bit is ignored, rest reads 000. Local entanglement is used to read values synchronously without losing any global entanglement and assuming that entangled particles have random values at some maximum rate slower than the cycling rate of lists! The bit vector read at sender is same as one sent.

The entangled bits are not required to be constant, only constant to a rate and can flip random slower. This is because we only report the particle being right or wrong, the values do not change before being read.

More complex protocols can achieve various error correcting codes.

Light is needed! Even though the constituents are entangled across space, IT IS THE IMAGE COMMUNICATED that determines the different orders. The image can be assembled in parallel, but is communicated only at light speed at most! If there are only 1 bit per image then light speed is the best possible!

Entanglement death ESD also suffers from rebirth and allows control. These complications is fertile ground for Entanglement engineers of the future and have no fundamentally impossibility implications.

Thursday, May 2, 2019

Using entanglement to communicate faster than light

latest version

Sent to many including great friend Lov Grover.

It is known that entanglement is at least 10000 times faster than vacuum light! Bell violation extends over 12 hours!

Every one says my goals not possible.

The intuition is as follows -

0. The problem is that once you modify by read or write, entanglement is lost

1. All changes due to relative velocities of source with destination and the estimation steps are straight forward. If used on ON-EARTH, EARTH-MARS AND EARTH-MOON - LINKS ARE MUCH SIMPLER being an astronomical problem. We assume single entanglement of, say spin, in what follows.

2. There are at least 3 entangled particles A & B & C per bit sent with values known at sender and receiver. Unread particles may be duplicated preserving entanglement in some cases. Some how initial entangled pair of atoms/photons are transported (under light-speed shipping) Then the entangled particles are locally duplicated so that handling losses are limited to sacrifices of three copies per bit.

3. One bit can be obtained from the 1st particle A. The experiment to determine its value destroys the local entanglement partner but value same at sender and receiver. It is either right or wrong wrt (with respect to) bit to be sent.

4. We never encode the value! Instead we encode whether the value of the first particle is right or not wrt the bit to be sent! If right, B is sent next.  If not, second is C and is sent.

5. This process will require many light steps. But we can simultaneously send many bits, making the average faster than light speed per bit. In fact, an image of 100,000 or more is collected and sent at once.

6. The 0, 1 values are replaced by recognition of which particle was sent done by value in second bit, obtained by experiment, hence destroys entanglement but of a copy.

7. The problem has been attempted many times by very smart people, so could be wrong. Why, I need to know!

8. Only experiments on local entangled copies need to be done, so the globally entangled bits can be reused. In fact, the only need for A arises to get its entangled instantaneous value, determines B and C values. That may be some random value. As many entangled bits per image, times 3, is what this proposal needs.

9. What is different? Rather than read or write, we use only relational expression!

10. Standard error-correction and boosting machinery can be used for entanglement death. Periodic under-light-speed update is necessary to refresh of dead particles beyond particles kept in storage.

Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Using entanglement to communicate faster than light

Intuition on why entanglement may permit communication faster than light

 Intuition on why entanglement may not permit communication faster than light.


A particle in entanglement shows correlated properties at the places where its entangled partners are, but any deliberate change in the state of particle causes it to lose entanglement! Any experimental determination of the state of particle destroys subsequent entanglement.

How else can one reuse entanglement ?

To keep things simple
1. Same is used to indicate removal of perfect correlation between entangled pairs
2. Setting up by some number of all 1's etc
3. New bits can be dynamically entangled. Initially some entangled bits transported slower than light.

Let us assume that it is somehow possible to detect if a particle is encrypted or not. One can make many copies of entangled particle, sacrificing one copy per bit whenever experimented, hence does photon had the right value. So a pair+ is sacrificed per bit - one to get the value and one+ repeatedly killed to state the correctness or not of the data bit!

Detection of entangled-or-not is done comparing a pair of  remote entangled photons, either same or not. This sacrifice can be done faster than light The killed pair result may be wrong, then correctness sent by another pair and so on. This sequence terminates as bad cases are halved every time! In the rare case of no verification in some m steps, all attempts fail and next bit of bitstream is used, as if repeat of this bit was made. So the encryption-sacrifice returns yes or maybe (chance <= 1/2^m).

Above is not practical as many steps require very fast computation and sequentiality.

How to make it practical

This algorithm is likely slow wrt light. But one can make very large number of copies to send in parallel!

Monday, April 15, 2019

Intuition on why wavelet quantum mechanics is better in many places

Usual QM is Fourier analysis in all places. Signal processing indicates there will be subtle differences. QM is correct about the frequency, but not the time of the wave when signal is changing where that frequency occurs! Following is instructive –

Both have similar time-free spectrum, thus being quantum undistinguishable. This does not happen with Morlet wavelet!

Sunday, April 14, 2019

Universe evolution

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WHY DO I CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING MY GREATEST ACHIEVEMENT SINCE NEAR DEATH 30 YEARS AGO? It is the final nail in the coffin of God, even God-of-the gaps! It shuts up the skeptic who asks, "but who lit the match at big bang"

The Cyclic Model of Turok was developed based on the three intuitive notions:
 • the big bang is not a beginning of time, but rather a transition to an earlier phase of evolution;
• the evolution of the universe is cyclic;
• the key events that shaped the large scale structure of the universe occurred during a phase of slow contraction before the bang, rather than a period of rapid expansion (inflation) after the bang.

This extends, believing that this edition will live on forever.

Like the master Darvin arguing for Life based on natural selection based evolution! More than all, only universe-evolution (falsifiable like molecular evolution). My belief is contraction/expansion at big bang the only way to evolve the universe - very slow but time may be infinite! Genius of Darwin was in enunciation of natural selection fundamental to evolution! Contraction/expansion allow natural selection of universes

There are two cosmogonic sets (explained) this article opposes, even while accepting scientific  cosmology - any-religion and all extant cosmogonies (science narratives of how universe came to be). Easy is dismissal of all religion-based cosmogonies on the principal of ignorance - pointless to argue with subanimals. Only allowed are those consistent with astronomy extended to cosmogonies.

Superiority to all extant cosmogonies follows from the very simple lack (must explain) of any physics principle without infinite regress! Where do ANY rules of our cosmos come from? Is that process consistent to every rule of cosmology, even those not yet understood! Every religion falls flat on their description of the universe - they are simply analysis of limited observations by excellent brains of the period - with no useful path-finding for scientists of the future! I set a possible disproof and am a path-finder!

Science is falsifiable , says great philosopher Popper. Next I define truths provably inaccessible to science. If true, these MUST extend science! They are true but provably impossible to test ! In my words, falsifiability is extended by sentences true in limits even not reachable.


uniting the very small and very large indirect proof of big bang

impossible physics 

NONE OF THE COSMOGENIES HAVE ANY IDEA OF genesis and applicability of the science principles! Mine is different in that rules is the starting point! It assumes infinite numbers of universes in the multiverse, each with origins infinitely earlier. Each universe has infinite number of expansions and contractions, each pair resulting in a subtly different universe in the idea of universe evolution! Each universe may or maynot have intelligent life in it. Our universe has a current epoch with a set of rules conducive to the production of intelligent life - us. It has all the science rules from the evolution - their must be a series of rules that show current rules as either dependent on other basicer rules.

There is a justification of adoption of history of rules. Each derivation is falsifiable from the previous. Not only my thinking provide a basis of work, it provides a path to new theories. Evolution of life on earth provides a wonderful collage of theories with multiple epoch - first Darwinian and in-progress extension to molecular evolution expressed as phylogenetics trees. This happens as DNA of any biology is codewords on 4 letters! One can measure distances in many ways, specially by incorporating molecular substitution costs.

This is a basically better (than darwinian) because a missing link need not exist between between near molecules that can be shown near by creating intermediates in a lab and then argue of the climates and earth state of any missing link animals.

Universe evolution is caused not by any God, but the amount of dark energy created between cycles.What happens at contraction? The information of the contracting part is lost through quantum particles and the universe contracts to a minimal size of the maximally dense material possible in space! After that, universe explodes again. New edition has different dark energy and primarily different in space related constants and time constants. All others have geometric relation to free constants that are reset. This is a falsifiable claim! In particular, it appears that Planck length, speed of light, Higgs constant and vacuum energy (dark) are reset.

Critical falsifiability says that all but space principles evolve as does Planck length and velocity of light. Note that smallest time is light in free space travelling Planck length.

Even Heisenberg uncertainty principle is simple uncertainty in all Fourier analysis in product of complementary variables! Complementary to position is velocity in position and time signal systems!
Trigonometric functions are BETTER done as Morlet wavelets in newer better Quantum theory being written! Superiority over usual QM is that Gabor analysis works even with spatial and time domains unlike Schrodinger equation only spatial (not even relativistic).

Why dark energy?

It is the energy of space. It does not dilute with expanding space! It is simply set at creation cycle event!

Why assume fluctuation?

Whether a universe expand forever or contracts, depends on dark energy! A universe lives on till it reaches a perpetually expanding edition.

Source of science rules?

Universal evolution. All needed for current epoch of universe is one series leading to us, or alternately limiting to no rules at all.

Each universe cycle must be very specific?

Not really! Whether a UE series makes sense or not depends on every term being different in dark energy, for all that happens in each cycle is calibration of the space.

What drives thinking so?

Error-correcting codes for quantum computers are already in quantum space! Quantum space is just space with quantum rules. Matter is just Higgs Boson-trapped photons! Real  vacuum is just space alive with quantum particles with fleeting matter and antagonists. This is due to creation of space at big bang point in every cycle. It need not be same in every universe iteration.

What is this cosmogony based on?

A discrete space-time leads to string theory or loop quantum gravity LQG.

A big bounce scenario is natural in LQG.

Bounce is the only Universe evolution method for science rules! It is the

No graviton or basic dark matter has been found. Verlinde imagines correctly  no such thing as dark-matter. His string theory thinking modifies galactic rotation curves correctly and Einstein bending of light around galaxies! I (minority) think Verlinde is right.

Gravity is not a quantum force, hence no graviton (never found)! It is not a product of big bang. Neither time or space is fundamental  (hence follows space-time as per Einstein) and follow from entropic gravity.

There is no dark energy either, it is vacuum quantum energy. Galaxies far away accelate away faster due to  QVE.

Why make the massive claim of new better cosmogony?

Only existing that explains science rules by universal evolution, eliminates dark energy and dark matter through Dr. Verlinde and explains quantum vacuum with natural quantum error-correction codes .

Last ref indicates why now is the earliest above could be written!

What is the falsifiability here?

Only universe evolutions which are different in space terms are correct. All other constants must be expressible in terms of geometry and varying space constants. Higgs value and vacuum strength are likely from space evolution. Any amount of universal fine tuning is likely.

Where are they?

It is sheer vanity to consider humans as only intelligent species. It is also unbreakable physics that makes a no go theorem of light speed. Wherever they are, they stay far away. NO travel faster than light speed is possible -  all mass things require infinite mass at light speed. Any normal information transfer is impossible by a no go theorem - intuition is simple even though entanglement is faster than light, two entangled objects share a state, but ANY unnatural effort at changing the state of one kills the entanglement!


It ia natural for us to consider everything space-like since it evolves. Thus idea of particles as creation time back holes is natural. Studied in some depth here. Only some are stable, others are created in very energetic collisions ans rapidly evaporate into photons. Black holes are distinct based on when created, stellar or creation time.

Using encryption to communicate faster than light

Impractical but doable.